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- 00:43 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 00:43 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:44 butchlecolosse#9647 joins the race.
- 00:46 butchlecolosse#9647 invites Duskplume#8709 to join the race.
- 00:47 Bydey: Hello
- 00:47 butchlecolosse: hello
- 00:50 Duskplume: Howdy!
- 00:50 Duskplume#8709 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:51 butchlecolosse: Anything specific I need to do on my end for restream? As I said, I'm kind of a boomer.
- 00:51 Bydey: Just Duskpllome's permission and we are good
- 00:51 Duskplume: Oh yep, go for it
- 00:52 Duskplume: Totally ok with a restream
- 00:53 Bydey: Do you know what clean audio is?
- 00:53 butchlecolosse: no
- 00:54 Bydey: clean audio is when you have just athe gameplay playing with no microphone
- 00:54 Bydey: so you cant talk on your stream
- 00:54 Bydey: otherwise we will hear it on the race
- 00:54 Duskplume: MSU alright or prefer just regular soundtrack?
- 00:54 Bydey: its your choice whether you want to provide that or not
- 00:55 Bydey: god no. No one wants to hear LATTP music lol
- 00:55 Bydey: MSU's only
- 00:55 Duskplume: Yeehaw
- 00:56 Duskplume: You wanna roll the seed, boucher?
- 00:56 Bydey: You both remebered about stream delay right?
- 00:56 butchlecolosse: haha, you'll be stuck with my vanilla audio then.
- 00:56 Duskplume: Yep, 10 min
- 00:56 butchlecolosse: yes
- 00:56 butchlecolosse: I'll roll the seed
- 00:56 butchlecolosse: !race casualboots
- 00:56 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 00:56 Bydey: butch you have delay on?
- 00:56 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:56 SahasrahBot:
- 00:56 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 00:56 butchlecolosse: yes, the stream was started 12 minutes ago
- 00:57 Bydey: perfect
- 00:58 Bydey: It's been a while but when you say go it should start 10 mins later. Once you finish the recording make sure not to discard it. You need to let it play for 10 mins
- 00:58 Duskplume: I did start my stream just two minutes ago, so apologies for that
- 00:58 Bydey: Ok we will have to wait until it starts
- 00:59 Bydey: ONce I get the live notification you can start then ill crop it on the fly
- 00:59 Bydey: dusk what msu are you using?
- 00:59 Duskplume: Secret of Mana
- 00:59 Bydey: oh shit
- 01:00 Bydey: my fav msu of all time
- 01:00 Bydey: well after the spice girls msu that is
- 01:00 Duskplume: hahaha
- 01:01 Bydey: after the race is done rememeber we will be 10 mins behind you so dont jump into the restream until i comment in here that you can
- 01:01 Bydey: then you are welcome to come for interviews
- 01:03 Bydey: For Future Dusk if your doing a 10 min delay its a good idea to start stream about 15 mins before race time. No big deal though
- 01:03 Duskplume: Yep, definitely a good reminder for the future, just kinda blanked it
- 01:03 Bydey: dont worry i bothced 2 races last year because of delay
- 01:04 butchlecolosse#9647 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:05 Bydey: dont start until i say to
- 01:05 butchlecolosse#9647 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 01:05 Bydey#8323 requests to join the race.
- 01:05 butchlecolosse#9647 accepts a request to join from Bydey#8323.
- 01:05 Bydey: if you want to promtoe the srestream channel
- 01:06 Duskplume: Alright, stream should be live right about now
- 01:06 Bydey: not quite. theres a slight delay from registration to racetime
- 01:07 Bydey: thats why we say 15 mins early is a good idea
- 01:08 Bydey: butch i have a blank screen for you is that your start up screen
- 01:08 butchlecolosse: I'm seeing the timer and tracker on my twitch status
- 01:09 Bydey: Ill send you what im seeing 10 mins behind
- 01:09 Bydey: do you change it ast some point?
- 01:10 Bydey: i sent you an image on discord
- 01:10 butchlecolosse: ah yes, I forgot to put the game on fullscreen for a while
- 01:10 Bydey: ah ok just checking
- 01:10 Bydey: alright gl both of you
- 01:10 Duskplume#8709 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:10 Duskplume: glhf!
- 01:10 butchlecolosse: the scene is setup correctly in obs at some point
- 01:10 Bydey#8323 quits the race.
- 01:10 butchlecolosse#9647 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:10 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:10 butchlecolosse: glhf
- 01:11 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:42 butchlecolosse#9647 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:31:42!
- 02:43 Duskplume#8709 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:43 Race finished in 1:32:42.8
- 02:43 Race finished in 1:32:42.8
- 02:43 Duskplume: gg
- 02:44 butchlecolosse: gg
- 02:53 Bydey: gg
- 02:53 Bydey:
- 02:53 Bydey: interviews
- 02:54 Duskplume: I'm gonna go ahead and pass on an interview, if that's alright. Thank you for restreaming!
- 03:11 Bydey: no problem
- 03:11 Bydey: great race both of you
- 19:18 Race result recorded by Lumaga#1843