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- 19:20 Telethar: true
- 19:20 Telethar: that is good
- 19:23 Telethar: ok\
- 19:23 Telethar: I am very cold now but have eaten my fruit
- 19:24 Jem: it's ok I am also a little cold
- 19:24 Jem: but if I turn on the radiator now it'll heat too much during the race
- 19:24 Jem: !mudoraspoiler nogtboots/keysanity
- 19:24 BotOfMudora: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact clearmouse.
- 19:25 BotOfMudora updated the race information.
- 19:25 BotOfMudora:
- 19:25 BotOfMudora: The spoiler log for this race will be sent after the race begins in this room. A 900s countdown timer at that time will begin.
- 19:28 Jem#7684 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:28 Jem: glhf
- 19:29 Jem: a shame that eri and humby bailed on us
- 19:29 Telethar: yes
- 19:29 Telethar: though very expected
- 19:29 Jem: expectedly disappointing behavior
- 19:30 Telethar: 1 min
- 19:31 Telethar#1077 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:31 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:31 Telethar: glhf
- 19:31 Jem: glhf
- 19:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:31 BotOfMudora: Sending spoiler log...
- 19:31 BotOfMudora: ---------------
- 19:31 BotOfMudora: This race's spoiler log:
- 19:31 BotOfMudora: ---------------
- 19:31 BotOfMudora: GLHF! :PetTheMudora:
- 19:31 BotOfMudora: 15 minute(s), 0 seconds remain!
- 19:36 BotOfMudora: 10 minute(s), 0 seconds remain!
- 19:41 BotOfMudora: 5 minute(s), 0 seconds remain!
- 19:44 BotOfMudora: 2 minute(s), 0 seconds remain!
- 19:45 BotOfMudora: 1 minute(s), 0 seconds remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 30 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 10 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 9 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 8 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 7 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 6 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 5 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 4 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 3 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 2 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: 1 second(s) remain!
- 19:46 BotOfMudora: Log study has finished. Begin racing!
- 20:36 Telethar: why aren't you done
- 20:36 Telethar: did you die to ganon
- 20:36 Jem#7684 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:05:09!
- 20:36 Jem: yes :)
- 20:36 Telethar: lol
- 20:38 Telethar#1077 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:06:44!
- 20:38 Race finished in 1:06:44.4
- 20:38 BotOfMudora: In case you missed the blind pun: Zelda's fashion is very chic
- 20:38 Jem: gg
- 20:38 Telethar: gg
- 20:38 Telethar: I made some routing mistakes
- 20:38 Telethar: but then had to fairy revive moth because doors conveyer and tilted lol
- 20:38 Jem: it's ok I used my fairy too
- 20:38 Jem: when trying to flute with mosaic
- 20:39 Telethar: I missed the pod key in TT
- 20:39 Jem: for some reason it was blue
- 20:39 Telethar: so I got the one from back of escape
- 20:39 Jem: oh no
- 20:39 Telethar: and so I did swamp fully mosaic'd
- 20:39 Jem: yeah that's pretty big time loss
- 20:39 Telethar: and lost infinity time
- 20:39 Jem: I only did purple chest
- 20:39 Jem: with mosaic
- 20:39 Jem: all it cost me was a fairy
- 20:39 Telethar: but you fluted it down right?
- 20:40 Jem: yeah
- 20:40 Telethar: yeah I ran down after TT
- 20:40 Telethar: because I did back of escape -> pod -> tt -> purple chest -> swamp
- 20:40 Jem: running down is good if you do swamp
- 20:40 Jem: so the time loss there was back of escape
- 20:40 Jem: not running it down
- 20:40 Telethar: I think it's still faster to flute to 4
- 20:40 Telethar: and re-enter
- 20:41 Jem: nah it was like even to run from dig game
- 20:41 Jem: so if you bring the chest that's got to be better
- 20:41 Telethar: I don't think so?
- 20:41 Telethar: like it's probably faster to just flute to 7 and turn it in and then flute to 4 tbh
- 20:42 Jem: surely you run from purple chest guy
- 20:42 Jem: but also doubt
- 20:42 Telethar: you have to lift heavy rock to get out
- 20:42 Jem: it's probably pretty close though
- 20:42 Telethar: run all the way down
- 20:42 Telethar: lift second heavy rock
- 20:42 Telethar: mirror from purple chest guy, go back into dw, then go right
- 20:42 Telethar: it's a lot of running idk
- 20:43 Jem: just don't purple chest glitch and mirror on swamp screen
- 20:43 Telethar: hmm
- 20:43 Jem: there's plenty of hookshottable targets to dash with
- 22:54 Race result recorded by Gammachuu#1618