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- 01:51 LuffyDV: boom
- 01:51 Zerocool512: huh?
- 01:52 LuffyDV: dwight im just checking out the bonus/malus if u need me to go back to blue screen just say so
- 01:52 Zerocool512: I have axe, shield shield bonk hammer shirt shirt chucks
- 01:52 caleb: might need to CTRL F5 your site and then reload the seed
- 01:53 Zerocool512: There we go, i got it now
- 01:53 lifereboot#7032 is ready! (9 remaining)
- 01:53 Zerocool512#7830 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 01:53 spellzapp#5342 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 01:53 caleb#8824 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 01:53 JShydell#2610 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 01:54 caleb: gl hf folks
- 01:54 lifereboot: GL HF
- 01:54 spellzapp: gl hf
- 01:56 LuffyDV#9264 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:56 GregglyPuff#3650 joins the race.
- 01:56 caleb: oh snap
- 01:57 spellzapp: omgreggly puff
- 01:57 Kirito#7015 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:57 LuffyDV: now its a party
- 01:57 BurtReynoldz#4973 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:57 caleb: cant wait for greg and luffy to do co-op together
- 01:57 caleb: GregLuffyPuff
- 01:57 Kirito: Lol
- 01:58 LuffyDV: i have been practicing my BB strats haha
- 01:58 caleb: make it a 3way team w/DVS too ... GregLuffyPuffDVS
- 01:58 Kirito: I’m game
- 01:58 spellzapp: GregglyLuff
- 02:00 GregglyPuff: no
- 02:00 GregglyPuff: wait wut?
- 02:00 Dani3883: Greg and goatspirate, y'all almost ready?
- 02:01 goatspirate#4806 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:01 GregglyPuff: no
- 02:02 Dani3883: Get it together, Greg! Lol
- 02:02 Dani3883: :)
- 02:02 GregglyPuff#3650 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:02 lifereboot: gotta go take greg off my admin vote ballot i guess
- 02:02 lifereboot: nvm
- 02:02 caleb: mom & dadmin are fighting
- 02:02 Dani3883: Yep
- 02:03 Kirito: Lol
- 02:03 caleb: **button**
- 02:03 Dani3883: We just went live. Gate in one minute
- 02:03 caleb: neat
- 02:03 spellzapp: **butt**
- 02:03 caleb: gl hf
- 02:03 LuffyDV: glhf
- 02:04 Dani3883: GL HF EVERYONE!!
- 02:04 Dani3883#5734 quits the race.
- 02:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:04 JShydell: :) glhf
- 02:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:09 GregglyPuff#3650 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:19 Kirito#7015 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:23 caleb#8824 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:18:09!
- 03:23 BurtReynoldz#4973 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:30 spellzapp#5342 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:25:26!
- 03:30 caleb: gg
- 03:30 spellzapp: gg caleb
- 03:30 caleb: ty
- 03:33 goatspirate: gg
- 03:36 LuffyDV#9264 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:31:32!
- 03:36 LuffyDV: ggs
- 03:36 caleb: gg bud!
- 03:36 spellzapp: ggggg
- 03:36 Dani3883: GG! Interview, Luffy?
- 03:37 LuffyDV: sure =)
- 03:37 Dani3883: Hop in the booth :)
- 03:39 goatspirate: gg
- 03:48 JShydell#2610 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:43:20!
- 03:52 goatspirate: gg
- 03:53 caleb: gg!
- 03:55 lifereboot#7032 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:50:10!
- 03:55 caleb: GG!
- 03:55 JShydell: gg!
- 03:55 spellzapp: gg
- 03:56 lifereboot: GGs
- 03:56 LuffyDV: GGs
- 03:56 Dani3883: GG! Interview, LRB?
- 03:56 lifereboot: sure
- 03:58 Zerocool512: lol so tilted right now
- 03:58 JShydell: You've got this!
- 03:59 Zerocool512: I know i do
- 03:59 Zerocool512: misclick mishap
- 04:05 Zerocool512#7830 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:00:55!
- 04:05 JShydell: gg
- 04:06 Zerocool512: thanks
- 04:06 goatspirate: gg
- 04:06 goatspirate: gp bringing up the rear
- 04:06 goatspirate: as usual
- 04:20 goatspirate#4806 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:20 Race finished in 2:15:22.8
- 04:22 Dani3883: GG everyone!
- 04:23 Race result recorded by Dani3883#5734