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- 00:51 roromaniac: not the first time it happened
- 00:51 Violin: ah okay
- 00:51 Kaeldiar: ty roro
- 00:52 Violin: tyty
- 00:52 roromaniac: np
- 01:17 l7l#7636 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:09:58!
- 01:17 Violin: GG!
- 01:17 Violin: Make sure to post your loadless :3
- 01:17 Jaylawn: gg i dont have one so just rta
- 01:17 Jaylawn: it froze
- 01:18 Violin: Ah man Sadge
- 01:18 Kaeldiar: D:
- 01:18 Kaeldiar: Placement doesn't matter, future rounds are all "FFA"
- 01:18 Kaeldiar: So unless you get sniped by 16 people...
- 01:19 iiSalad: grats jay
- 01:19 l7l#7636 added a comment.
- 01:19 Jaylawn: ty
- 01:19 Sonicshadowsilver2#0984 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:12:25!
- 01:19 Jaylawn: ggs sonic
- 01:19 Violin: GG Sonic!
- 01:20 Violin: Make sure to post your loadless if you have one :3
- 01:20 Sonicshadowsilver2: Loadless: 1:06:28 (Subtracted 15 seconds from my actual Loadless time since the Loadless timer started at 0 when the timer started counting down for some reason).
- 01:21 Violin: thank you!
- 01:26 Metthaios#9074 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:18:48!
- 01:26 Mett: 1:11:03
- 01:26 Violin: GG Metthaios!
- 01:26 iiSalad: gg bud
- 01:28 JaredWeakStrike#0886 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:21:10!
- 01:28 JaredWeakStrike: 1:15:47
- 01:28 Violin: GG Jared and also WTF is that final xemnas mod
- 01:28 JaredWeakStrike: KEKW
- 01:32 Salad#6076 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:25:13!
- 01:32 iiSalad: 1:15:35 loadless
- 01:32 iiSalad: get owned jared
- 01:32 Violin: GG Salad!
- 01:32 Mett: yo?
- 01:32 Mett: ggs my dude
- 01:33 Eldric#0473 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:25:49!
- 01:33 Violin: GG Eldric!
- 01:33 Eldric: 1:19:54 loadless
- 01:38 Ragnoth#4497 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:30:48!
- 01:38 Violin: GG Ragnoth!
- 01:38 Ragnoth: 1:25:03.00 loadless
- 01:40 NobodyDaxian: Does the Pete fight in OC crash a lot for yall? Crashed twice after completing the fight and skipping the scene
- 01:43 ryeguy45#4300 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:36:38!
- 01:43 Violin: GG Rye!
- 01:44 ryeguy45: 1:30:46 loadless
- 01:44 shadowjc32#1798 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:37:22!
- 01:44 Violin: GG JC!
- 01:44 shadowjc32: 1:32:04
- 01:44 shadowjc32: Ty
- 01:49 Cheeko Kyun#5192 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:42:40!
- 01:50 Violin: GG Cheeko!
- 01:50 Cheeko Kyun: 1:36:21
- 01:53 Shananas: @violin might wanna hide comments
- 01:53 Violin: sorry thank you
- 01:56 SeriouslySurly#9870 has finished in 11th place with a time of 1:49:13!
- 01:56 Violin: GG Surly!
- 01:56 SeriouslySurly: 1:43:32 loadless
- 01:57 roromaniac#3152 has finished in 12th place with a time of 1:50:08!
- 01:57 roromaniac: 1:43:26.32
- 01:57 roromaniac: Damn
- 01:57 Violin: GG roro!
- 01:58 WallpeSH#9516 has finished in 13th place with a time of 1:51:01!
- 01:58 WallpeSH: 1:45:12
- 01:58 WallpeSH: gg
- 01:58 Violin: GG Wallpe!
- 01:58 roromaniac: LETS GO WALLPE
- 01:58 Mett: yo is that the boys?
- 01:58 WallpeSH: the boys!!!
- 01:58 Ragna: That is indeed the boys
- 02:01 chaserdk#1552 has finished in 14th place with a time of 1:54:26!
- 02:02 chaserdk: 1:47:51 loadless
- 02:02 chaserdk: gg
- 02:02 Violin: GG chaser!
- 02:03 SquallWhatever#5736 has finished in 15th place with a time of 1:55:56!
- 02:03 Violin: GG Squall!
- 02:03 SquallWhatever: i hit the wrong button to stop timer
- 02:03 SquallWhatever: checking vod lol
- 02:03 Violin: it's all good we saw it
- 02:04 Kaeldiar: placement doesn't matter, only that you finish top 16
- 02:04 Violin: ^
- 02:04 SquallWhatever: 1:48:42
- 02:05 David B#9897 has finished in 16th place with a time of 1:58:16!
- 02:05 David B: 1:51:19 loadless
- 02:05 Violin: GG David!
- 02:06 SquallWhatever#5736 added a comment.
- 02:06 JeffSGamer#8000 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:06 JeffSGamer: I'm done, i made tons of dumb decisions, this is why i dont go back to rando because it always stress me out, its not because i lose, i stress myself. Sorry guys
- 02:06 Violin: Congrats on the top 16 for qualifying!
- 02:07 Violin: All good Jeff, thank you so much for joining regardless <3
- 02:07 Kaeldiar: <3
- 02:07 Bill_Lazerman#1377 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:08 NobodyDaxian: gg guys! and congrats!!!!!
- 02:09 goddamnitnoya#5059 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:09 goddamnitnoya: doggy bein fussy and its late for me but ggs to top 16!
- 02:09 NobodyDaxian#9974 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:09 Race finished in 2:02:47.6
- 02:10 chaserdk#1552 added a comment.
- 02:14 Violin: GGs to everyone! Thank you for participating <3 Super excited for tomorrow's round :D