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- 15:55 ph112358: just getting set up. hope your weekend has been good!
- 15:59 MalXantholos: Hey
- 15:59 ph112358: i'm happy to play whichever mode you'd like, btw
- 16:00 MalXantholos: well, i'm a huge fan of normal inverted, so let's do that^^
- 16:00 ph112358: sounds like a plan
- 16:00 MalXantholos: well, inverted+sword
- 16:00 MalXantholos: shall i roll?
- 16:00 ph112358: yep, sounds great
- 16:00 MalXantholos: !race pichu10u/inverted_sword
- 16:00 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 16:00 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 16:00 SahasrahBot:
- 16:00 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 16:02 MalXantholos: okay, i'm ready to go
- 16:02 MalXantholos: gl hf^^
- 16:02 MalXantholos#6990 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:02 ph112358: ok 2 seconds, grabbing seed
- 16:02 ph112358: this should be fun, nice low-stakes race :)
- 16:02 MalXantholos: yeah, indeed
- 16:02 MalXantholos: nice after this whole main tourney nonsense^^
- 16:03 ph112358: hahahah exactly
- 16:03 MalXantholos: and the modes here are way more fun
- 16:03 ph112358: ok got it, will ready up in a cpl seconds, ty in advance for the race!
- 16:04 ph112358: haha yeah totally agree
- 16:04 ph112358: glhfxoxo
- 16:04 MalXantholos: glgl^^
- 16:04 ph112358#7424 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 16:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:28 ph112358#7424 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:23:54!
- 17:28 ph112358#7424 landed a new personal best time for "Beat the game - Tournament (Solo)"!
- 17:28 MalXantholos: gg
- 17:28 MalXantholos#6990 has forfeited from the race.
- 17:28 Race finished in 1:24:26.2
- 17:29 ph112358: yo gg
- 17:29 ph112358: no boots :(
- 17:29 MalXantholos: just visited lanmo2
- 17:29 MalXantholos: yeah
- 17:29 MalXantholos: me neither
- 17:29 MalXantholos: man, this seed would have had such an amazing god route
- 17:29 ph112358: seriously
- 17:29 MalXantholos: and i dodged that god route so hard
- 17:30 ph112358: i had a pretty good route through most of it, i think you did way more than i did
- 17:30 MalXantholos: i even did hammerless IP xD
- 17:30 ph112358: ugh dang that's painful
- 17:30 MalXantholos: got kind of into a bad headspace after that happened:
- 17:30 MalXantholos:
- 17:31 ph112358: oh nooooo
- 17:31 MalXantholos: i should have just killed that thing xD
- 17:31 MalXantholos: but yeah, i didn't
- 17:31 ph112358: yeah i tried lampless ct and died so i was really worried i was like 5 min behind the whole way
- 17:31 MalXantholos: oof, yeah
- 17:31 MalXantholos: i can see that
- 17:32 MalXantholos: so i guess you also avoided the POD dip?
- 17:32 ph112358: no, i did it
- 17:32 MalXantholos: oh wow
- 17:32 MalXantholos: ahh, so you went there before TT?
- 17:32 ph112358: went into pod after i died
- 17:32 MalXantholos: ahh, okay
- 17:32 MalXantholos: so you had bow go mode then?
- 17:32 ph112358: yes
- 17:32 MalXantholos: gotcha
- 17:32 MalXantholos: for me it was ice rod
- 17:33 ph112358: ohhhhh
- 17:33 MalXantholos: yeah
- 17:33 MalXantholos: but it was kinda on the way at least
- 17:33 MalXantholos: but i gambled left side swamp, i was pretty sure i wouldn't play it in a normal situation
- 17:34 ph112358: oh yeah that makes sense, yeah, i was in go after bombable wall
- 17:34 MalXantholos: but yeah, starting with south shore into desert area after aga would have been so huge
- 17:34 ph112358: 100%
- 17:35 ph112358: i got there semi-fast, did it before some of the north lw checks
- 17:35 MalXantholos: i did all of them
- 17:35 ph112358: i also just gambled no zora after the death
- 17:35 MalXantholos: and when they had nothing i just panicked and went to ice
- 17:35 ph112358: that makes sense
- 17:35 MalXantholos: kinda, yeah
- 17:36 ph112358: i get it though, we both probably felt really bad most of the seed
- 17:36 MalXantholos: but finding everything for go mode right afterwards felt not awesome :D
- 17:36 ph112358: i was checking the raceroom basically every cpl minutes once i got into eastern
- 17:36 MalXantholos: yeah, absolutly
- 17:36 MalXantholos: i was waiting for you to finish for the last 3 crystalls i got xD
- 17:37 MalXantholos: then, when i had the GT big key and the race still wasn't over i knew that somehting bad happened to you too
- 17:37 ph112358: yea same
- 17:37 ph112358: lol
- 17:37 MalXantholos: :D
- 17:37 ph112358: i was like "well maybe he went into ice or was super late to desert"
- 17:37 MalXantholos: both of which are correct xD
- 17:37 MalXantholos: did you get the silvers btw?
- 17:41 ph112358: i did haha
- 17:41 ph112358: was hoping for boots
- 17:43 ph112358: anyway thank you again for all the races, it's been really fun :)
- 17:43 ph112358: hopefully we can meet in the bracket also
- 17:52 MalXantholos: yeah, that would be fun indeed, thanks too, i wish you a nice bracket stage and yeah, who knows^^
- 22:32 Race result recorded by Pichu10u#1515