
Donkey Kong 64 Randomizer DK64R Season 3.5 Settings Saturday night Friendly Fairy RainbowCoin Orange Fairy Saxophone https://dev.dk64randomizer.com/randomizer?seed_id=102301
Opened by
NintendoSara #8450
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
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  • visibility
  • chevron_right
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  1. 1st TheLittleKing00 #6328 he / him Finished 29
  2. 2nd icupspeedruns #0721 more Seed was fine, my gameplay was cringe Finished 520
  3. 3rd TheMeThinkerOfThings #1464 he / they Finished 130
  4. 4th Dynam #8414 he / they Finished 100
  5. 5th psych #4318 he / him Finished 29
  6. 6th Eternal #4408 more unhinted tombone, spring and diving... diving being locked by punch that was hnited just for chunky phase. fuck these hints Finished 20
  7. Kilvereis #3601 he / him DNF DNF 57
  8. WileECoyoteGenius #0630 he / him more greatest seed of all time (and I'm a moron) DNF DNF 82
8 entrants (2 inactive)