
Dragon Warrior Randomizer DWR Standard Flags Randomizer v3.0.2 Seed: 8945799204099 Flags: IVIAAVCAKACAAAAAAAAAAEAQ
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DiabeetusThe2nd #8420
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  1. 1st RatlifTheRat #3587 Finished 27
  2. 2nd dk9146 #8136 he / him more spent 5 minutes in front of DL2 trying to heal walk with only 65 mp left, no herbs and somehow pulled it off Finished 2,707
  3. 3rd Stags28 #0096 he / him more that was god routing plus atrocious charluck Finished 12
  4. 4th NESCardinality #3310 more 2 Charlock deaths, and I'm surprised I made it on the 3rd try. Finished 17
  5. 5th DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 Finished 19
5 entrants (0 inactive)