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- 03:26 Jere Dudecía: me too, but I last locationed boots
- 03:26 Jere Dudecía: hahaha
- 03:26 Logikz: yea that was rough
- 03:27 Jere Dudecía: sounds like we had similar struggles then
- 03:27 Logikz: I meant to dive SP earlier and then I just forgot what I was doing, and then realized I couldn't just use the TP near SP
- 03:27 Jere Dudecía: I made a couple stupid mistakes along the way that ended up really costing me time
- 03:27 Logikz: and was like...I don't want to walk all the way around again, so i skipped it
- 03:27 Jere Dudecía: like, I forgot to do hype cave while I was turning in purple chest
- 03:27 Jere Dudecía: and had to go all the way from kak portal, cuz no hammer
- 03:28 Logikz: yea, i took that same route like 4x
- 03:28 Logikz: to do bombos tablet, purple chest, sp dive
- 03:28 Logikz: ugly
- 03:28 Jere Dudecía: and wasted a ton of time in hammerless IP because I just have no idea how to route IP in general
- 03:28 Logikz: yea, so we both dived IP I see
- 03:28 Logikz: what a waste of time that was
- 03:29 Logikz: after IP I went to SW and found flute
- 03:29 Jere Dudecía: I honestly really need to work on my IP
- 03:29 Jere Dudecía: unless I have the nice clean ice breaker + hammer route, I just suck at it
- 03:29 Logikz: did you have red cane at least for the IP dip?
- 03:29 Jere Dudecía: I've been skating by on ice breaker this whole tourney
- 03:30 Jere Dudecía: I did
- 03:30 Logikz: yea ice breaker is nice
- 03:30 Jere Dudecía: but I had no idea what to do without hammer
- 03:30 Jere Dudecía: so I just wasted tons of time wandering around
- 03:30 Logikz: no hammer, no hookshot - it's easy to get stuck in there
- 03:30 Jere Dudecía: in IP without a hammer
- 03:30 Jere Dudecía: or hookshot
- 03:31 Jere Dudecía: I figured today would be the reckoning for my over reliance on ice breaker
- 03:31 Jere Dudecía: but it wasn't, lol
- 03:31 Logikz: haha
- 03:31 Jere Dudecía: so I just wasted tons of time instead lol
- 03:31 Logikz: that was definitely a weird seed, so finishing it was an accomplishment in of itself
- 03:31 Jere Dudecía: funny that we both ended up taking similar routes, it seems like
- 03:31 Jere Dudecía: I mmight end up watching back your vod, just to see if you did anything differently in general
- 03:32 Logikz: yea, my first dungeon was hera
- 03:32 Jere Dudecía: same
- 03:32 Jere Dudecía: did it before south shore
- 03:32 Logikz: oh wow
- 03:32 Logikz: I didn't do it that early
- 03:32 Jere Dudecía: or wait, did I?
- 03:32 Logikz: I did all of south shore and flipper checks early
- 03:32 Jere Dudecía: now I forget
- 03:32 Logikz: i had gold sword at like 14 minutes
- 03:32 Logikz: which was nice
- 03:33 Jere Dudecía: right, I did mini-moldorm then died on my way to ice rod cave
- 03:33 Jere Dudecía: so that was all I left behind for awhile
- 03:33 Logikz: ohhh, damn crabs
- 03:33 Jere Dudecía: had to go back for that before Aga
- 03:33 Jere Dudecía: 176/216
- 03:33 Jere Dudecía: lol
- 03:33 Jere Dudecía: anyway, congrats
- 03:33 Jere Dudecía: seriously, what a seed
- 03:34 Jere Dudecía: honestly, I really am just pleased that I finished that seed without a mentor
- 03:34 Jere Dudecía: both bows in GT, I mean c'mon
- 03:34 Logikz: after aga, i did catfish/zora, VoO, TT, smith chain, PoD/EP, IP, ran around like a lunatic until boots
- 03:34 Logikz: yea, that entire time I was like, this is a GREAT mentor seed
- 03:35 Jere Dudecía: I actually did PoD right after Aga, and I forget what was there, but there was something in there that made me feel like maybe I made a good choice for once
- 03:35 Logikz: mitts!
- 03:35 Logikz: yea that was the better choice to do it after aga
- 03:35 Jere Dudecía: but the longer I went without hammer... and then getting boots instead of hammer (I didn't check lumberjack)
- 03:35 Logikz: after i found ice rod on the mountain I just go moded, MM, IP, SP, TR
- 03:35 Logikz: and hoped to find bow along the way or in GT
- 03:36 Jere Dudecía: anyway, once I got boots I just went straight to lumberjack cuz I figured... I mean... this seed it'll probably be something...
- 03:36 Jere Dudecía: and it was
- 03:36 Logikz: haha yea, i saw LJ early
- 03:36 Logikz: I was like..are you kdding me
- 03:36 Jere Dudecía: yeah, same ice rod put me in hope mode
- 03:37 Jere Dudecía: i was like, just gonna full clear dungeon rush and hope for bow
- 03:37 Logikz: my worst fear was SP being a pendant, because then boots could be anywhere
- 03:37 Jere Dudecía: yeah I had no idea I was looking for boots
- 03:37 Jere Dudecía: I thought I was looking for hammer
- 03:37 Jere Dudecía: so I was pretty disappointed when I dove SP and got boots
- 03:37 Logikz: haha, never thought you'd be sad to see boots
- 03:38 Jere Dudecía: but I figured it was gonna be a troll seed and got my hookshot right away
- 03:38 Jere Dudecía: and I actually went straight to mire after that because I resented swamp and got my hammer
- 03:39 Logikz: oh, good call, i did the mountain first since it was like 12 checks vs 2
- 03:39 Jere Dudecía: so after last locationing boots I got hookshot hammer like right away
- 03:39 Logikz: while I was on the mountain, i told myself...why didn't I do mire, I can beat it and i have to do it anyway
- 03:39 Logikz: had I done that, I probably would have gotten IR super late, and not go moded the other dungeons
- 03:39 Jere Dudecía: I wanted to clear dungeons... over an hour only one crystal I was pretty eager for crystals
- 03:40 Logikz: so hard to say, maybe it was lucky that way
- 03:40 Logikz: well it's late for me, so GG
- 03:40 Jere Dudecía: ohhh, yeah, maybe
- 03:40 Jere Dudecía: yeah, absolutely
- 03:40 Jere Dudecía: GG, congrats, hope you do well in brackets
- 03:41 Jere Dudecía: thanks again for a good much
- 03:41 Logikz: thanks, only 3-3 so i won't make the good bracket :(
- 03:41 Jere Dudecía: you'll make the not bad brackets. :)
- 03:41 Jere Dudecía: better brackets than 2-4 probably :)
- 03:41 Jere Dudecía: want me to record the result? or are you already on it?
- 03:42 Logikz: depends on seeding, we may end up in the same brakcet
- 03:42 Logikz: i'll take care of it
- 03:42 Jere Dudecía: okay cool. thanks again dude. it was really fun.
- 03:42 Jere Dudecía: hit me up if you wanna do a casual race sometime. I really enjoy a good post-mortem, and it seems you do as well. :)
- 03:42 Jere Dudecía: goodnight!
- 03:42 Logikz: haha yea definitely
- 03:42 Logikz: thanks for the match
- 03:42 Logikz: have a good weekend
- 03:42 Logikz: :)
- 23:07 Race result recorded by Synack#9689