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- 16:02 Randomizer Bot: Welcome to DK64R! I promise that today's seed will be nice.THIS IS CURRENT IN DEV MODE ONLY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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- 16:12 Randomizer Bot: Welcome to DK64R! All rolled seeds comply with the laws of thermodynamics.THIS IS CURRENT IN DEV MODE ONLY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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- 16:27 Randomizer Bot: Welcome to DK64R! Let me roll a seed for you. I promise it won't hurt.THIS IS CURRENT IN DEV MODE ONLY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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- 16:42 Randomizer Bot: Welcome to DK64R! I promise that today's seed will be nice.THIS IS CURRENT IN DEV MODE ONLY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
- Help
- 16:02 someone6664563#1509 joins the race.
- 16:05 mamgar#2422 joins the race.
- 16:05 someone6664563: mornin]
- 16:11 mamgar: mornin
- 16:29 Sowser_#7150 joins the race.
- 16:30 someone6664563: mornin sowser
- 16:30 Sowser_: mornin!
- 16:32 Mima#4517 joins the race.
- 16:32 Mima: Mornin to all the lovely donkers
- 16:37 megacannon#7219 joins the race.
- 16:37 megacannon: mornin
- 16:37 someone6664563: mornin Mima And Megacannon
- 16:38 Mima: If this seed is horrible, blame me
- 16:38 Mima: I am very very cursed, since i started playing, I've gotten nothing but bad seeds
- 16:38 mamgar: i will blame 2dos
- 16:38 mamgar: as is tradition
- 16:40 Taprus#8184 joins the race.
- 16:42 Taprus: :wave"
- 16:42 NintendoSara: A noon race and no mumbo??
- 16:43 megacannon: I was thinking the same thing
- 16:43 megacannon: He said good things about these races last night
- 16:43 Sowser_: There's still time!
- 16:43 Sowser_: He'll show up ;_;
- 16:44 NintendoSara: He's not a cringe 57 joiner
- 16:45 NintendoSara: !seed 'season 3.5 race settings (final mix)'
- 16:45 Randomizer Bot: NintendoSara, your seed is generating. Please wait...
- 16:46 Randomizer Bot updated the race information.
- 16:46 mamgar: 3/4 fairies required for bfi
- 16:46 mamgar: hmm
- 16:46 Sowser_: Mini start incoming
- 16:46 NintendoSara: :)
- 16:47 Mima: as long as it doesn't go like the seed i just DNF'd
- 16:47 Mima: everything will be okay
- 16:47 Sowser_: So close
- 16:48 Mima#4517 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 16:49 Sowser_#7150 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 16:50 Taprus: Seems promising.
- 16:50 MaddyB#0616 joins the race.
- 16:50 megacannon: I kind of like this start
- 16:50 Sowser_: Yeah, it ain't bad
- 16:50 someone6664563#1509 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 16:50 Sowser_: I've been getting oranges start a ton recently. Been great
- 16:50 megacannon: no blue slam tho so :(
- 16:51 mamgar: its the key 2 on pound the x starter kit
- 16:52 Taprus#8184 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 16:52 megacannon#7219 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:53 Jimjam#5413 joins the race.
- 16:53 Jimjam: mornin
- 16:53 Sowser_: mornin jimjam
- 16:54 Mima: GLHF!!!!
- 16:54 someone6664563: GLHF
- 16:54 Mima: I am going to minimize this cause i only have 1 monitor
- 16:54 Mima: and it is really hard to fit everything on 1 screen ;-;
- 16:54 Taprus: Tis happens
- 16:55 Jimjam#5413 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:56 mamgar#2422 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:56 MaddyB#0616 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 16:56 megacannon: GLHF
- 16:56 Sowser_: glhf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 16:56 Jimjam: GLHF!
- 16:56 someone6664563: GLHF
- 16:56 Jimjam: 4 min early too wowee
- 16:56 Taprus: o7
- 16:57 NintendoSara: Wow early
- 16:57 NintendoSara: Gl hf
- 16:57 NintendoSara#8450 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:57 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:37 Sowser_#7150 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:39:17!
- 18:50 Jimjam#5413 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:52:49!
- 18:51 Jimjam#5413 added a comment.
- 18:52 MaddyB#0616 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:54 megacannon#7219 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:56:38!
- 18:54 megacannon#7219 landed a new personal best time for "Season 3.5 Settings"!
- 18:54 Sowser_#7150 added a comment.
- 19:00 mamgar#2422 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:03:05!
- 19:04 someone6664563#1509 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:06:30!
- 19:04 someone6664563#1509 scored a new personal best time for "Season 3.5 Settings"!
- 19:04 someone6664563#1509 added a comment.
- 19:37 Taprus#8184 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:47 Mima#4517 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:47 Race finished in 2:49:52.4
- 23:41 Race result recorded by NintendoSara#8450