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- 21:44 SlurpeeNinja: Oh hai
- 21:44 ProPiece_#0577 joins the race.
- 21:44 TimeLink: o/
- 21:44 WhiteMonster#5134 joins the race.
- 21:44 WhiteMonster: o/
- 21:44 SlurpeeNinja: o/
- 21:44 ProPiece_: my hands are still freezing
- 21:45 SlurpeeNinja: Same
- 21:45 sorantyan#8535 joins the race.
- 21:45 SlurpeeNinja: Soran!
- 21:46 SlurpeeNinja#1418 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 21:46 SlurpeeNinja: So tired
- 21:46 ProPiece_#0577 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 21:46 TimeLink: sleeby
- 21:46 TimeLink#8361 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 21:46 WhiteMonster#5134 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:46 AsneL#6093 joins the race.
- 21:46 SlurpeeNinja: Asnel!
- 21:47 sorantyan#8535 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:47 AsneL: Hi!
- 21:47 AsneL#6093 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:47 SlurpeeNinja: Hi
- 21:47 ProPiece_: hi
- 21:47 SlurpeeNinja: GLHF!!!
- 21:47 TimeLink: gl all!
- 21:47 AsneL: today last attempt GLGL!
- 21:47 WhiteMonster: gl
- 21:48 sorantyan: glgl
- 21:48 ProPiece_: gl
- 21:56 Krissy: ok gl all
- 21:56 Krissy#8081 quits the race.
- 21:56 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:04 SlurpeeNinja: No swoops
- 22:05 ProPiece_: 1 swoop
- 22:06 sorantyan: no swoop too
- 22:09 SlurpeeNinja: Decent cheese
- 22:09 sorantyan: far cheese
- 22:09 SlurpeeNinja: ;_;
- 22:10 ProPiece_: near left door cheese
- 22:14 SlurpeeNinja: Big momma jump!
- 22:15 ProPiece_: tornado didnt stand still
- 22:16 sorantyan: game over in plug lol
- 22:16 SlurpeeNinja: ;__;
- 22:16 SlurpeeNinja: Tornado not a bro
- 22:18 ProPiece_: 21:16 8 robo telport :(
- 22:18 AsneL: 8 boss 21:19
- 22:18 sorantyan: 21:53
- 22:19 sorantyan: lmao
- 22:24 SlurpeeNinja: I died twice in Wily 2
- 22:24 SlurpeeNinja: To concrete block not being high enough ;_;
- 22:24 ProPiece_: golded w2 somehow
- 22:25 ProPiece_: mustve been from the boss
- 22:25 ProPiece_: oh nvm it was cuz i split late on wily 1
- 22:27 SlurpeeNinja: E Z
- 22:27 sorantyan: EZ too
- 22:27 ProPiece_: not easy
- 22:30 ProPiece_: double hit on magma
- 22:31 sorantyan#8535 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:34:42!
- 22:31 SlurpeeNinja#1418 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:34:47!
- 22:32 SlurpeeNinja: So close XD
- 22:32 ProPiece_#0577 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:35:40!
- 22:32 SlurpeeNinja: gg!
- 22:32 ProPiece_: ggs
- 22:32 sorantyan: yeah XD
- 22:32 sorantyan: GG
- 22:33 SlurpeeNinja: I'm gonna try again tomorrow XDd
- 22:33 SlurpeeNinja: With maybe get sleep
- 22:33 ProPiece_: got god wily and golded by 5 seconds but for nothing lol
- 22:34 SlurpeeNinja: Still you did good!
- 22:34 ProPiece_: yea other than the death in magma i played fine
- 22:34 ProPiece_: small blowup in plug but wasnt awful
- 22:34 AsneL#6093 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:37:42!
- 22:34 sorantyan: GG Asnel
- 22:35 AsneL: so sad
- 22:35 AsneL: GG guys
- 22:35 SlurpeeNinja: GG
- 22:35 TimeLink#8361 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:35 sorantyan: Nooooooooo
- 22:35 WhiteMonster#5134 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:39:00!
- 22:35 Race finished in 0:39:00.5
- 22:36 SlurpeeNinja: GG
- 22:36 AsneL: nooo
- 22:36 AsneL: GG!
- 22:36 TimeLink: Was looking really good until Casino
- 22:36 SlurpeeNinja: See you guys at MM10
- 22:36 TimeLink: GGs
- 22:36 Krissy: comments ?
- 22:36 TimeLink#8361 added a comment.
- 22:36 ProPiece_#0577 added a comment.
- 22:36 SlurpeeNinja#1418 added a comment.
- 22:37 WhiteMonster#5134 added a comment.
- 22:37 SlurpeeNinja: Wily is mean
- 22:37 Race result recorded by Krissy#8081