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- 18:27 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 18:27 SahasrahBot invites PowerToMario#9178 to join the race.
- 18:27 SahasrahBot invites plasmasnake745#9695 to join the race.
- 18:27 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 18:30 PowerToMario#9178 accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:35 plasmasnake745#9695 accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:35 plasmasnake745: o/
- 18:36 PowerToMario: hey there!
- 18:36 plasmasnake745: how's it going?
- 18:36 PowerToMario: I'm good, recovering from a nice run yesterday
- 18:36 PowerToMario: your weekend going well?
- 18:37 plasmasnake745: Yeah been fairly chill so far
- 18:38 plasmasnake745: How about you?
- 18:38 PowerToMario: yep no complaints here
- 18:39 plasmasnake745: Good races so far?
- 18:40 PowerToMario: oh yeah, very competitive
- 18:43 plasmasnake745: Awesome :)
- 18:43 PowerToMario: i am starting my 10 minute delay in about five minutes
- 18:43 plasmasnake745: I just started it now so we're go to go
- 18:50 plasmasnake745: Would you like to roll?
- 18:51 PowerToMario: sure
- 18:51 PowerToMario: !tournamentrace
- 18:51 PowerToMario: booooooo
- 18:52 plasmasnake745: lol
- 18:52 PowerToMario: !race crosshunt
- 18:52 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 18:52 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 18:52 SahasrahBot:
- 18:52 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 18:59 plasmasnake745: glhf :)
- 18:59 plasmasnake745#9695 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:59 PowerToMario: readying at :00 glhf
- 19:00 PowerToMario#9178 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:55 PowerToMario#9178 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:55:11!
- 20:57 plasmasnake745#9695 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:57:27!
- 20:57 Race finished in 1:57:27.9
- 20:57 PowerToMario: wow gg
- 20:57 PowerToMario: close one
- 20:58 plasmasnake745: GG yeah close
- 20:58 PowerToMario: I had TR, SP, EP left, which one did you do?
- 20:58 plasmasnake745: I did EP
- 20:58 PowerToMario: yep ok
- 20:58 PowerToMario: That Mitts-Hammer logic was sick
- 20:58 plasmasnake745: I just remember being pleased the hammer showed up
- 20:59 plasmasnake745: And unsurprised by the mitts
- 20:59 PowerToMario: Oh, did you get Hammer first?
- 20:59 PowerToMario: I got Mitts before Hammer
- 20:59 plasmasnake745: No mitts first
- 20:59 plasmasnake745: Just thinking in reverse
- 20:59 PowerToMario: ah ok
- 20:59 PowerToMario: yeayea
- 20:59 PowerToMario: Do you also mimic clip?
- 20:59 PowerToMario: I think I lose if I can't mimic clip GT
- 20:59 plasmasnake745: Yeah in PoD
- 21:00 plasmasnake745: I have bow by the time I found Gt
- 21:00 PowerToMario: Yeah, I got the Hookshot Cave bow first
- 21:00 PowerToMario: But got it after GT
- 21:00 PowerToMario: This group was always going to be competitive, we are all right up there with each other tbh
- 21:01 PowerToMario: Entrance just shuffled everyone around this year
- 21:01 plasmasnake745: lol that's nice of you to say lmao. I kind of feel just along for the ride so I'm happy to get a close one
- 21:02 PowerToMario: For sure! I only had a goal of getting one more win than last year, did not expect to go farther than that tbh
- 21:02 PowerToMario: It's fun playing with you all, people I never get to face heads up haha
- 21:02 plasmasnake745: Yeah, I'm having a blast so far
- 21:02 plasmasnake745: The seeds have been fun
- 21:02 PowerToMario: This one was certainly gnarly
- 21:03 plasmasnake745: All seeds are gnarly, they just need to be fun too
- 21:03 plasmasnake745: Anyway, I need to wind down for an early work start. GG again! Looking forward to next week!
- 21:04 PowerToMario: GG plasma!
- 21:04 PowerToMario: Looking forward to game 2 :D
- 21:04 PowerToMario#9178 added a comment.
- 23:06 Race result recorded by Laoria#3232