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- 00:00 roromaniac: DJDiabeetus
- 00:00 roromaniac: Where's that guy :(
- 00:00 iiCoreySG9: We all do
- 00:00 roromaniac: I miss him
- 00:00 wolfscout18: DJ Diabeetus the Yeetus o7
- 00:00 djdiarrhea#7333 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:01 Bearlynewgaymer: Anyway we know when to start?
- 00:01 Subconjazz#0991 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:01 Bearlynewgaymer: my first tourney eheh
- 00:01 wolfscout18: im dropping the beetus for him
- 00:01 WarehouseJesus: timer will start counting down, once it hits 0
- 00:01 Double: it will count down
- 00:01 roromaniac: @BearlyNewGaymer NOT TRUE
- 00:01 roromaniac: Sadge
- 00:01 roromaniac: First live qual tho ;)
- 00:01 Bearlynewgaymer: Well true haha
- 00:01 roromaniac: Glad to see you back
- 00:01 Bearlynewgaymer: <3
- 00:01 Super Star Earth: 20 people live 12 asyncs
- 00:01 Bearlynewgaymer: It has to do with my boy roxas I gotta join ;p
- 00:02 codename_geek: Just do a top 32 :)
- 00:02 roromaniac: it's a literal coinflip
- 00:02 wolfscout18: he said the C word
- 00:02 wolfscout18: monkaS
- 00:03 Ragnoth#4497 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:03 Super Star Earth: glhf
- 00:03 roromaniac: EQUIP STRUGGLE
- 00:03 roromaniac: START STT
- 00:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:05 WallpeSH: earth your timer is not displayed
- 00:59 Gemini_Hero: Metthaios async finished with a LOADLESS of 55:40
- 01:19 Double#0640 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:15:28!
- 01:19 Double: 1:10:14
- 01:19 djdiarrhea#7333 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:15:40!
- 01:19 iiCoreySG9: 1:09:00
- 01:20 Gemini_Hero: Slim async has finished with a LOADLESS of 1:11:02.58
- 01:20 Ragnoth#4497 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:17:22!
- 01:20 roromaniac#3152 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:17:24!
- 01:21 Ragnoth: 1:11:45
- 01:21 roromaniac: 1:11:25
- 01:21 equations19#4006 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:18:11!
- 01:21 equations19: 1:12:49
- 01:23 djdiarrhea#7333 added a comment.
- 01:25 BDBonk#7201 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:21:33!
- 01:25 BDBonk: 1:15:46
- 01:25 Gemini_Hero: Wallpe async finished with a LOADLESS of 1:15:25
- 01:26 codename_geek#3748 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:23:24!
- 01:27 codename_geek: 1:17:09
- 01:28 L0rdRaiden#8880 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:29 kumatora#6427 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:25:27!
- 01:29 kumatora: 1:19:08
- 01:30 Darknesmist#4723 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:26:40!
- 01:30 Darknesmist: 1:19:49
- 01:31 Gemini_Hero: Kallat async has finished with a LOADLESS of 1:21:22
- 01:34 WaffleMagik#6298 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:30:47!
- 01:35 WaffleMagik: 1:40:47
- 01:35 WaffleMagik: fuck
- 01:35 roromaniac: 1:24:15***
- 01:35 WaffleMagik: wait no
- 01:35 roromaniac: Loadless
- 01:35 roromaniac: For Waffle
- 01:35 WaffleMagik: thanks
- 01:35 WaffleMagik: <3
- 01:39 lardypon#2821 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:40 Gemini_Hero: Ignited async has finished with a LOADLESS of 1:29:37.74
- 01:41 wolfscout18#0567 has finished in 11th place with a time of 1:37:32!
- 01:41 wolfscout18: 1:30:15
- 01:41 Super Star Earth#4657 has finished in 12th place with a time of 1:37:56!
- 01:41 Super Star Earth: Loadless: 1:27:53
- 01:43 Subconjazz#0991 has finished in 13th place with a time of 1:39:47!
- 01:44 Subconjazz: 1:33:20
- 01:45 WarehouseJesus#7400 has finished in 14th place with a time of 1:41:34!
- 01:45 WarehouseJesus: 1:34:41
- 01:46 Gemini_Hero: OmicronGamma async has finished with a LOADLESS of 1:41:20
- 01:49 Gemini_Hero: VulkHylan async has finished with a LOADLESS of 1:41:45
- 01:56 Aurrun#4489 has finished in 15th place with a time of 1:53:16!
- 01:57 Aurrun: 1:45:59
- 01:57 Tibbs#7452 has finished in 16th place with a time of 1:54:13!
- 01:57 Tibbs: 1:47:09.26
- 01:57 Tibbs: loadless
- 01:58 Tibbs: ggs
- 01:58 Gemini_Hero: Zero_Probability async has finished with a LOADLESS of 1:43:46.11
- 02:02 Gemini_Hero: Ugh_Sunlight async has finished with a LOADLESS of 1:49:18.14
- 02:07 Raiden: 1:19:06
- 02:10 roromaniac: @Raiden what is that time?
- 02:11 Squarefan#3858 has finished in 17th place with a time of 2:08:05!
- 02:11 Squarefan: 2:01:00.70
- 02:12 Gemini_Hero: RedwoodTTV async has finished with a LOADLESS of 2:00:11.01
- 02:12 Tibbs: ggs
- 02:39 Bearlynewgaymer#3831 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:39 Race finished in 2:35:38.6
- 04:07 Race result recorded by Bulcon#9290