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- 21:17 Professor Renderer: So-
- 21:17 Deepfried87: ZOMBIE REN
- 21:17 Leaf: Oh no, a zombie bear.
- 21:17 Professor Renderer: Oh
- 21:17 JamesFnX: It is Easter after all
- 21:18 Leaf: James, that was last week
- 21:18 JamesFnX: oh
- 21:18 JamesFnX: right
- 21:18 Professor Renderer: Anyway, we do need two runners
- 21:18 Professor Renderer: For restream
- 21:18 Deepfried87: sure
- 21:18 JamesFnX: well, 10 days this time
- 21:18 Leaf: I volunteer
- 21:18 JamesFnX: I volunteer
- 21:18 VortexofDoom: I volunteer
- 21:18 KillerApp23#1596 joins the race.
- 21:18 Professor Renderer: Then ProPiece can decide which one will be on
- 21:20 sk00pula: Vol, if needed
- 21:20 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 21:20 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 21:20 SahasrahBot:
- 21:20 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 21:21 Deepfried87: my audio is clean if picked
- 21:21 Friendzie#7111 joins the race.
- 21:22 Leaf: shame we don't have a second tracker, right ren :3
- 21:22 Deepfried87#8531 is ready! (13 remaining)
- 21:23 Akuheish#5435 is ready! (12 remaining)
- 21:23 Zeke Highwind#8371 is ready! (11 remaining)
- 21:24 Zeke Highwind#8371 quits the race.
- 21:24 Leaf: Just had a power flicker, yikes
- 21:24 Leaf: glad I didn't get grabbed with that o.o
- 21:24 Deepfried87: oof
- 21:24 linktothepastken is ready! (10 remaining)
- 21:24 TorinnTheDragon is ready! (9 remaining)
- 21:25 ShinDigPig#3475 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 21:26 TorinnTheDragon: going ahead and say goodluck and have fun
- 21:26 JamesFnX#9072 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 21:26 Deepfried87: glhf!
- 21:26 TorinnTheDragon: see you after this is done :3
- 21:26 KillerApp23#1596 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 21:28 NiobiumNarwhal: glhf
- 21:28 JamesFnX: gl gl
- 21:28 KillerApp23: gl
- 21:28 Friendzie#7111 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 21:28 TheBenJammin#7468 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 21:28 NiobiumNarwhal#0603 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 21:29 Akuheish: glhf find your ultimate gear
- 21:29 sk00pula: i'm comin i swear
- 21:30 VortexofDoom#1756 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:31 VortexofDoom#1756 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 21:31 VortexofDoom#1756 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:32 TorinnTheDragon: hmmm?
- 21:32 TorinnTheDragon: is everything alright?
- 21:33 linktothepastken: what we waitn for
- 21:33 TorinnTheDragon: thinking they are still setting up restream stuff i believe
- 21:34 sk00pula: had the wrong thing, i didn't see you picked me, sorry
- 21:34 sk00pula#7804 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:34 VortexofDoom: man now we're all gonna have to go 4m faster to finish at the same time
- 21:34 VortexofDoom: glhf
- 21:34 JamesFnX: lmao
- 21:34 JamesFnX: gl gl
- 21:34 ProPiece#5312 quits the race.
- 21:34 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:34 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:10 KillerApp23#1596 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:36:18!
- 23:12 Akuheish#5435 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:37:41!
- 23:12 JamesFnX#9072 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:38:01!
- 23:15 VortexofDoom#1756 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:40:31!
- 23:20 KillerApp23#1596 added a comment.
- 23:20 Deepfried87#8531 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:46:09!
- 23:21 Akuheish#5435 added a comment.
- 23:21 Friendzie#7111 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:47:11!
- 23:22 Friendzie#7111 added a comment.
- 23:27 sk00pula#7804 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:52:33!
- 23:27 VortexofDoom#1756 added a comment.
- 23:27 sk00pula#7804 added a comment.
- 23:31 TheBenJammin#7468 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:56:27!
- 23:34 TorinnTheDragon has finished in 9th place with a time of 2:00:01!
- 23:35 TorinnTheDragon added a comment.
- 23:36 TheBenJammin#7468 added a comment.
- 23:46 ShinDigPig#3475 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:11:30!
- 23:53 linktothepastken has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:18:38!
- 23:54 ShinDigPig#3475 added a comment.
- 00:02 linktothepastken added a comment.
- 00:31 NiobiumNarwhal#0603 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:56:42!
- 00:31 Race finished in 2:56:42.7
- 01:31 NiobiumNarwhal#0603 added a comment.
- 16:08 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264