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- 11:27 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 11:27 SahasrahBot invites Telmiran#6188 to join the race.
- 11:27 SahasrahBot invites smercjd#0528 to join the race.
- 11:27 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 11:34 Telmiran#6188 accepts an invitation to join.
- 11:35 Telmiran: lets use this one
- 11:40 smercjd#0528 accepts an invitation to join.
- 11:40 smercjd: ok sounds good ;)
- 11:40 Telmiran: How are you doing today Smerc?
- 11:41 smercjd: still sick - been sick for a week QQ
- 11:41 smercjd: but otherwise I'm good :)
- 11:41 Telmiran: oh no :( Cold?
- 11:41 smercjd: and how are you?
- 11:41 smercjd: yeah something like that - bad sinus infection I think
- 11:41 smercjd: but I got decent amount of rest/sleep last night (babies were nice)
- 11:41 Telmiran: I was sick last week but still feeling it, super tired and low energy and all. But otherwise I'm alright :)
- 11:41 Telmiran: thats good :) How are they doing? :)
- 11:41 smercjd: these viruses going around man - so tired of it
- 11:42 smercjd: they're doing great! Catherine started walking recently! :O
- 11:42 smercjd: so naturally we're terrified xD
- 11:42 Telmiran: hahah
- 11:42 Telmiran: time to put rubberbands on every corner
- 11:43 smercjd: right?!
- 11:43 smercjd: going to go ahead and start stream with delay so it'll be ready to go
- 11:43 Telmiran: yea, I'll start it up as well
- 11:43 Telmiran: you can do the rolling :)
- 11:43 smercjd: oh snap you want me to :O ok
- 11:43 smercjd: so they added !race to the adkeys now right?
- 11:44 Telmiran: hmm
- 11:44 Telmiran: I can doublecheck
- 11:44 smercjd: I'm going to use what we pinned that you posted
- 11:44 Telmiran: there was a updated one, not sure that one got pinned
- 11:44 Telmiran: dont remember what changed either :D but yea, one of those should be fine
- 11:44 smercjd: if it's the same then it's no big deal
- 11:45 Telmiran: its prolly just "adkeysboots" or something
- 11:46 smercjd: ok, I think I'm mostly set up with exception of the seed - so gonna grab a quick smoke then roll when I get back :)
- 11:46 Telmiran: do it, I'll go to the bathroom etc
- 11:51 smercjd: alright I'm back :)
- 11:51 smercjd: here goes
- 11:51 smercjd: !race adkeys_boots
- 11:51 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 11:51 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 11:51 SahasrahBot:
- 11:51 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 11:53 smercjd: Alright Telmiran - have so much fun and good luck! HashHeart
- 11:53 smercjd#0528 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 11:59 Telmiran: ok, Im good to go, you ready? :)
- 11:59 smercjd: yup
- 11:59 Telmiran: glhf! :)
- 11:59 Telmiran#6188 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 11:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 11:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 13:43 smercjd#0528 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:43:15!
- 13:43 smercjd#0528 bagged a new personal best time for "Beat the game - Tournament (Solo)"!
- 13:43 Telmiran#6188 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:43:57!
- 13:43 Race finished in 1:43:57.4
- 13:43 Race finished in 1:43:57.4
- 13:44 Telmiran: ggs
- 13:45 smercjd: ggs
- 13:45 smercjd: omg that was close!
- 13:45 smercjd: 40s
- 13:45 Telmiran: yea, real close one :)
- 13:46 smercjd: There were many things at the end there in the SPsk hunt where I was like - maybe I'll do this first and any of those things would've changed the outcome
- 13:46 smercjd: GGs again Telmiran -
- 13:47 smercjd: We'll figure out a time for the next race - probably crosshunt unless did you stop liking entrance?
- 13:47 smercjd: I miss playing entrance with you and the Nordic crew <3
- 13:47 Telmiran: next choice of game is totally up to you, I wont influence it :D
- 13:47 smercjd: so that's probably what it'll be ^_^
- 13:47 Telmiran: but yea, we'll talk about date and time :)
- 13:47 Telmiran: ggs again!
- 13:47 smercjd: sounds good, later friend <3
- 23:03 Race result recorded by Laoria#3232