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- 18:58 smercjd: it also means you don't lose points too :)
- 18:58 smercjd: so you can clown as much as you want today <3
- 18:58 Jaxxy: That too.
- 18:58 NugzGG: smerc with the fire
- 18:58 Nira Lightshine: *Stares at my N/A* I don't think that applies lol
- 18:58 Jaxxy: Do the clown route.
- 18:58 smercjd: no fire :O
- 18:58 Hyruler: Or forfeit after clowning too much kekw
- 18:58 smercjd: lol
- 18:58 Jaxxy: Do allllll the clowning XD.
- 18:58 smercjd: nobody go to kak
- 18:58 surge: fine ill do this race and not the 3pm ladder :-)
- 18:58 Nira Lightshine: Watch me pull off the win doubt it but watch it happen lol
- 18:58 smercjd: if you can't finish the seed without kak, it's not worth going to
- 18:58 Pytlovan: Clowning is the strat everytime, even with recorded races XD
- 18:59 surge#5742 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:59 Jaxxy: I'll play this seed asynchronously.
- 18:59 Matkap#5663 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:59 Jaxxy: Because why the heck not.
- 18:59 Shinmaru: glhf everyone
- 18:59 Hyruler: One sec
- 18:59 Reading: gl hf
- 18:59 Nira Lightshine: I'e been playing wow for 40 minutes almost lol
- 18:59 Hyruler: glhf
- 18:59 Hyruler#8325 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:59 Rafa: glhf
- 18:59 Kaede Rukawa: hf
- 18:59 Pytlovan: glhf!
- 18:59 Nira Lightshine: so msot of my stream has been mount farming lol
- 18:59 Akuheish: glhf find your ultimate gear
- 18:59 Nira Lightshine: Please don't have my swords be in GT again
- 19:00 Rafa: hobo pls
- 19:00 Jaxxy: Alright everyone, good luck, have fun, let's do this!
- 19:00 Jaxxy#3066 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:00 Matkap: gl hf
- 19:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:34 smercjd#0528 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:50 Kaede Rukawa#4676 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:50:39!
- 20:51 Kaede Rukawa#4676 added a comment.
- 20:52 Hyruler#8325 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:51:42!
- 20:52 Matkap#5663 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:51:42!
- 20:55 Pytlovan#0298 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:55:21!
- 20:55 Akuma17#3325 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:55:37!
- 20:57 Pytlovan#0298 added a comment.
- 20:58 Shinmaru#3292 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:57:49!
- 20:58 surge#5742 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:58:34!
- 20:59 surge#5742 added a comment.
- 21:04 Akuheish#5435 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:04:35!
- 21:05 sandres316#1736 has finished in 9th place with a time of 2:05:20!
- 21:05 Shinmaru#3292 added a comment.
- 21:06 Akuheish#5435 added a comment.
- 21:06 Reading#2522 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:06:06!
- 21:06 Reading#2522 added a comment.
- 21:08 sandres316#1736 added a comment.
- 21:15 Garrek#6254 has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:15:25!
- 21:15 Garrek#6254 has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:15:25!
- 21:17 Garrek#6254 added a comment.
- 21:21 Nira Lightshine#8739 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:21 Race finished in 2:21:06.4
- 21:21 Akuheish: GGs everyone
- 21:22 Rafa: GGs!
- 21:22 Pytlovan: GG's
- 21:22 Hyruler: GG
- 21:22 Hyruler: Hilarious seed
- 21:22 Nira Lightshine: I just ragequit
- 21:22 Akuheish: i feel that nira
- 21:23 Rafa: imagine check ped
- 21:23 Nira Lightshine: Also in answer to EP?
- 21:23 Akuheish: blind pull, only way
- 21:23 Nira Lightshine: I did check all 3
- 21:23 Rafa: I went last location xD
- 21:23 Hyruler: I almost went into swamp. Glad I checked ped first
- 21:23 surge: what in gods name
- 21:23 surge: 3 items in ep
- 21:23 Akuheish: typically when i enter a pendant dungeon i get all items in front of the boss
- 21:23 surge: anyone get all 3 in one go?
- 21:23 Nira Lightshine: I almost left when I saw cape on ped
- 21:23 Rafa: yep
- 21:23 Nira Lightshine: I did
- 21:24 sandres316: horrible seed
- 21:24 Akuheish: ^
- 21:24 Nira Lightshine: I also was getting hungry
- 21:24 Nira Lightshine: hats why I quit
- 21:24 surge: i blind pulled ped
- 21:25 surge: and did ip and then swamp
- 21:25 Akuheish: where the things were, i double dipped a lot of things and areas
- 21:26 Akuheish: also died to moth twice before the win
- 21:26 surge: i double dipped pod and ep only
- 21:27 surge: just to put this in perspective kaedes note says "Double deep TR,Mire,Hera, and EP.Skipped early EP. Worst seed ever" and he still came in first after a full clear of everything else
- 21:28 Shinmaru: I got all three EP items in one go because I last located Eastern area LOL
- 21:28 Shinmaru: I was feeling nice after doing south shore over kak and then i was never happy ever again
- 21:33 surge: lol no one was happy after doing south shore
- 21:33 surge: good i screamed bloody hell when i blind pulled ped for cape
- 21:33 surge: god*