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- 23:20 RaikouRider: you can start over any level
- 23:21 Anankoz#2089 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:22 redotr: we are g2g over here on tech
- 23:22 V0oid: cool
- 23:22 V0oid: ready when you are eazinn
- 23:22 Eazinn: sorry k
- 23:23 redotr: no worries just wanted that to be seen, i dont have all streams up :(
- 23:23 Eazinn: alright
- 23:23 Eazinn#5005 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:23 Eazinn: i ready
- 23:23 V0oid: aight glglglgl
- 23:23 Eazinn: gl gamers
- 23:23 V0oid#9933 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:23 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:23 suus: glgl
- 23:23 Anankoz: glgl
- 23:23 Toady: gl
- 23:23 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:55 kasperoni-macaroni: how much tree do I have to zip
- 23:55 kasperoni-macaroni: i zipped but I died
- 23:55 kasperoni-macaroni: instead of getting in the bonus barrel
- 23:59 redotr: uhhh
- 23:59 redotr: if you started zipping up u good
- 23:59 limefiasco: fuuuck
- 23:59 limefiasco: i cant remember how to beat barbos
- 00:00 redotr: shit something broke on eazinns sheet
- 00:02 kasperoni-macaroni: k thanks
- 00:03 redotr: I fixed it the issue Eaz
- 00:15 limefiasco: omg i am so bad at this game
- 00:19 limefiasco: 20 minutes to beat koas krool
- 00:19 limefiasco: honestly not sure if will make it
- 00:22 Anankoz: When will this end again?
- 00:24 redotr: 14min warning
- 00:28 redotr: 10min warning
- 00:35 RaikouRider: 4 minutes left
- 00:37 kasperoni-macaroni: aight i'm done lol
- 00:37 kasperoni-macaroni: no time for anything else
- 00:37 redotr: 45s
- 00:38 V0oid#9933 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:14:35!
- 00:38 limefiasco: ummmm
- 00:38 limefiasco: i killed krool 2, saw coin drop, but died right before grabbing
- 00:38 RaikouRider: TIME
- 00:38 kasperoni-macaroni#9424 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:15:00!
- 00:38 tonkotsu#8056 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:15:01!
- 00:38 limefiasco: any chance i can get a pity point there?
- 00:38 Eazinn: oh were done
- 00:38 Anankoz#2089 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:38 Eazinn: fuck
- 00:38 Eazinn#5005 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:15:11!
- 00:38 limefiasco#6866 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:15:15!
- 00:38 Anankoz: Oops, I ended the split instead of finishing
- 00:38 suus#0440 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:15:16!
- 00:38 Anankoz: Can I undo that?
- 00:39 Anankoz#2089 has un-forfeited from the race.
- 00:39 V0oid: race shouldn't be recorded anyway
- 00:39 Anankoz#2089 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:15:31!
- 00:39 V0oid: since we just used it as a global timer
- 00:39 RaikouRider: What did you guys think?
- 00:39 RaikouRider: esp. compared to the 2017 one
- 00:39 V0oid: was dope v0oidOk
- 00:39 suus: this was fun
- 00:40 Anankoz: This was awesome
- 00:40 suus: i just pretty much did the challenge stuff, no idea where the collectibles are lol
- 00:40 Anankoz: Thank you so much Rai for the work you put in!
- 00:40 Anankoz: Had a good time :)
- 00:40 V0oid: how did everyone do?
- 00:40 RaikouRider: Thanks, I tried to make it more balanced than the 2017 one
- 00:40 kasperoni-macaroni: yeah thanks, super fun challenges
- 00:40 redotr: ty all :3
- 00:40 redotr: that was fun to watch
- 00:41 RaikouRider: the dkc2 one was basically "if you don't do brambler you lose"
- 00:41 limefiasco: that was a lot of fun
- 00:41 limefiasco: i am so sad I died right at the last second on krool 2
- 00:41 limefiasco: it hurts physicallyu
- 00:41 Anankoz: The 5-2 and 7-1 tasks were really hard
- 00:41 suus: i lost my mind on lemguin
- 00:41 RaikouRider: Yeah the 7-1 one should have been worth more
- 00:42 suus: heck hitboxes
- 00:42 RaikouRider: yeah 5-5 you're supposed to use both your hits at the end
- 00:42 Anankoz: Yeah... I killed a lemguin earlier
- 00:42 suus: yeah i figured but it was really hard getting there without killing anyhing
- 00:42 Anankoz: But luckily only killed one on the slope
- 00:42 RaikouRider: yeah it's rough
- 00:42 Anankoz: Lucked out there
- 00:43 Toady#1810 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:19:28!
- 00:43 Race finished in 1:19:28.8
- 00:43 suus: also died like 5 times on kiddy koindozer
- 00:43 Toady: i stopped at the right time i just forgot to press done here
- 00:43 Toady: for the record
- 00:43 Anankoz: Died once on Kiddy Koindozer
- 00:43 Anankoz: And once on Squirt trying to grab the coin and fall in the pit lol
- 00:44 Anankoz: I did fall, but didn't grab the coin
- 00:45 Anankoz: In what order did you do the worlds? I did Mekanos, W7, W8, W5, Cotton Top Cove, W1 and W2 for no particular reason