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- 23:58 NerdyDisasterFluffle: glhf
- 23:58 IgnitedTNT: glhf everyone
- 23:58 IgnitedTNT#3760 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:58 L0rdRaiden#8880 joins the race.
- 23:58 L0rdRaiden#8880 quits the race.
- 23:58 codename_geek: smh
- 23:58 SyiLenSa: GO LOD
- 23:59 Dair: aight for raiden im doing LOD
- 23:59 Dair: LODDERS
- 23:59 Raiden: oh no
- 23:59 Raiden: please
- 23:59 IgnitedTNT: how many asyncs?
- 23:59 quatmaniac: lmao
- 23:59 SyiLenSa: 15 min LoD
- 23:59 Kallat: LODDERS
- 23:59 Raiden: play like a sane human
- 23:59 Banjoforever#8235 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:59 quatmaniac: anyone who plays kh2 rando is not sane to start
- 23:59 Kallat: so as soon as you see that LoD hinted being a 5 then LoD
- 23:59 Dair: true
- 00:00 Aurox44#5413 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:00 KekoDeLoco: PeepoKnife
- 00:00 codename_geek: ALRIGHT YALL
- 00:00 codename_geek: GL GL
- 00:00 NobodyDaxian: glhf
- 00:00 codename_geek: FORCE STARTING IN 10 seconds
- 00:00 codename_geek#3748 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:03 Zero_Probability: geek I'm sure you know but I'm taking a while to get back up after a crash, hopefully I'll be back soon
- 01:03 codename_geek: no worries
- 01:05 Zero_Probability: would I be able to restart my computer if I saved my livesplit time or would I have to dnf?
- 01:07 codename_geek: That's fine to just restart your timer where it was at
- 01:07 codename_geek: Just start your timer at the Loadless
- 01:10 Dair#8621 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:09:47!
- 01:10 Dair: 1:04:22
- 01:10 codename_geek: ggs!
- 01:10 Dair: loadless
- 01:13 codename_geek: vilotchild finished at 1:12:19 with a loadless of 1:06:36
- 01:13 IgnitedTNT#3760 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:12:40!
- 01:13 codename_geek: ggs!
- 01:13 IgnitedTNT: 1:06:31 loadless
- 01:18 kisUWU#2746 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:17:05!
- 01:18 codename_geek: ggs!
- 01:18 kisu: 1:10:18 loadless gg's
- 01:18 codename_geek: Darknesmist finished at 1:17:12 with a loadless of 1:10:38
- 01:18 X_Nocturnal_X#6335 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:17:43!
- 01:18 codename_geek: ggs!
- 01:18 X_Nocturnal_X: 1:09:59
- 01:19 SyiLenSa#2045 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:18:07!
- 01:19 SyiLenSa: 1:10:46
- 01:19 Darknesmist: Lets go Syi!!!
- 01:19 Darknesmist: Lets go ignited :D
- 01:19 NobodyDaxian#9974 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:18:41!
- 01:19 NobodyDaxian: I paniced on the stop timer once I was in GoA lol
- 01:20 NobodyDaxian: Loadless is 1:18:41
- 01:20 Darknesmist: Ggs :D
- 01:20 NobodyDaxian: *1:13:03
- 01:20 NobodyDaxian: I cant read lol
- 01:20 Darknesmist: Its fine nerves
- 01:20 vilotchild: GG everyone
- 01:21 Aurox44#5413 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:20:19!
- 01:21 Aurox44: 1:14:43
- 01:21 NobodyDaxian: GGs
- 01:21 codename_geek: ggs!
- 01:25 codename_geek: Subconjazz finished at 1:24:20 with a loadless of 1:17:56
- 01:26 Zero_Probability: actually made it back, really didn't think I would
- 01:26 Banjoforever#8235 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:25:52!
- 01:26 codename_geek: Your stream is still offline unfortunately
- 01:27 codename_geek: ggs banjo!
- 01:27 Zero_Probability: should be back up
- 01:27 Banjoforever: Loadless 1:18:56
- 01:28 Zero_Probability: just want to confirm I'm good to start
- 01:28 codename_geek: Yeah tho you came back very very late
- 01:29 Zero_Probability: had to restart twice, I'll dnf if you want
- 01:29 codename_geek: I didn't think the tech issues were that bad
- 01:36 KekoDeLoco#2229 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:35:59!
- 01:37 codename_geek: ggs!
- 01:37 KekoDeLoco: 1:22:01.36 loadless
- 01:38 quatmaniac#3815 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:37:18!
- 01:38 codename_geek: ggs!
- 01:38 IgnitedTNT: GGs
- 01:38 quatmaniac: 1:26:11
- 01:56 Zero_Probability#4017 has finished in 11th place with a time of 1:55:40!
- 01:56 codename_geek: ggs
- 01:56 Zero_Probability: it's usually not tech issues I have, that's the first time I've had a problem like that. it's slow internet
- 01:57 codename_geek: We can talk in DMs about this
- 01:59 codename_geek: TheaVT finished at 1:53:05 with a loadless of 1:45:45
- 01:59 Zero_Probability: 24:57.80 plus 47:03.75 is 1:12:01.55 if my math is right
- 02:00 codename_geek: We can talk in DMs
- 02:03 NerdyDisasterFluffle#9277 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:02:53!
- 02:03 Race finished in 2:02:53.8
- 02:03 codename_geek: ggs
- 02:04 NerdyDisasterFluffle: 1:52:28 loadless
- 02:04 NerdyDisasterFluffle: i forgor my livesplit keybind