
Donkey Kong 64 Randomizer DK64R Season 3.5 Settings 3/16 Sunday Weekly NintendoCoin Saxophone NintendoCoin Fairy RainbowCoin https://dk64randomizer.com/randomizer?seed_id=115045
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Flargrah #5934
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  1. 1st Charlesjarls #7237 any / all Finished 3,611
  2. 2nd VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her Finished 2,488
  3. 3rd Eternal #4408 more I thought I played that seed badly... turns out that it isn't as bad as I thought Finished 2,413
  4. 4th MumboToken #6300 he / they more blast casino cringe Finished 3,393
  5. 5th mamgar #2422 he / him more kong order hinted!!! Finished 2,145
  6. 6th TheMeThinkerOfThings #1464 he / they Finished 2,112
  7. 7th KeiperDontCare #8389 Finished 1,861
  8. 8th Dynam #8414 he / they more forgot Snide barrel existed for 5 minutes Finished 2,001
  9. 9th eddaket #1353 he / him Finished 2,879
  10. 10th psych #4318 he / him more fUlL cLeAr YoUr HiNtEd ArEaS Finished 2,602
  11. 11th NanoFish42 #6188 he / him Finished 1,355
  12. 12th Mima #4517 she / her Finished 894
  13. 13th Kiwi #5771 he / they more Whoa I actually finished a 3.5 seed. I started handwriting notes and that's been helping. Finished 923
  14. 14th Meowskivich #5966 more Krool was bald and now I'm scarred for life. Finished 392
  15. DrSamalander #9430 he / him DNF DNF 2,440
  16. derpydragon15 #2410 DNF DNF 1,418
  17. Geekcook #0060 he / him DNF DNF 1,170
17 entrants (3 inactive)