
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Randomizer SS Rando Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Weekly Race 2022/02/12 (BiTless rules) | - 1.1.0_7599917 Seed: 19628577870781891, Hash: Crystal Luv Link, Permalink: oQ0AIDADs5oJUgAAAAAAABDSeKEA#19628577870781891
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YourAverageLink #5418
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  1. 1st Jasnix08 #1719 he / him more Good run, some routing errors but mostly clean Finished 56
  2. 2nd Kitcot #1453 he / him more not horrible, not the greatest run i've ever done either Finished 7
  3. 3rd lepelog #1135 he / him more pog seed, hook beetle in fire node finally happened, free TMS, BiT was not missed this seed Finished 21
3 entrants (0 inactive)