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- 00:28 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 00:28 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:28 SahasrahBot invites Scrubcasual#0138 to join the race.
- 00:28 SahasrahBot invites Hitaka#4997 to join the race.
- 00:28 SahasrahBot: Welcome. Use !tournamentrace (without any arguments) to roll your seed! This should be done about 5 minutes prior to the start of your race.
- 00:28 Scrubcasual#0138 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:35 Hitaka#4997 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:37 Scrubcasual: im planning on using an MSU
- 00:37 Scrubcasual: do you use in game audio?
- 00:41 Hitaka: Yeah I just use normal audio
- 00:42 Hitaka: It'll be good for restream use
- 00:42 Hitaka: If there is one
- 00:42 Scrubcasual: yeah we have a restream
- 00:42 Scrubcasual: 2
- 00:42 Scrubcasual: i think
- 00:42 Scrubcasual: SG2
- 00:42 Scrubcasual: but glad you have audio haha
- 00:42 Scrubcasual: i just get so bored of regular game audio after how long ive done this now lol
- 00:43 Hitaka: Understandable
- 00:46 TracieM: Scrubcasual, what are your pronouns?
- 00:46 TracieM: And is it ok if I call you Scrub?
- 00:47 Scrubcasual: hjaha yes please call me scrub
- 00:47 Scrubcasual: it will make me feel better when i make bad decisions :p
- 00:47 TracieM: and pronouns?
- 00:47 Scrubcasual: i dont use any particular pronouns, but to make it easier he/him are totally fine
- 00:47 TracieM: ok, cool thanks!
- 00:47 Hitaka: Hi Tracie :D
- 00:48 TracieM: Hey Hitaka!
- 00:53 Scrubcasual: ok yeah is restreamer in here yet?
- 00:53 madewokherd: yes hi
- 00:53 madewokherd: *setup volunteer
- 00:53 madewokherd: restreamer is a robot
- 00:54 Scrubcasual: oh lol true
- 00:54 Scrubcasual: just fyi im going to be using an MSU
- 00:54 Scrubcasual: hitaka said they will have in game audio though
- 00:54 madewokherd: yep I saw that, thanks
- 00:55 madewokherd: !tournamentrace
- 00:55 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 00:55 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:55 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in Discord. Please contact a Tournament Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 01:00 Hitaka#4997 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:00 TracieM: glhf!
- 01:00 Hitaka: glhf
- 01:00 Scrubcasual: is restream good with our overlays?
- 01:00 Scrubcasual: for us to start?
- 01:00 Hitaka: It's 10 minutes behind
- 01:00 Scrubcasual: yeah but if we start now and they arent ready, then in ten minutes when its supposed to start, they wont have it ready
- 01:00 madewokherd: I can't see those yet but yes you can start
- 01:00 Scrubcasual: ok
- 01:00 Scrubcasual: gl :)
- 01:01 Scrubcasual#0138 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:54 Hitaka#4997 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:53:36!
- 02:55 Scrubcasual: gg
- 02:55 Scrubcasual: aga 1 now
- 02:55 Hitaka: gg
- 02:55 Hitaka: Nice, close match
- 02:58 Scrubcasual#0138 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:57:39!
- 02:58 Race finished in 1:57:39.6
- 02:59 Scrubcasual: yeah. i like AD keys for that reason
- 02:59 Scrubcasual: genearlly most seeds are full clears lol
- 02:59 Scrubcasual: so the races tend to be closer imo
- 03:00 Hitaka: Yeah
- 03:01 Hitaka: Where was gold sword?
- 03:01 Scrubcasual: uhhh
- 03:01 Scrubcasual: ne was checkerboard cave
- 03:01 Scrubcasual: was my tempered
- 03:01 Hitaka: That was tempered for me
- 03:01 Scrubcasual: gold was mire
- 03:01 Scrubcasual: left side
- 03:01 Hitaka: Wait no check was MS for me
- 03:01 Hitaka: Mire was tempered
- 03:01 Scrubcasual: hmmm
- 03:01 Scrubcasual: i dont remember my first two swords LOL
- 03:01 Hitaka: Oh well someone in the interview will know lol
- 03:01 Scrubcasual: i have a terrible memory with seeds
- 03:01 Scrubcasual: i like zone out pretty hard
- 03:02 Hitaka: Yeah especially keys where there's so much more stuff
- 03:02 Hitaka: All over the place
- 03:02 Scrubcasual: haha yeah
- 03:02 Scrubcasual: thats generally why i dont like coop
- 03:02 Scrubcasual: because trying to remember something like ten minutes in the past to tell my teammate..
- 03:03 Scrubcasual: thats a no go for me
- 03:03 Hitaka: Yeah
- 03:03 Hitaka: Taking notes helps, if you remember to
- 03:21 Scrubcasual: ill see you in chat tomorrow prolly
- 03:21 Scrubcasual: oh wait i lied
- 03:22 Scrubcasual: i have a smash tournament tomorrow LUL
- 03:22 Scrubcasual: dont tell my partner D:
- 03:28 Hitaka: D:
- 03:29 Hitaka: bad teammate smh
- 14:38 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264