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- 00:35 BotOfMudora: Click this button to roll the seed
- 00:35 Race opened automatically by BotOfMudora
- 00:35 BotOfMudora invites Soyhr#7143 to join the race.
- 00:35 BotOfMudora invites tstew14#8410 to join the race.
- 00:35 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 00:35 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:36 tstew14#8410 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:39 Soyhr#7143 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:42 Soyhr: o/
- 00:44 Soyhr: How are you doing today?
- 00:48 tstew14: Hello, I'm doing good. How about you?
- 00:48 Soyhr: I'm doing alright
- 00:48 Soyhr: Freezing here in the Midwest
- 00:48 Soyhr: but doing alright, other than that
- 00:50 Soyhr: Would you like to roll the seed today, or shall I?
- 00:51 tstew14: You can do it
- 00:51 Soyhr: !avianroll jem041/xkeydrophunt
- 00:51 PedChicken: Generating a seed, please wait. If nothing happens after a couple minutes, contact hiimcody1.
- 00:52 PedChicken updated the race information.
- 00:52 PedChicken:
- 00:52 PedChicken: Generation complete. Enjoy your seed!
- 00:58 Soyhr: I'm all set, so going to ready up :)
- 00:58 Soyhr: glhf!
- 00:58 Soyhr#7143 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:00 tstew14: glhf
- 01:00 tstew14#8410 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:05 Soyhr#7143 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:04:30!
- 03:14 tstew14#8410 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:14 Race finished in 2:13:16.7
- 03:14 tstew14: gg
- 03:14 Soyhr: gg
- 03:15 tstew14: I completely forgot about HC for the last 20 minutes until it was my last location.
- 03:15 Soyhr: oh no
- 03:15 Soyhr: did you find ip/ep?
- 03:15 tstew14: I didn't find either. I thnk they are behind boots.
- 03:15 tstew14: I just quit after doing HC.
- 03:15 Soyhr: gotcha
- 03:16 Soyhr: I'm vod surfing to find out where the boots were.
- 03:17 tstew14: They were HC
- 03:17 Soyhr: oh, i thought i didn't see that
- 03:17 Soyhr: my apologies
- 03:17 Soyhr: ep and ip were both at link bonks, and the green eyegore behind big chest had the red cane
- 03:17 Soyhr: i believe ip also had the epbk.
- 03:18 tstew14: I didn't have a key my first time in and just went to the first 2 checks. I didn't want to come back until I could full clear and once I was able to, I just forgot about it.
- 03:19 Soyhr: that makes sense
- 03:19 Soyhr: i bailed out of ip the first time i was there, 6 hearts, fighter and bombos and i was not confident.
- 03:21 Soyhr: i also misunderstood, i don't know why i was talking about ip
- 03:21 Soyhr: I kept going back to HC with each key. I also forgot about back of escape for an hour
- 03:23 Soyhr: but, i do have to get going. ggs and gl in rest of tourney!
- 03:23 tstew14: ggs. gl to you as well
- 17:57 Race result recorded by Pichu10u#1515