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- 19:45 Acktheboker: HI
- 19:45 Acktheboker: jem come talk to me feelsbadman
- 19:47 Acktheboker: btw you guys wanna do a lm2 rando instead?
- 19:47 Acktheboker: theres a case to argue its enemizer
- 19:50 LockeColeLive: nah fuck la mulana 2
- 19:50 LockeColeLive: nah screw la mulana 2
- 19:51 LockeColeLive: i dont see my own messages
- 19:51 LockeColeLive: HELP
- 19:51 fantallis: can you see THIS
- 19:51 fantallis: imagine i added the middle finger emoji
- 19:51 LockeColeLive: ok refreshing helped
- 19:52 LockeColeLive: kind of helped
- 19:52 Acktheboker: cant see lockes messages at all
- 19:52 LockeColeLive: there we go
- 19:52 Acktheboker: i will assume by his silence he said yes to lm2
- 19:55 fantallis: hmm
- 19:55 fantallis: i can see them hence the sass
- 19:55 fantallis: i am going to assume he is dead and i can see ghosts
- 19:57 LockeColeLive: i vote ack to roll the seed and get us started
- 19:57 fearagent: who needs an override?
- 19:57 Jem: just started my delay because obs is dumb sorry
- 19:57 fearagent#3689 requests to join the race.
- 19:57 SahasrahBot accepts a request to join from fearagent#3689.
- 19:57 SahasrahBot promoted fearagent#3689 to race monitor.
- 19:58 fearagent#3689 sets a stream override for Jem#7684.
- 19:58 fearagent: no worries
- 19:58 Jem: tyty
- 19:58 fearagent: gl all sorry no restream
- 19:58 LockeColeLive: uhhh my stream just started so hopefully popping up soon
- 19:58 fearagent#3689 quits the race.
- 19:59 fantallis: well i shall roll this then
- 19:59 fantallis: !leaguerace
- 19:59 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 19:59 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 19:59 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in Discord. Please contact a League Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 19:59 Acktheboker: fear, jem doesnt like our voice channel
- 19:59 Acktheboker: you remove somebody from voice chat 69
- 19:59 Acktheboker: so we can get in
- 19:59 fearagent: what channel?
- 19:59 Acktheboker: ??
- 20:00 fearagent: there you go
- 20:00 Jem: thanks man
- 20:00 Jem: wouldn't have been able to focus
- 20:01 Acktheboker: lmao thanks
- 20:01 Acktheboker: book bombos potion bombos bombos
- 20:02 LockeColeLive: im ready for our bombos
- 20:02 LockeColeLive#8517 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 20:02 Acktheboker#3628 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:02 Jem#7684 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:02 Acktheboker: early flail whip/feather blessrng
- 20:03 fantallis: starting this
- 20:03 fantallis#2950 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:03 LockeColeLive: gl hf
- 20:03 fantallis: gl all!
- 20:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:33 Acktheboker#3628 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:29:37!
- 21:39 fantallis#2950 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:35:25!
- 21:39 LockeColeLive#8517 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:36:02!
- 21:45 Jem#7684 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:41:13!
- 21:45 Race finished in 1:41:13.4
- 21:45 Acktheboker: gg
- 21:45 LockeColeLive: GG's
- 21:45 fantallis: ggs
- 21:45 Jem: SOMEONE MATH OK
- 21:45 Jem: ggs
- 21:45 Acktheboker: yeah we lose?
- 21:45 LockeColeLive: yeah we need the math on this one
- 21:46 LockeColeLive: according to the co-op async sheety
- 21:46 LockeColeLive: we got a 1:35:44
- 21:46 LockeColeLive: you guys got a 1:35:25
- 21:47 Acktheboker: lmao sick
- 21:47 Acktheboker: gg
- 21:47 Jem: rip shadow amp Sadge
- 21:47 Acktheboker: jem tried dude
- 21:47 Jem: ggs guys
- 21:47 Acktheboker:
- 21:47 LockeColeLive: we got one more race
- 21:47 Jem: KEKW
- 21:47 Jem#7684 added a comment: ""
- 21:48 LockeColeLive: lmao nice
- 21:48 LockeColeLive: we also got mixed up for half magic here too
- 21:48 Acktheboker: we forgot about dark cross for a second
- 21:48 LockeColeLive#8517 added a comment: "mid race poops are bad ideas"
- 21:49 LockeColeLive: i was thinking about doing dark cross without a lamp
- 21:49 LockeColeLive: and im glad i didnt
- 21:49 fantallis: oh yeah no
- 21:49 fantallis: no thank you
- 21:49 Acktheboker: i tried doing it in the dark and swordless
- 21:49 Acktheboker: i got pretty far :)
- 21:49 Acktheboker: nice meme tho
- 21:49 Acktheboker: G_G
- 21:50 LockeColeLive: then you got to the chest and got destroyed im sure
- 21:50 Acktheboker: yeah i got wrecked in the dark room something fierce lmao