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- 22:06 kasperoni-macaroni: you can reset as soon as credits start, right?
- 22:07 kasperoni-macaroni#9424 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 22:07 RaikouRider#0123 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 22:07 Narti1800#4418 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 22:08 Glan#5460 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:08 suus#0440 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:09 Anankoz#2089 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:09 RaikouRider#0123 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 22:09 RaikouRider: need whiteboard
- 22:10 RaikouRider#0123 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:10 V0oid: aight looks like they're ready
- 22:10 V0oid: lglgglglglglglglgl
- 22:10 suus: glhf
- 22:10 V0oid#9933 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:10 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:11 narti_: gl
- 22:11 Anankoz: gl everyone!
- 22:11 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:30 Glan: got a 25 on 2-4 greens
- 22:31 Anankoz: Nice!
- 22:34 Glan: and then failed the banana bird KEKW
- 22:38 V0oid#9933 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:38 V0oid#9933 added a comment: "softlocked on arich KEKW"
- 22:38 Anankoz: :(
- 22:40 Anankoz: I'm sorry V0oid... That is rough
- 22:42 tonkotsu: so sorry
- 22:42 RaikouRider: =/
- 22:50 RaikouRider: kaos robbed me
- 22:50 RaikouRider: 3 cycle =/
- 22:52 Anankoz: 2 cycle. Lost 1 cycle to a random diagonal
- 23:24 Glan#5460 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:26 Glan: was +7:30 and ran past 2nd 6-1 bonus, I just have no fucks left to give
- 23:27 Anankoz: Damn D:
- 23:27 Anankoz: I'm sorry
- 23:27 RaikouRider: i'm on like...2:07 pace rn
- 00:06 Anankoz#2089 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:55:19!
- 00:08 RaikouRider: gg anankoz
- 00:09 RaikouRider: kramatoa BODIED me
- 00:09 RaikouRider: lost over 2 mins
- 00:09 tonkotsu#8056 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:58:38!
- 00:10 Anankoz: GG Tonk!
- 00:10 Anankoz: Gogo Rai!
- 00:10 tonkotsu: ty
- 00:11 RaikouRider: like
- 00:11 RaikouRider: I'm BARELY sub 2:10 pace now
- 00:11 Anankoz#2089 added a comment: "Very solid!"
- 00:13 tonkotsu: you were too strong in all donk 3 races
- 00:13 Anankoz: You won the puzzle race!
- 00:14 tonkotsu: thanks to J 1.0 :)
- 00:17 Narti1800#4418 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:05:58!
- 00:18 narti_: GG
- 00:19 Anankoz: GG Narti!
- 00:20 RaikouRider#0123 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:09:44!
- 00:21 Anankoz: GG Rai!
- 00:21 RaikouRider: KREMATOA PEOPLE
- 00:21 RaikouRider: it's hard
- 00:21 RaikouRider: so
- 00:21 RaikouRider: this was actually 2:05-2:06 pace until krematoa
- 00:21 RaikouRider: then I got bodied by 8-3 8-4 and krool2
- 00:21 RaikouRider: this is why I don't run this game anymore
- 00:23 Anankoz: D:
- 00:23 Anankoz: No chance of a return to sub 2 hour attempts?
- 00:26 RaikouRider: hey anankoz I just did buzzer oob if you're curious
- 00:26 RaikouRider: dunno if I'm on the stream anymore
- 00:26 RaikouRider: but I wanted to show you buzzer oob
- 00:26 Anankoz: Yeah I saw it! Thanks :) Was curious about that
- 00:26 RaikouRider: it's really easy to do
- 00:27 RaikouRider: since the barrel is part of your sprite when you grab it, it pushes you up enough to clip out
- 00:27 Anankoz: I see
- 00:27 RaikouRider: There's a similar application in 3-5 also but it's TAS only
- 00:27 RaikouRider: and iirc that one actually saves time
- 00:28 Anankoz: Sounds similar to 3GBA, where we go out of bounds in underwater stages
- 00:35 kasperoni-macaroni#9424 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:23:58!
- 00:35 kasperoni-macaroni: did it!
- 00:35 Anankoz: GG Kasper!
- 00:35 kasperoni-macaroni: first official run lol
- 00:35 Anankoz: Nice :)
- 00:35 tonkotsu: nice run
- 00:35 Anankoz: Hope there are more to come!
- 00:36 kasperoni-macaroni: yeah i love this game lol
- 00:36 Anankoz: Go Suus! Almost there
- 00:40 suus#0440 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:29:34!
- 00:40 Race finished in 2:29:34.4
- 00:40 Anankoz: GG Suus!
- 00:41 suus: hell yeah first run as well
- 00:41 Anankoz: That's really good for a first run
- 00:41 suus: ggs all
- 00:41 suus: yeah with 3 hours of learning not bad
- 00:41 suus: got an infinite on the rocket level lmao was so annoyed
- 00:42 Anankoz: Yeah saw it... That ascent is not lenient at all
- 00:42 suus: yeah i noticed KEKW
- 00:42 kasperoni-macaroni: ggs everybody
- 00:42 suus: ggs
- 13:15 Race result recorded by Dyn