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- 03:33 Thunderclaude#9119 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:33 DeviousRNG: \o/
- 03:33 Thunderclaude: glhf
- 03:33 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: inb4 death touch eyes and NUKE agamas.
- 03:33 LuffyDV: dont u put that evil on us
- 03:33 caleb: grsharks here we come
- 03:33 DeviousRNG: It's the Frost Ogres you have to worry about
- 03:34 jat2980: K we are live
- 03:34 jat2980: Dropping gate in 15 seconds
- 03:34 Kirito: Lol caleb
- 03:34 asherwells: glhf
- 03:34 jat2980#3780 quits the race.
- 03:34 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:34 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:55 caleb#8824 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:37 Kirito#7015 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:38 Thunderclaude#9119 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:04:03!
- 04:38 asherwells: gg!
- 04:39 DeviousRNG: gg
- 04:39 Thunderclaude: ggs
- 04:39 jat2980: gg
- 04:39 jat2980: Interview invitation will be in like 30 seconds
- 04:41 goatspirate: gg
- 04:43 Shadaos#0783 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:49 fryteeth#6010 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:15:11!
- 04:50 DeviousRNG: gg
- 04:50 asherwells: gg!
- 04:50 goatspirate: gg
- 04:51 BurtReynoldz#4973 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:17:06!
- 04:51 jat2980: GG fryteeth
- 04:51 asherwells: gg!
- 04:52 DeviousRNG: gg
- 04:52 jat2980: GG Burt no forfeiting! It must be b/c you didn't have to interview if you finished
- 04:52 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: ty. gg all.
- 04:52 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: dont give away all my secrets.
- 04:52 jat2980: :P
- 04:53 LordFizzlebeef#0465 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:19:10!
- 04:54 goatspirate: gg
- 04:54 DeviousRNG: gg
- 04:54 asherwells: gg!
- 04:54 jat2980: GG LFB
- 04:58 LuffyDV#9264 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:24:02!
- 04:59 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: gg Luf
- 04:59 jat2980: 5th! Nice finish Luffy. Clearly a lot of improvements compared to your first BB seed
- 04:59 LuffyDV: GGs thx
- 04:59 asherwells: gg!
- 04:59 LuffyDV: tyty
- 04:59 LuffyDV: thx Jat
- 05:01 jat2980: Interview luffy?
- 05:01 jat2980: You should get an invite in discord
- 05:02 LuffyDV: sure, dont see it yet tho
- 05:03 DVS#3337 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:29:06!
- 05:04 jat2980: DM'ed it
- 05:04 asherwells: gg!
- 05:04 jat2980: GG DVS
- 05:04 DeviousRNG: ty
- 05:09 Dani3883#5734 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:34:13!
- 05:09 asherwells: gg!
- 05:09 LuffyDV: GGs
- 05:10 jat2980: GG Dani
- 05:10 jat2980: Are my rolls worst than yours :P
- 05:10 DeviousRNG: YES!
- 05:10 Dani3883: YES!
- 05:11 DeviousRNG: Of all of the races you decided to jump in on, it was this dumpster fire :D
- 05:11 goatspirate: gg
- 05:17 asherwells#1175 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:43:07!
- 05:19 jat2980: GG asher
- 05:19 asherwells: thanks
- 05:19 LuffyDV: GGs asher
- 05:19 goatspirate#4806 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:44:39!
- 05:19 asherwells: gg!
- 05:19 goatspirate: gg asher
- 05:19 asherwells: quick race question -- if i do set comment will it show now or wait until everyone is done?
- 05:20 jat2980: I didn't know you could comment using this.... But I would suggest waiting
- 05:20 asherwells: wouldn't be anything spoilery
- 05:20 jat2980: Oh go ahead then
- 05:20 jat2980: They don't accept dumpster fire emotes at this point in time though heads up :P
- 05:21 asherwells#1175 added a comment: "points! hooray points!"
- 05:21 jat2980: Everything is made up and the points don't matter!
- 05:22 LuffyDV: GGs
- 05:26 JShydell#2610 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:51:12!
- 05:26 jat2980: GG! Interview?
- 05:26 JShydell: one sec
- 05:26 goatspirate: gg
- 05:27 LuffyDV: ggs
- 05:29 Serisan#5274 has finished in 11th place with a time of 1:54:43!
- 05:29 Race finished in 1:54:43.9
- 05:29 jat2980: GG Serisan way to finish off!
- 05:29 JShydell: GG!
- 05:30 LuffyDV: GGs!
- 05:30 Serisan: ty and GGs
- 05:31 Dani3883: GG everyone!!
- 05:33 Dani3883#5734 added a comment: "Decent magic? Who needs that?"
- 05:33 Race result recorded by Dani3883#5734