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- 17:50 Zaruvyen: FADkeys can still go wrong
- 17:51 Zaruvyen: Just ask Zeke vs SNT. Full cleared everything but TR short a key, and literally 3 go mode items including a TR key just sitting in TR.
- 17:51 Linkforce0: i see that 2k ractime score, but rando is rando
- 17:52 Linkforce0: check all i say
- 17:52 Zaruvyen: Ye, Racetime points don't matter
- 17:52 Zaruvyen: A 300 can beat a 3000 any day if the 3000 makes one wrong move
- 17:53 Linkforce0: off topic question: if you listen to music, do you focus more or less?
- 17:54 Linkforce0: Also who wants to roll the seed?
- 17:54 Zaruvyen: It depends on the mood and the music tbh
- 17:54 Zaruvyen: I can roll if you'd like! Though I did accidentally an aga seed as promised last time I did, aha
- 17:55 Linkforce0: sure, i will take my chances
- 17:55 Zaruvyen: We got our wish.
- 17:55 Linkforce0: OF COURSE
- 17:55 Zaruvyen: We BOTH got our wish. lol
- 17:56 Linkforce0: me and DR wanted a standard boots seed yesterday and we got it, it is like saha bot knows
- 17:56 Zaruvyen: Sentience.
- 17:56 Zaruvyen: He also knows when everyone's tired of Invrosia, because he keeps dishing it out for restreamed MT races lol
- 17:58 Linkforce0#0691 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:58 Zaruvyen: Hash: Pendant, Heart, Quack, Mushroom, Mountain Dew?
- 17:58 Linkforce0: mountain dew, sure
- 17:58 Zaruvyen: I mean, green goo works
- 17:59 Linkforce0: i know, yes that is same
- 17:59 Linkforce0: ready whenever i have to force start anyway
- 17:59 Zaruvyen: Alright friend. Good luck, but moreover, have fun
- 18:00 Linkforce0: GLHF, friend
- 18:00 Zaruvyen#7867 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:00 Linkforce0#0691 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:04 Linkforce0#0691 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:04:25!
- 20:05 Zaruvyen#7867 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:05 Race finished in 2:04:30.9
- 20:05 Zaruvyen: Well done.
- 20:05 Zaruvyen: I missed a CHUNK of major timesaves.
- 20:05 Linkforce0: what happened?
- 20:05 Zaruvyen: Died on EDM first trip, left TR and basically last located the Hookshot. Then went hard left in GT.
- 20:05 Linkforce0: dude you predicted the TR for this seed
- 20:05 Zaruvyen: Of course I did. lol
- 20:06 Linkforce0: i accidently S&Q in swamp while finishing it
- 20:06 Zaruvyen: Oh no.
- 20:06 Zaruvyen: I'm going to Arrghus when you finish, he's my last prize.
- 20:06 Linkforce0: I did so much go in dungeon that i cant finish
- 20:06 Zaruvyen: I just didn't believe in TR
- 20:06 Zaruvyen: I didn't want to go deeper with 2 keys when Book and Flute just scream "go to Mire/Desert area"
- 20:06 Linkforce0: you only had two keys
- 20:07 Linkforce0: i had all 3
- 20:07 Zaruvyen: So I found the last key on LSS and died inside thinking about how much time could be saved if you JUST go to TR.
- 20:07 Zaruvyen: I've lost two Hook on/behind Trinexx seeds now. lol
- 20:07 Linkforce0: wait so double dip swamp was required?
- 20:07 Zaruvyen: Logically, yes.
- 20:07 Zaruvyen: TR4 is in SP.
- 20:08 Zaruvyen: I got Flute AND Book and I said "Do I WANT to commit to the timeloss if there isn't a key here?" and said no. I don't. And the next check is a key.
- 20:08 Linkforce0: oh no
- 20:08 Zaruvyen: Anyone finishes 20 minutes faster if they just go. Instead I'm looking for TR3 and/or access to Mire.
- 20:08 Zaruvyen: And Hookshot.
- 20:08 Zaruvyen: Which is just there. lol
- 20:08 Linkforce0: did you find boots?
- 20:08 Zaruvyen: Nope! They don't exist, I assume
- 20:08 Linkforce0: neither did it
- 20:08 Zaruvyen: Probably somewhere silly like Swamp Big or Green Pendant
- 20:08 Linkforce0: I*
- 20:09 Linkforce0: BRO
- 20:09 Linkforce0: I FOUND BOOTs
- 20:09 Zaruvyen: Don't tell me.
- 20:09 Zaruvyen: LOL
- 20:09 Zaruvyen: They BETTER NOT BE.
- 20:09 Linkforce0: and the sprint shoes sleep again
- 20:09 Zaruvyen: Son of a GUN.
- 20:09 Zaruvyen: This seed is blessed. lol
- 20:09 Linkforce0: you rolled it
- 20:09 Linkforce0: hehehe
- 20:09 Zaruvyen: This is why I am not allowed to roll seeds.
- 20:10 Linkforce0: when did you get mirror?
- 20:10 Zaruvyen: Very early.
- 20:10 Linkforce0: because i got it after doing most of early DW
- 20:10 Zaruvyen: I died leaving Spiral Cave on my first trip up the mountain, prior to Kakariko.
- 20:11 Zaruvyen: Don't ask me what my opener was. It was spicy today. lol
- 20:11 Linkforce0: after getting mirror it was hard to route since i went past a lot of mirror checks
- 20:11 Zaruvyen: I did Sanc Houlihan to first two Eastern, then South Shore to Forest into Mountain. So I was up the mountain with 3 hearts.
- 20:12 Linkforce0: i had bow and eastern big before going to eastern so i liked putting off eastern
- 20:12 Linkforce0: but this seed was insane
- 20:13 Zaruvyen: It's such a slog
- 20:13 Linkforce0: no boots will do that
- 20:13 Zaruvyen: But I mean, every single trip up the mountain is the long way, too.
- 20:13 Zaruvyen: At no point did this feel like it was "fast".
- 20:13 Linkforce0: correct
- 20:14 Linkforce0: no flute for fast travel and no boots to run
- 20:14 Linkforce0: well GG again. thanks for the race and good luck in your matches with kefffka
- 20:14 Zaruvyen: Thank you! What do you have left? two with him?
- 20:15 Linkforce0: just one with him, saturday 13th
- 20:15 Zaruvyen: I get to try to get a game off him, with how we did today I'm quakin in my boots. lol
- 20:16 Linkforce0: good luck
- 20:18 Zaruvyen: Same! Go get it. <3
- 20:18 Zaruvyen#7867 added a comment.
- 16:15 Race result recorded by VortexofDoom#1756