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- 16:14 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 16:31 YEAHBUDDY0#7855 invites Roach#8759 to join the race.
- 16:32 Roach#8759 accepts an invitation to join.
- 16:33 Roach: i just manually joined it.. and had accept invite button up and ready
- 16:33 Roach: Join race yourself, so shows as part of race :p
- 16:33 YEAHBUDDY0#7855 joins the race.
- 16:34 Roach: Did a little bit of research on you.... ( i do like 10min researchon all opponents )
- 16:34 YEAHBUDDY0: lol, not much i guess
- 16:34 YEAHBUDDY0: my bad, not much info out there
- 16:34 Roach: your race times, skimmed through some qualifiers.
- 16:35 Roach: your choice of Sprite... I know your true identity now, BATMAN!
- 16:36 YEAHBUDDY0: nananananananananananana batman
- 16:38 Roach: watching my buddy DukefireBird's race right now while waiting to kill time
- 16:42 Roach: dumb question, but to confirm, 10min delay?
- 16:45 YEAHBUDDY0: yep
- 16:46 YEAHBUDDY0: only 15 second countdown after we are ready
- 16:48 Roach: delay countdown started, bathroom Check, lunch check, drink on hand Check! tracker Check!
- 16:48 Roach: alright... in 6m30s i be ready to do this!
- 16:48 YEAHBUDDY0: how does your schedule look for the next 2 races? I can squeeze one more in today. I should be available at 8PM Central time for the rest of the week.
- 16:49 YEAHBUDDY0: *8pm eastern time, my bad
- 16:49 Roach: 8pm?
- 16:50 YEAHBUDDY0: for the 2nd race?
- 16:50 Roach: I should be free tuesday night.
- 16:51 Roach: sorry didnt read your first message about scheduling for 2nd race.. and just saw the *8pm eastern time, my bad.. and read that line first
- 16:51 YEAHBUDDY0: cool, i can send time/request info over discord for that
- 16:51 Roach: im not free tonight.
- 16:51 YEAHBUDDY0: no problem
- 16:51 Roach: so.. would 9pm Tuesday Eastern work for ya?
- 16:51 YEAHBUDDY0: yeah
- 16:51 Roach: schedule it real quick then if you want :)
- 16:51 YEAHBUDDY0: i can do that
- 16:52 Roach: Mondays are Gloomhaven campaign my friend has running, and Wednesday is our boardgame night :p
- 16:53 Roach: oh Sahabot, where art thou!
- 16:54 YEAHBUDDY0: !quickswaprace standard
- 16:54 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 16:54 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 16:54 SahasrahBot:
- 16:54 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 16:54 Roach: oh hi sahabot!
- 16:56 YEAHBUDDY0: my hash looks good, ill ready in a minute or two
- 16:56 Roach: i ready whenever
- 16:57 Roach: just waiting, till you say you physically are before hit button..
- 16:57 Roach: just so i dont turn my head to like look at phone for 30s and be like OH CRAP Race started
- 16:58 Roach#8759 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:58 YEAHBUDDY0#7855 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 16:58 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:58 Roach: gl
- 16:58 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:40 Roach#8759 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:41:27!
- 18:40 YEAHBUDDY0: GG
- 18:40 Roach: gg
- 18:53 YEAHBUDDY0#7855 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:55:17!
- 18:53 Race finished in 1:55:18.0
- 18:54 Roach: GG man, so your thoughts of seed?
- 18:54 YEAHBUDDY0: The double glove dream
- 18:54 Roach: so..... want to hear something funny
- 18:54 YEAHBUDDY0: ?
- 18:54 Roach: with flippers + Hookshot, and being aga required
- 18:55 Roach: I went.. F Pod... its never the play. dont have potion or Bow to do bow side anyway.. and went north across and did Skull woods
- 18:55 Roach: i last location PoD. with Hammer, Power Gloves, and Mitts all back to back for go--mode.
- 18:56 YEAHBUDDY0: yeah, i was lost for a minute or 2 after the last check before aga, and with pod, i had to double dip after locking myself out
- 18:56 YEAHBUDDY0: then the seed directs you to spike cave...
- 18:56 Roach: but i first picked up hammer, was liek arlight this opens up magic Bat, and all of swamp..
- 18:57 Roach: then glove, okay now i have catfish, spike cave, and lanmolas opened to me..
- 18:57 Roach: then Mitts... well Im in go mode now.. with a fighter sword....... knowing master sword was on floating island.
- 18:58 Roach: anyway. im heading off now. GG see ya tuesday
- 18:58 YEAHBUDDY0: later
- 19:45 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264