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- 04:41 iiSalad: gg zak, see ya tomorrow bud
- 04:41 Frostifero: oh man it's coming down to the wire
- 04:41 iiSalad: (today)
- 04:41 Spikevegeta: you'll be facing off vs. Jack White, the legend tomorrow
- 04:41 HPfunman: gg zak
- 04:41 Spikevegeta: 3 spots left in the bracket!
- 04:41 Spikevegeta: next finisher faces off with Sonic!
- 04:46 Shib: happy birthday bb
- 04:47 Bl00dyBizkitz: FeelsBirthdayMan
- 04:53 ColeQuil: Happy Birthday :D
- 04:54 RedBuddha#7470 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:54 RedBuddha: :/
- 04:54 Spikevegeta: damn, gg bud
- 04:55 RedBuddha: gg
- 04:55 RedBuddha: this is what i get for spending my time making a tracker instead of actually playing the video game
- 04:58 ilireal_tomo: Derpy is banned from rolling seeds lol
- 05:06 TrueCobalion: i am a FUCKING lunatic
- 05:06 Bulcon: Yes you are
- 05:06 TrueCobalion#9994 has finished in 14th place with a time of 4:56:28!
- 05:06 TrueCobalion: hundoed
- 05:06 Spikevegeta: GG Cobalion!
- 05:06 HPfunman: gg man
- 05:07 TrueCobalion: ggs
- 05:07 Spikevegeta: on your 100% Seed!
- 05:07 Bulcon: 50/50 important checks, the madman
- 05:07 Spikevegeta: you'll be facing off with Sonic tomorrow
- 05:07 Frostifero: Hundo Seed
- 05:07 Spikevegeta: 2 spots left!
- 05:07 iiSalad: cobalion hundod
- 05:07 iiSalad: absolute god
- 05:07 HPfunman: Hundo in under 5, right on pace
- 05:08 HPfunman: woah I just realized Aceuhhh is probs gonna get paired with BB. Could it be more perfect?
- 05:10 iiSalad: it's possible
- 05:10 iiSalad: don't count your chickens
- 05:10 Frostifero: This final stretch is intense
- 05:10 Frostifero: If you know you know
- 05:10 HPfunman: comes down to final xemnas really
- 05:13 AceUhh#8122 has finished in 15th place with a time of 5:02:55!
- 05:13 Spikevegeta: yooooooooooooooo, GG ASA
- 05:13 Spikevegeta: facing off with Ninten tomorrow in the 2-15 match!
- 05:13 Spikevegeta: 1 spot left gamers!
- 05:13 TheLetterZed#2445 has finished in 16th place with a time of 5:03:27!
- 05:13 TrueCobalion: GGs everyone
- 05:13 HPfunman: ah man
- 05:13 Spikevegeta: GG Zed!
- 05:13 ColeQuil: GGs
- 05:13 tuellbox: GGs
- 05:14 Spikevegeta: you'll be facing BB tomorrow in the 1-16 Match!
- 05:14 HPfunman: so close to the BB Aceuhhh matchup
- 05:14 HPfunman: GG gents
- 05:14 Spikevegeta: lmao, we were 30 seconds away from the BB Ace Matchup
- 05:14 HPfunman: See you all tommorrow
- 05:14 PhantomLeo#2737 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:14 Frostifero: what a final rush between Asa, Zed and Derpy
- 05:15 AceUhh: DUMB ASS SEED
- 05:15 PhantomLeo: Seed is dumb :(
- 05:15 PhantomLeo: I was never gonna find that last proof
- 05:15 iiSalad: and jmari
- 05:16 Bulcon: Yeah, Jmari was on Final Xemnas as well
- 05:16 iiSalad: just got domed :(
- 05:16 Frostifero: Oh I didn't see Jmarl :(
- 05:16 TrueCobalion: aww
- 05:16 TrueCobalion: poor jmari
- 05:18 jmari49#0079 has finished in 17th place with a time of 5:07:45!
- 05:18 Spikevegeta: GG jmari!
- 05:18 TrueCobalion#9994 added a comment: "Hundoed the seed on complete accident lol"
- 05:18 Joshua Marinelli: GG!
- 05:18 iiSalad: GG mari
- 05:19 PhantomLeo: Thanks for the race fellas, wish I had more randos under my belt but for a 3rd one, it wasnt so bad. I'm out of energy though but I'll definitely sign up for the next one
- 05:20 Bulcon: For this being your 3rd rando ever, and first ever hints race, you did great bud
- 05:20 PhantomLeo: Yeah but that last proof man, I was never going to find it T_T
- 05:24 Jack White#3899 added a comment: "what a seed"
- 05:24 Shib: spike still here?
- 05:25 derpydragon15#2410 has finished in 18th place with a time of 5:15:34!
- 05:26 Spikevegeta: yessir!
- 05:26 ColeQuil#6579 added a comment: "Amazing seed. crashed on a load zone for some reason. Glad I saved at some point."
- 05:26 Spikevegeta: sorry, taking care of a lot of things
- 05:26 Joshua Marinelli: Nice job Dragon! is was a really close race.
- 05:26 Joshua Marinelli: it*
- 05:26 Spikevegeta: GG Derpy!
- 05:26 TrueCobalion: i'm gonna go to bed now
- 05:26 TrueCobalion: i'm covered in sweat from final fights
- 05:27 Spikevegeta: GG Coibalion
- 05:27 TrueCobalion: gg
- 05:27 derpydragon15: sorry for the shit seed I tend to roll them
- 05:27 Shib: all good, is it possible to do an async for race tomrorow? family wants to do christmas tomorrow now\
- 05:28 ilireal_tomo#0872 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:28 ilireal_tomo: I'm burnt.
- 05:29 iiSalad: yeah it was a tough one man
- 05:29 iiSalad: grats for making it this far honestly
- 05:32 ilireal_tomo: Yeah, I wasn't gonna get that last proof either. Just watched a vod, and it's exactly where I thought. lol
- 05:33 ilireal_tomo: GG's to all, have a good night. Looking forward to the next one.
- 05:33 iiSalad: GGs man
- 05:59 equations19#4006 has finished in 19th place with a time of 5:49:14!
- 06:09 tuellbox#4873 has finished in 20th place with a time of 5:58:51!
- 06:09 Race finished in 5:58:51.4
- 06:09 tuellbox: Pulling up the rear with sub 6 haha, beat 2 bosses I hadn't ever beaten before.
- 06:13 equations19: GG. Having one more person still going helped keep me from quitting.
- 15:34 SudoTrainer#2075 added a comment: "Died over 10 times to 1k, seed was something."
- 01:15 Race result recorded by neraigo#8231