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- 22:26 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 22:26 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 22:26 SahasrahBot invites PowerToMario#9178 to join the race.
- 22:26 SahasrahBot invites filistea#1921 to join the race.
- 22:26 SahasrahBot invites Mundungu#5166 to join the race.
- 22:26 SahasrahBot invites BreathlessSleep#6416 to join the race.
- 22:26 SahasrahBot: Welcome. Use !tournamentrace (without any arguments) to roll your seed! This should be done about 5 minutes prior to the start of your race. You do NOT need to wait for your setup helper to do this or start your race, they will appear later to setup the stream.
- 22:26 filistea#1921 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:26 BreathlessSleep#6416 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:27 BreathlessSleep#6416 joins The Lynel Legion.
- 22:29 Mundungu#5166 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:31 BreathlessSleep: hello!
- 22:33 BreathlessSleep: restream has been called off :(
- 22:38 PowerToMario#9178 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:38 PowerToMario#9178 joins Making Fetch Quest Happen.
- 22:39 PowerToMario: Oh I had no idea we would even be restreamed lol
- 22:39 BreathlessSleep: It was going to be on the main league channel according to the schedule, but was recently changed to no stream
- 22:47 PowerToMario: remember 10 minute delay
- 22:47 PowerToMario: mine should be live at :57
- 22:48 BreathlessSleep: mine has 480 seconds to go, so same I guess
- 22:50 Mundungu#5166 joins Making Fetch Quest Happen.
- 22:50 BreathlessSleep: you guys feel free to roll the seed whenever, since we rolled lsst time :D
- 22:52 PowerToMario: !tournamentrace
- 22:52 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 22:52 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 22:52 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in Discord. Please contact a Tournament Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 22:54 PowerToMario: at some point just gotta make sure you pick your team fili
- 22:54 PowerToMario: :)
- 22:55 filistea#1921 joins The Lynel Legion.
- 22:55 filistea: ty
- 22:59 filistea: live in 100s
- 23:00 PowerToMario: 6 minutes until mun is live
- 23:04 PowerToMario#9178 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 23:05 Mundungu: should be 1-2 mins on my end
- 23:05 filistea#1921 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:05 Mundungu: glhf all
- 23:05 PowerToMario: glhf :)
- 23:05 filistea: glhf!!
- 23:05 BreathlessSleep: glhf :D
- 23:06 Mundungu#5166 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:07 BreathlessSleep#6416 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:07 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:07 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:17 PowerToMario#9178 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:10:06!
- 01:18 Mundungu#5166 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:11:25!
- 01:19 filistea: gg
- 01:19 BreathlessSleep: GG
- 01:19 filistea#1921 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:19 BreathlessSleep#6416 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:19 Race finished in 2:12:16.8
- 01:19 BreathlessSleep: where is pod big?
- 01:20 BreathlessSleep: ice big chest?
- 01:20 PowerToMario: Yep!
- 01:20 PowerToMario: GG
- 01:20 PowerToMario: Mun saved our butts, we got pearl about 1:20-ish into the seed
- 01:21 PowerToMario: Forgot to go Mire Big chest and did a ton out of logic
- 01:21 filistea: yeah we forgot about the back of SW
- 01:22 Mundungu: we got pearl at like 1:30
- 01:22 Mundungu: but didnt have much after that
- 01:22 BreathlessSleep: Yeah I think we only had ice big chest left, was gonna go thre when mun finished
- 01:23 Mundungu: ah yeah that was a brutal check
- 01:23 filistea: yeah we had like 0 things left to do
- 01:24 Mundungu: we just had GT and hype cave left
- 01:24 Mundungu: and the spike cave item
- 01:25 filistea: I full cleared GT, kak well had Hera big
- 01:25 filistea: era big chest had bombos
- 01:25 Mundungu: oh yeah i did all that too
- 01:25 Mundungu: i meant vanilla GT entrance
- 01:26 Mundungu: which I guess wasnt a real check, so just hype entrance and spike cave left
- 01:26 filistea: well gotta go have lunch/dinner, GG!!
- 01:26 Mundungu: gg
- 01:34 Race result recorded by relkin#5557