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- 00:18 SahasrahBot: Tournament Controls:
- 00:18 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 00:18 SahasrahBot invites GFE#5633 to join the race.
- 00:18 SahasrahBot invites PlasmaKappa#2065 to join the race.
- 00:18 SahasrahBot: Welcome! Use the "Roll Tournament Seed" pinned above about 5 minutes before your race start. You do NOT need to wait for your setup helper to do this or start your race, they will appear later to setup the stream.
- 00:18 PedChicken: Use !avianart for AA seed rolling options. Use !avianroll if you know your preset.
- 00:18 BotOfMudora: Use !mudoraspoiler <avianart preset> <study_period_in_seconds> (default 900) to roll a spoiler seed. Use !mudoracancel to cancel an existing rolled seed.
- 00:19 PlasmaKappa#2065 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:41 GFE#5633 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:41 GFE: i don't know about this room name
- 00:42 PlasmaKappa: send help
- 00:44 wolflink0370: Good luck to you both... any MSU's to be made aware of?
- 00:45 PlasmaKappa: using AIM-MSU, on the list
- 00:46 GFE: i'll do dkc 1-3
- 00:47 GFE: also, if i have any random moments of pause/odd movement, it's likely because my 2nd monitor has been acting up lately, so just have that as a potential explanation if i stop shortly for no reason
- 00:47 wolflink0370: cool cool, I'll pass those along if setup doesn't check in here first.
- 00:47 wolflink0370: ooh that sucks GFE, hopefully it behaves
- 00:48 GFE: hopefully
- 00:48 GFE: just started my stream, so should be live soon
- 00:48 wolflink0370: I've been having a different issue... uhhh, what's the current scores for your teams by the by? 'XD
- 00:49 GFE: 12 pts for us at 4-2
- 00:49 PlasmaKappa: 6 pts, 2-4
- 00:49 wolflink0370: Appreciate that... uhhh yeah I haven't been able to access the league site at all this year 'XD
- 00:50 wolflink0370: It's an issue caused on my end that I haven't fully solved yet
- 00:55 GFE: alright, shall i?
- 00:55 PlasmaKappa: go ahead
- 00:55 GFE: !tournamentrace
- 00:55 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 00:55 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:55 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in both Discord and Please contact a Tournament Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 00:59 GFE: GL HF! Time for my first rando in 2 weeks. What could go wrong?
- 00:59 PlasmaKappa: glhfsh
- 00:59 PlasmaKappa#2065 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:00 GFE#5633 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:58 PlasmaKappa#2065 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:58:06!
- 02:59 GFE#5633 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:58:18!
- 02:59 Race finished in 1:58:18.8
- 02:59 GFE: dang
- 02:59 GFE: ggs
- 02:59 GFE: guess i shouldn't have fluffed top of tower
- 02:59 PlasmaKappa: ggs nice hundo seed
- 02:59 PlasmaKappa: was about to ask about that
- 02:59 GFE: also, probably lost approximately that amount of time to display issues at one point
- 02:59 PlasmaKappa: oh dear
- 02:59 GFE: but it wasn't much
- 03:00 GFE: so i don't know that it makes that difference
- 03:00 GFE: i dead last located sp small
- 03:00 PlasmaKappa: 2nd to ll podbk with a few other derps
- 03:00 GFE: see you in interview
- 03:14 GFE#5633 added a comment.