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- 18:54 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 18:54 Steinchen89#4425 joins the race.
- 18:55 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 18:59 e_in_thegame#7137 joins the race.
- 19:00 e_in_thegame: hi
- 19:00 Steinchen89: Hey!
- 19:00 e_in_thegame: I have a question for what you said. What does X:15 mean on discord?
- 19:01 Steinchen89: depends on timezone for me its 9:15 pm
- 19:02 Steinchen89: Was to lazy for hammertime :D
- 19:02 e_in_thegame: ah
- 19:02 e_in_thegame: lol
- 19:02 Steinchen89: so in about 13 minutes
- 19:03 e_in_thegame: okay
- 19:04 Lechtansi#2776 joins the race.
- 19:04 Steinchen89: Hey!
- 19:04 Lechtansi: hey hey
- 19:04 Lechtansi: are we doing a delay for this race or no?
- 19:06 Steinchen89: There is no stream required or what delay do you mean
- 19:06 Lechtansi: ah. in the MT we were doing stream required + delay. i didn't see that this was a no stream required
- 19:06 Lechtansi: thanks for the info :)
- 19:06 Steinchen89: yeah i know that and i hate it for every match xD
- 19:07 Steinchen89: !race Casualboots
- 19:07 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 19:07 SahasrahBot: Command raised exception: Could not find preset Casualboots. See a list of available presets at
- 19:07 Steinchen89: ups
- 19:08 Steinchen89: !race casualboots
- 19:08 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 19:08 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 19:08 SahasrahBot:
- 19:08 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 19:09 e_in_thegame: wait
- 19:09 e_in_thegame: which seed are we doing
- 19:10 e_in_thegame: oh wait nevermind
- 19:10 Steinchen89: well its a fun race so cas boots :D
- 19:10 Lechtansi#2776 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:11 e_in_thegame#7137 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:12 Lechtansi: glhf everyone
- 19:12 e_in_thegame: gl hf
- 19:13 Steinchen89: gl hf !
- 19:13 Steinchen89#4425 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:13 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:13 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:01 Lechtansi#2776 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:47:54!
- 21:05 Steinchen89#4425 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:51:22!
- 21:05 Lechtansi: gg
- 21:08 Steinchen89: gg
- 21:08 Steinchen89: this was horrible for me xD
- 21:08 Lechtansi: yeah. pretty bad for me as well
- 21:08 Lechtansi: i gambled HARD and lost
- 21:09 Lechtansi: what was your collection rate?
- 21:09 Steinchen89: 176
- 21:09 Steinchen89: cleard pod with helma
- 21:09 Steinchen89: me too gambling from the start but at least on positive thing
- 21:10 Steinchen89: my escape was 5:09 :D
- 21:11 Steinchen89: but yeah this was a walking simulator seed
- 21:12 Lechtansi: yeah i had a lousy escape. I:23 i think
- 21:13 Lechtansi: i did full POD right after EP, went straight to SP after finding flippers, cleared ice, smith chain, catfish, etc. Finally went to TR after full clearing everything
- 21:14 Steinchen89: As i get icerod i was thinking yeah for sure tr
- 21:14 e_in_thegame#7137 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:00:58!
- 21:14 Race finished in 2:00:58.9
- 21:14 e_in_thegame: GG
- 21:15 Steinchen89: but I didn't trust myself
- 21:15 Steinchen89: gg
- 21:15 Lechtansi: gg
- 21:15 Lechtansi: i had a 178 clear rate. feelsbadman
- 21:15 e_in_thegame: that seed was mid
- 21:15 Lechtansi: thanks for organizing it!
- 21:16 Steinchen89: thx for the race you both
- 21:16 Steinchen89: have to sleep now :D
- 21:16 e_in_thegame: I had the options between ip left side of swamp or tr and I did all of them except tr. I did tr last and, cr 180
- 21:16 e_in_thegame: thanks
- 21:16 Lechtansi: my CR was 178. so i feel ya
- 21:16 Lechtansi: gn stein!
- 21:17 Lechtansi: i found flippers, immediately beelined for swamp, went back in for LSS, did ice, finished up smith chain, then finally went to TR
- 21:17 e_in_thegame: I went pendant pod and found nothing with beating helmasaur also
- 21:18 Lechtansi: yeah i did pod right after EP
- 21:19 e_in_thegame: bye