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- 03:13 DarkmoonEX: fryteeth, interview?
- 03:13 Voltgloss#0455 has finished in 17th place with a time of 1:10:40!
- 03:14 nm_Sully#1266 has finished in 18th place with a time of 1:11:06!
- 03:14 picklesandbeer#1470 has finished in 19th place with a time of 1:11:12!
- 03:14 Voltgloss: gg all!
- 03:15 nm_Sully: GG
- 03:15 picklesandbeer: GGs
- 03:16 DarkmoonEX: kozbot, interview?
- 03:17 koz_bot: sure thing
- 03:17 koz_bot: what do I do?
- 03:17 SirLinkalot: Hop in the Broadcast Waiting Room and we'll pull you in
- 03:18 DeviousRNG: In the FFR Discord
- 03:18 koz_bot: thanks!
- 03:18 shadtheshade#3525 has finished in 20th place with a time of 1:15:54!
- 03:19 DarkmoonEX: zerocool, interview?
- 03:19 Zerocool512: Sure
- 03:19 DarkmoonEX: come over to the broadcast waiting room on the discord
- 03:20 Fricassee#2570 has finished in 21st place with a time of 1:17:21!
- 03:20 Fricassee: ggs
- 03:21 wallsofjerich0#8519 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 1:18:30!
- 03:21 wallsofjerich0: gg
- 03:22 jat2980: Interview SilkySlim?
- 03:22 SilkySlim316: sure
- 03:22 jat2980: Join broadcast waiting room
- 03:23 LuffyDV#9264 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 1:20:51!
- 03:24 JMan#3827 has finished in 24th place with a time of 1:20:58!
- 03:24 DarkmoonEX: jshy, interview?
- 03:24 JShydell: Sure, one sec!
- 03:24 caleb: @goatspirate - interview? @luffy you too? ggs
- 03:24 LuffyDV: sure man
- 03:24 jat2980: Voltgloss interview?
- 03:25 Kal'daka Mizzrym#8871 has finished in 25th place with a time of 1:22:06!
- 03:25 caleb: you'll get the invite soon luffy :)
- 03:25 SpaceDrake#8309 has finished in 26th place with a time of 1:22:11!
- 03:25 LuffyDV: thanks
- 03:25 Voltgloss: interview? sure
- 03:25 Kal'daka Mizzrym: gg
- 03:25 jat2980: Join broadcast waiting room
- 03:25 JShydell: @darkmoon in the waiting room
- 03:26 ShadowedFlames#8121 has finished in 27th place with a time of 1:23:32!
- 03:27 SilkySlim316: if anyone got a second to mic test me in the waiting room lmk, i think it workin now
- 03:27 Climinteedus#7090 has finished in 28th place with a time of 1:24:27!
- 03:30 Guelph35#3622 has finished in 29th place with a time of 1:27:08!
- 03:30 Caront#9225 has finished in 30th place with a time of 1:27:32!
- 03:30 Caront: *sigh*
- 03:30 Caront: GG, everyone!
- 03:31 Serisan: ggs
- 03:34 rocksolid_84#8665 has finished in 31st place with a time of 1:31:26!
- 03:34 Caront: GG!
- 03:34 jat2980: Space Drake interview in a minute?
- 03:34 rocksolid_84: gg. wow I thought I did better than that
- 03:35 Ken Brightblade#1935 has finished in 32nd place with a time of 1:32:06!
- 03:35 rocksolid_84: gg ken!
- 03:35 Caront: GG!
- 03:35 JShydell: GG
- 03:35 SpaceDrake: GG y'all. Tho whuuf
- 03:35 SpaceDrake: Not my best showing overall :V
- 03:36 SpaceDrake: I would like to interview
- 03:36 ael: head into the broadcast waiting room channel and we'll get ya in
- 03:36 jat2980: Join broadcast waiting room
- 03:36 SpaceDrake: joined
- 03:38 Ken Brightblade: yeah, I put up a bad showing this week lol
- 03:38 Ken Brightblade: /shrug
- 03:39 tetron#2530 has finished in 33rd place with a time of 1:36:54!
- 03:40 rocksolid_84: gg tetron!
- 03:40 robdraven: gg!
- 03:42 Caront: GG!
- 03:43 NitemarePhoenix#7493 has finished in 34th place with a time of 1:40:01!
- 03:43 rocksolid_84: gg!
- 03:43 robdraven: GG!
- 03:43 NitemarePhoenix: oh hey.. its 34th place again
- 03:43 NitemarePhoenix: RNG does not like me
- 03:43 NitemarePhoenix: but does have a cruel sense of humor
- 03:43 NitemarePhoenix: GGs all!
- 03:43 Serisan: ggs
- 03:43 shoombabi: gg all
- 03:44 Kal'daka Mizzrym: GG nitemare
- 03:44 Caront: GG!
- 03:44 Chanigan: ggs
- 03:55 Regweld#2403 has finished in 35th place with a time of 1:52:45!
- 03:55 Race finished in 1:52:45.7
- 03:55 call_me_Q: GG
- 03:55 NitemarePhoenix: gg
- 03:55 Caront: GG!
- 03:55 Chanigan: gg!
- 03:56 call_me_Q: Wasn't willing to give up on this one! Great job everyone that finished before me :D
- 03:56 NitemarePhoenix: wasnt easy. RNG wanted to keep it competitive for ya reg
- 03:56 NitemarePhoenix: at least in my race
- 03:57 goatspirate: gg
- 03:58 Zerocool512: ggs
- 03:58 tetron: gg
- 03:58 tetron: I'm impressed nobody forfitted. early floater but everything else was just terrible
- 03:59 shoombabi: early floater MEANS everything is terrible
- 03:59 call_me_Q: I thought about forfitting but wanted my 1 point for the week.
- 03:59 jat2980: GG
- 03:59 shoombabi: and you earned it
- 03:59 wallsofjerich0: gg
- 04:00 SpaceDrake: Yeah, I kind of considered throwing in the towel but I at least wanted to show the sprites off
- 04:01 Dani3883: GG everyone!
- 04:01 Race result recorded by DarkmoonEX#7048