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- 15:16 TreZc0_ invites JustSam#5727 to join the race.
- 15:16 TreZc0_ invites V00D00M0NKY to join the race.
- 15:16 V00D00M0NKY accepts an invitation to join.
- 15:17 JustSam#5727 accepts an invitation to join.
- 15:17 JustSam: o/
- 15:17 V00D00M0NKY: o/
- 15:19 TreZc0_: \o
- 15:21 YUSoEpic: \o/
- 15:23 TreZc0_: seed at :30, feel free to start building your delay before that :)
- 15:25 V00D00M0NKY: delay started
- 15:25 JustSam: same
- 15:32 Snackz: do you guys still need a seed
- 15:32 Snackz: nvm trez got it
- 15:32 TreZc0_:
- 15:32 V00D00M0NKY: it should be DMed to us with that command
- 15:33 TreZc0_: yea
- 15:33 TheMichi: GL you two
- 15:34 V00D00M0NKY: TY Michi
- 15:34 JustSam: ty Michi
- 15:34 ZoeyZolotova: seedbot taking its sweet time with the throwaway seed
- 15:34 TreZc0_: at some point, we should talk website again zoey :)
- 15:35 TreZc0_: system we have now with active dev versions and stuff is pretty nifty.
- 15:36 ZoeyZolotova: yeah it's neat
- 15:36 dodo: gl guys, voodoo don’t forget to display your OC at some point before start
- 15:37 V00D00M0NKY: yup, once i get the seed opened i'll display capture with the setting opened
- 15:38 V00D00M0NKY: and ty for the gl
- 15:39 TreZc0_: apologies for my fail with the seed
- 15:39 JustSam: ty mr.dodo
- 15:39 JustSam: np trez
- 15:39 ZoeyZolotova: consider yourselves lucky trez's 7:43 seed is a throwaway
- 15:39 V00D00M0NKY: no worries Trez
- 15:40 V00D00M0NKY: i got it. LA Chateau, LA, Romani, Blast
- 15:40 ZoeyZolotova: or maybe the real one will be worse BeaverOne
- 15:40 TreZc0_: LOL real one only took couple of seconds
- 15:40 JustSam: it can't be worse than the seed i rolled yesterday
- 15:44 V00D00M0NKY: you're hash matches what i posted?
- 15:45 V00D00M0NKY: also for FPA join the s3-voice-A2
- 15:46 JustSam: sorry i was at the bathroom
- 15:46 YUSoEpic: Korambu and I will also be doing an fr restream on my channel
- 15:46 TreZc0_: ready whenever
- 15:46 JustSam: yeah it does match
- 15:46 V00D00M0NKY is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:47 JustSam: glgl
- 15:47 JustSam#5727 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:47 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:47 V00D00M0NKY: GL HF
- 15:47 TreZc0_: GLHF
- 15:47 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:58 JustSam#5727 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:10:45!
- 18:59 V00D00M0NKY has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:12:19!
- 18:59 Race finished in 3:12:19.8
- 18:59 V00D00M0NKY: GG
- 19:00 V00D00M0NKY: i was shaking since i found mirror shield waiting for you to finish
- 19:00 JustSam: gg
- 19:00 JustSam: monkaS
- 19:00 JustSam: i went to the well wayyyyyy to late
- 19:00 V00D00M0NKY: near LL hook?
- 19:00 JustSam: uhhh
- 19:00 JustSam: near yeah
- 19:00 JustSam: but not ll
- 19:00 V00D00M0NKY: i had like 2 things left before i found it
- 19:02 JustSam: oh damn
- 19:02 V00D00M0NKY: i'm gonna take a bio break and calm down before interview when restream catches up
- 19:06 V00D00M0NKY: i could've had it but i forgot to bring sticks and bugs with me when i went reverse well. i was right next to captains hat but couldn't get in.
- 19:06 JustSam: :(
- 19:07 JustSam: u skipped secret shrine i guess ?
- 19:07 V00D00M0NKY: ya
- 19:07 JustSam: and all of GBT KEKW ?
- 19:07 V00D00M0NKY: ya i went SHT first
- 19:07 JustSam: oh damn you really got fire arrows earlier
- 19:07 V00D00M0NKY: i also fell twice in WFT first room and i don't know the shortcut up that one stump
- 19:08 V00D00M0NKY: i had IA pretty early.
- 19:08 V00D00M0NKY: my go mode was well>grave>SHT stopping looking when i got mirror
- 19:09 JustSam: ok i see
- 19:10 JustSam: yeah i should have rushed the well way earlier
- 19:12 V00D00M0NKY: ya, idk if you're watching restream but as fox said, my gyorg was "twirling around like a ballerina"
- 19:12 V00D00M0NKY: lol
- 19:12 JustSam: LOL
- 19:13 V00D00M0NKY: i'm in waiting room
- 19:14 V00D00M0NKY: wow, prediction was 50/50
- 19:14 YUSoEpic: GGs guys, you are free to join the french interview after the english one
- 19:15 V00D00M0NKY: i don't speak french, is that an issue?
- 19:16 YUSoEpic: I can translate
- 19:16 YUSoEpic: Up to you
- 19:28 V00D00M0NKY: i could join, how do i get in?
- 19:28 YUSoEpic: I'll send you a discord link
- 19:43 Race result recorded by dodo