
Donkey Kong 64 Randomizer DK64R Season 3 S3 1/26 Sunday Weekly NintendoCoin NintendoCoin Saxophone NintendoCoin Saxophone https://dk64randomizer.com/randomizer?seed_id=100252
Opened by
Flargrah #5934
Race monitors
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Ended at
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  1. 1st Charlesjarls #7237 any / all Finished 7
  2. 2nd Hoyetly #2444 he / him more Pretty funny Mechfish, otherwise easy seed Finished 18
  3. 3rd VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her Finished 11
  4. 4th Sowser_ #7150 he / him more Blessed by Mechfish Finished 36
  5. 5th DrSamalander #9430 he / him more Mechfish agenda completed Finished 7
  6. 6th Jaems #7332 he / him Finished 34
  7. 7th Penny #7710 she / they Finished 8
  8. 8th zorulda #4963 he / him Finished 5
  9. 9th Jimjam #5413 he / him more Weird start. Monkeyport for first GB? I also need to rebind my split button. Finished 54
  10. 10th Dynam #8414 he / they Finished 1
  11. 11th Iceage678 #0713 Finished 379
  12. 12th Rendur #6367 he / him Finished 3
  13. 13th AtomicN64 #4802 he / him Finished 10
  14. 14th buckshotboo24 #4237 he / him more Not bad outside of forgetting that one shop item I left behind Finished 244
  15. 15th MorKs #2614 he / him more Fuck Coconut Finished 12
  16. 16th NanoFish42 #6188 he / him Finished 12
  17. K-Man #3992 DNF DNF 73
  18. DanPyxel #1215 they / them DNF DNF 17
  19. VolticTL #3195 he / him DNF DNF 13
19 entrants (3 inactive)