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- 15:17 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 15:17 Zeke Highwind#8371 joins the race.
- 15:17 Floyd#7530 joins the race.
- 15:18 Leaf: That said, someone else roll, we all know I'm banned from rolling anything ever.
- 15:18 Floyd: is this going to require streaming?
- 15:18 VortexofDoom#1756 joins the race.
- 15:18 VortexofDoom: If we're playing for points it will
- 15:19 VortexofDoom: could get an override if you don't mind being dq'd though
- 15:19 Leaf: if you'd rather not, I'll kill the points but the rest of us will still likely stream too
- 15:19 Floyd: it's fine, just need to know how much to set up
- 15:19 Leaf: either way
- 15:20 Floyd: i'm good to stream
- 15:20 Leaf: Aight.
- 15:20 Leaf: I'm not putting mine up until someone rolls the seed tho
- 15:20 RadicalSniper99#1245 joins the race.
- 15:21 Leaf: howdy.
- 15:21 Jesse_RS99: Hey
- 15:21 Jawsomesauce#4426 joins the race.
- 15:21 Jawsomesauce: fancy meeting you all here
- 15:21 Leaf: should I throw out a last call in discord?
- 15:22 Jawsomesauce: how long you think until go? 10? 15? 20?
- 15:22 Leaf: How long do you need and/or want?
- 15:22 Jesse_RS99: I'm still about 5-10 away from ready
- 15:22 Jawsomesauce: I dont need any, just telling twitter
- 15:23 Leaf: Well, there's our timing
- 15:23 Leaf: again tho: someone roll I'm not making us play a Zeke seed
- 15:24 Leaf: should be quickswaprace adkeys
- 15:24 Floyd: no one wants to be blamed it seems
- 15:24 Leaf: Alright then
- 15:24 Floyd: !quickswaprace adkeys
- 15:24 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 15:25 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 15:25 SahasrahBot:
- 15:25 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 15:25 Leaf: ok cool floyd saved us from me
- 15:29 shkoople: :( gl hf
- 15:30 VortexofDoom: HELLO
- 15:30 Leaf: Hello Shkoop
- 15:31 VortexofDoom#1756 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 15:31 Leaf: I will ready last
- 15:31 VortexofDoom#1756 is not ready. (5 remaining)
- 15:33 RadicalSniper99#1245 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 15:33 VortexofDoom#1756 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 15:33 VortexofDoom#1756 is not ready. (4 remaining)
- 15:34 Jawsomesauce: waiting for stream to catch up
- 15:35 Leaf: yep.
- 15:35 Leaf: You need an override?
- 15:35 VortexofDoom#1756 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 15:35 Jawsomesauce: nah should be good any second
- 15:35 Floyd#7530 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 15:35 Jawsomesauce: lol hold on I forgot to turn off delay, restarting stream
- 15:36 VortexofDoom: LUL
- 15:36 Leaf: lol
- 15:36 Leaf: That would do it.
- 15:36 Jawsomesauce: ok you can give me an override, I just hit stream
- 15:36 Zeke Highwind#8371 sets a stream override for Jawsomesauce#4426.
- 15:36 Leaf: Good Luck Have Fun Don't Die and may an aga key be in GT Big Chest.
- 15:36 Jesse_RS99: glhf
- 15:37 Jawsomesauce#4426 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:37 VortexofDoom: glhf
- 15:37 Zeke Highwind#8371 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:37 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:37 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:32 RadicalSniper99#1245 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:55:12!
- 17:37 Jawsomesauce#4426 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:00:21!
- 17:38 Floyd#7530 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:01:25!
- 17:42 RadicalSniper99#1245 added a comment: "185"
- 17:43 Jawsomesauce#4426 added a comment: "183"
- 17:44 Leaf: nice farm
- 17:47 Floyd: I liked that one
- 17:47 Jawsomesauce: we're in the 'chat for all' voice channel if you want to debrief
- 17:50 Leaf: i cant yet im running still
- 17:55 VortexofDoom#1756 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:18:14!
- 17:57 Zeke Highwind#8371 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:19:55!
- 17:57 Race finished in 2:19:55.5
- 17:57 VortexofDoom: ,comment 192
- 17:57 Leaf: ,etting credits fast forward real quick
- 17:58 Leaf: so I can cut stream and join discord
- 17:59 Zeke Highwind#8371 added a comment: "187"
- 01:46 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264