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- 22:36 Highspirits#9473 joins the race.
- 22:36 Highspirits#9473 invites Ziggy7z#7455 to join the race.
- 22:36 Highspirits#9473 invites DrMooCowz#7292 to join the race.
- 22:36 Highspirits#9473 promoted DrMooCowz#7292 to race monitor.
- 22:36 DWRaceBot: Welcome to DWR! Create a standard seed with !roll or !roll3 for version 3.0
- 22:36 DWRaceBot: Full list of raceroom commands at
- 22:36 Cyberdark86: Got to it before me HS
- 22:36 Highspirits: Too slow old man
- 22:36 Cyberdark86: :p
- 22:37 Cyberdark86: Looking at the big20 resources. Might give it a try this time.
- 22:37 DrMooCowz#7292 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:37 DrMooCowz#7292 quits the race.
- 22:37 Highspirits: Only way to get RPGs into the thing is to add cheat codes
- 22:38 Ziggy7z#7455 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:38 DrMooCowz: :eyes:
- 22:38 Ziggy7z: Hello!
- 22:38 Ziggy7z: HS making hs own room, with Blackjack and Puff-Puff.
- 22:39 Highspirits: Sup
- 22:39 Highspirits: Someone has to admin this thing
- 22:39 Ziggy7z: :D
- 22:39 Ziggy7z: I'll be online with a Throne room at about 6:45 :D
- 22:42 DrMooCowz: cool, thanks Ziggy
- 22:42 DrMooCowz: i got fancy and pre-cropped with vods, but we'll still see in case things shifted around
- 22:44 Ziggy7z: I mean it's not a bad idea to be ready.
- 22:45 Highspirits: I'm live
- 22:45 Ziggy7z: Same
- 22:46 DrMooCowz: cool, I got ziggy set
- 22:46 DrMooCowz: also love the "CROP" name :D
- 22:46 Ziggy7z: :3
- 22:47 Ziggy7z: This seed is so old, it predates the death counter, and I've been using it to practice dark dungeons.
- 22:49 Highspirits: Oh if you want an old seed I got one that has no sprites except the character
- 22:49 Cyberdark86: I also have a CROP seed. It's a chaos seed from long ago
- 22:49 DrMooCowz: and i got HS cropped
- 22:51 Ziggy7z: I tend to forget this game is 8 years old ><
- 22:52 DrMooCowz: just missing our tracker, but otherwise pretty close to ready
- 22:53 Ziggy7z: We are ready to roll then
- 22:53 Ziggy7z: I'ma do a quick bathroom break
- 22:53 DrMooCowz: i'll do the honors :o
- 22:54 DrMooCowz: !roll
- 22:54 DWRaceBot updated the race information.
- 22:54 DWRaceBot: Randomizer v3.0.3 Seed: 6253541052867 Flags: IVIAAVCEKACAAAAACAAAAEAQ
- 22:54 DWRaceBot:
- 22:54 Highspirits: c9d700058dab93e2
- 22:54 Ziggy7z: c9d700058dab93e2
- 22:54 DrMooCowz: c9d700058dab93e2
- 22:55 Highspirits#9473 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:55 Highspirits: glhf on da race
- 22:55 Ziggy7z#7455 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:56 Ziggy7z: GLHF indeed
- 22:56 Ziggy7z: let's give em a fun one
- 22:57 DrMooCowz: i'll try to be right on top of 7 PM, will give a 30 second warning
- 22:57 Ziggy7z: schweet
- 22:57 Ziggy7z: Thanks!
- 22:59 DrMooCowz: 30 second warning. GL HF!
- 23:00 DrMooCowz#7292 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:08 Ziggy7z#7455 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:08:15!
- 00:08 DrMooCowz: GG!
- 00:08 Highspirits: Wow
- 00:08 Highspirits: Where the heck was Kol
- 00:08 Highspirits: lol
- 00:08 Highspirits#9473 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:08 Race finished in 1:08:32.1
- 00:08 Race finished in 1:08:32.2
- 00:08 Ziggy7z: Oh dear you,re going to be ANGY
- 00:09 DrMooCowz: GG HS
- 00:09 Ziggy7z: Continue 3 steps behind mountain, on swamp continent
- 00:09 Highspirits: You mean right where I am now
- 00:09 Highspirits: Literally 3 steps away from seeing it
- 00:09 Highspirits: lol
- 00:09 DrMooCowz: interview booth for both of you?
- 00:09 Ziggy7z: Yeap, brt
- 00:09 Ziggy7z: I was actually panicking when I saw kol
- 00:09 Ziggy7z: I was thinking OH NO HE'S HAD ARMOR FOR 30 MINUTES
- 00:10 Ziggy7z: turns out, no.
- 00:10 Highspirits: Nope I died in Mountain cave
- 00:10 Highspirits: And went for coords since I had them
- 00:10 Highspirits: I'm gonna pass on interview, my stomach is in knots right now and probably shouldn't talk
- 00:10 Cyberdark86: GGs
- 00:10 Highspirits: I think I ate something funky for lunch
- 00:12 DrMooCowz: Ziggy got bamboo pole and was the key to this
- 00:12 DrMooCowz: no worries HS, hope you feel better!
- 00:12 Highspirits: I was gonna make a big brain play to get gold in grave for a broad sword but ended up dying.. then finding Sword right away lol
- 00:13 Highspirits: Thanks for race, I think I'm gonna go take something to try and calm this raging beast
- 00:13 Highspirits: See you tomorrow
- 00:13 Ziggy7z: See ya tomorrow
- 00:16 Ziggy7z: GGs. I kinda right ordered and played it really solid, cept armor
- 00:54 Race result recorded by aaron2u2#3589