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- 12:23 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 12:23 Hawke59#4989 joins the race.
- 12:24 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 12:25 Hawke59#4989 invites Markars#9224 to join the race.
- 12:25 Hawke59#4989 invites oldmanhaiku#9934 to join the race.
- 12:26 NilssonAlex92: Pfft... so many nerds in this place... and me (the biggest)
- 12:26 NilssonAlex92: good morning friends!
- 12:29 Hawke59: haha, I think us old rando nerds are the only ones here right now
- 12:29 Hawke59: these young guns don't even know
- 12:32 NilssonAlex92: lmao
- 12:32 NilssonAlex92: I don't need to join the raceroom right?
- 12:32 NilssonAlex92: since i'm not an active runner
- 12:33 Hawke59: correct
- 12:33 Hawke59: I just did so I can gatekeep
- 12:33 NilssonAlex92: Been like 3 years since I've been a mentor so kinda forgot how things was done lol
- 12:34 Hawke59: yea, this is my first year doing it, so I wasnt sure if I was even supposed to make the race room. But when I was a mentee, my mentors always did it
- 12:35 NilssonAlex92: lmao is there a mentor tourney on how to open a raceroom because I honestly never done it
- 12:35 Hawke59: hahaha
- 12:39 NilssonAlex92: these youngsters really like to sleep huh? lol
- 12:39 Hawke59: i kno rite?
- 12:40 Hawke59: KEKW
- 12:40 NilssonAlex92: Its fine, me and you can play against each other instead Kappa
- 12:41 Hawke59: oh noes
- 12:41 Hawke59: LUL
- 12:42 Hawke59: are you still active? I feel like I havent caught you racing recently
- 12:42 NilssonAlex92: Not super active these days, too many things going on IRL lmao
- 12:42 Hawke59: like are you in any tourneys right now and I just missed it
- 12:42 Hawke59: ah, yea, I feel that
- 12:43 NilssonAlex92: I'm only in the crosskeys tourney atm, will be my only one this year
- 12:43 NilssonAlex92: because, well, no league
- 12:43 Hawke59: right, sadge
- 12:43 NilssonAlex92: are you in any? I haven't seen you either it feels like
- 12:44 Hawke59: um, I did casboots, but didnt make it out of groups
- 12:44 Hawke59: did go 3-3 though, and had a tie breaker with Wombat
- 12:45 oldmanhaiku#9934 accepts an invitation to join.
- 12:45 NilssonAlex92: aaah! there is just so many tourneys to keep up with lol
- 12:45 Hawke59: right?
- 12:45 Hawke59: and I'm sure I will try to qual for Main
- 12:45 Hawke59: but probably wont and will do CC instead LUL
- 12:46 NilssonAlex92: Have there even been any like, announcements for Main?
- 12:46 Hawke59: nothing outside of the like vague - it will be fall 2024 announcement, when League announced the swap
- 12:47 Hawke59: also, hai Haiku ;)
- 12:47 NilssonAlex92: Hmm... so we don't know anything about modes, that's weird, we are halfway through July soon lol
- 12:48 Hawke59: yea, it seems late lol
- 12:48 NilssonAlex92: So where the hell is my mentee? KEKW
- 12:49 Hawke59: haha, he is your problem. Ive got mine lul
- 12:49 NilssonAlex92: smh...
- 12:49 NilssonAlex92: Hawke PLS
- 12:49 NilssonAlex92: lmao
- 12:54 NilssonAlex92: He's comin' lol
- 12:54 Markars#9224 accepts an invitation to join.
- 12:54 Markars: mornin folks
- 12:56 oldmanhaiku: lol look at me oblivious to the chat
- 12:56 Hawke59: ok, I'm gonna roll the seed here
- 12:56 Hawke59: so Haiku and Markars, watch what I do here:
- 12:57 Hawke59: !race casualboots
- 12:57 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 12:57 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 12:57 SahasrahBot:
- 12:57 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 12:58 oldmanhaiku#9934 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 13:00 NilssonAlex92: glhf!
- 13:02 Markars: gl hf!
- 13:02 Markars#9224 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 13:03 Hawke59: ok, Im gonna drop out here
- 13:03 Hawke59: GL HF
- 13:03 Hawke59#4989 quits the race.
- 13:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 13:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 14:47 Markars#9224 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:44:06!
- 14:47 Markars: gg
- 14:48 Hawke59: GG!
- 14:53 Hawke59: were climbing GT, be done shortly
- 14:53 Markars: aye aye!
- 14:55 NilssonAlex92: ggs
- 15:00 oldmanhaiku#9934 has forfeited from the race.
- 15:00 Race finished in 1:56:32.1
- 15:00 oldmanhaiku: gg
- 15:00 NilssonAlex92: gg Haiku!
- 15:00 Markars: ggs
- 15:02 Markars: i'm good for the next one whenever!
- 15:02 Hawke59: lets do a 15 min break?
- 15:02 Markars: solid
- 15:02 Hawke59: I'll make a new race room here in a few
- 15:03 Markars: thanks!
- 15:15 oldmanhaiku: oh what was in the blue chest?
- 15:16 oldmanhaiku: (not sure if you did that one but it's one i skipped)
- 03:03 Race result recorded by Lumaga#1843