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- 16:57 Drooness: for those who would like to have it up there
- 16:57 Rahylia: what? you are male? wow.
- 16:58 Drooness: okay which part of this do I right click in order to randomize all the colours?
- 16:58 Rahylia: here you go
- 16:58 Drooness: oh nvm I got it
- 16:58 Drooness: wow
- 16:59 Phaaze: can i add "lord" to my name?
- 16:59 Phaaze: asking for a friend
- 16:59 Drooness: I don't know actually
- 17:00 Drooness: Seria let me know when you're gonna start getting ready or w.e
- 17:00 Seria: I rolled a seed
- 17:00 Seria: I meant it was gonna take me that long before I go live
- 17:00 Drooness: I don't wanna go live and listen to boos haunted house carousel music for an hour
- 17:01 Seria: Thats like the best song in Mario 64
- 17:01 Phaaze: i have a different song
- 17:01 ThyDarkHorse: pronouns added lol
- 17:01 Drooness: I didnt even install mine yet
- 17:01 Phaaze: is that because i added some new tracks today?
- 17:01 Drooness: but also I think we all get different songs now? idk
- 17:01 Rahylia: i also got a different song
- 17:02 Phaaze: as long as the hash is correct, everything should be fine
- 17:02 Drooness: yeah I was just throwing a song out there
- 17:02 Phaaze: ooh
- 17:02 Drooness: particularly the one I hate the most on title screen
- 17:03 Phaaze: i'm the first one live
- 17:03 Phaaze: get rekt
- 17:03 Drooness: yeah yeah
- 17:03 Phaaze: in the oot weekly they wrote "last person to ready is gay"
- 17:03 Phaaze: we should adapt that policy
- 17:03 Phaaze: if you ask me
- 17:04 Drooness: oh the title screen music is quite nice
- 17:04 Drooness: I can live with this
- 17:05 Phaaze: oh dang the alttp races have started
- 17:07 drooness#1676 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 17:08 Drooness: first one ready :)
- 17:08 Phaaze#0640 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 17:09 Phaaze: wow sniped me by 10s
- 17:09 Drooness: yeah yeah
- 17:10 Drooness: okay this song is no longer nice
- 17:10 ThyDarkHorse#6439 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:10 Rahylia#4212 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:10 ThyDarkHorse: what song is it? my music might be different
- 17:11 Drooness: I dont know where it's from tbh
- 17:11 Phaaze: i have an oot song
- 17:11 Drooness: it goes dodododo dododododo
- 17:12 Rahylia: mine is beep boob beeb beeb boob
- 17:12 Seria: sorry I had something come up
- 17:12 Seria: getting ready again
- 17:12 Drooness: alright
- 17:12 Drooness: np
- 17:16 Drooness: woooooooo
- 17:17 Phaaze: lets go
- 17:17 Seria: almost ready
- 17:17 Seria: just need to do one last thing
- 17:19 Seria: rady
- 17:19 Seria: goodluck have fun every
- 17:19 Rahylia: rdy
- 17:19 Drooness: then push ready lol
- 17:19 Rahylia: glhf
- 17:20 Seria: sorry for the wait
- 17:20 Drooness: glhf
- 17:20 Phaaze: glhf
- 17:20 ThyDarkHorse: good luck!
- 17:20 seria#9072 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:20 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:20 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:35 seria#9072 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:15:00!
- 19:36 Drooness: wtf
- 19:36 Drooness: gg
- 19:36 Rahylia: gg seria
- 19:36 Seria: Thanks
- 19:36 Rahylia: nearly wr
- 19:36 Rahylia: lmao droo
- 19:36 ThyDarkHorse: gg!
- 19:37 Phaaze: wow gg
- 19:44 Seria: That's actually new PB for me tbh
- 19:47 ThyDarkHorse: congratz
- 19:48 Seria: Thanks
- 19:52 Phaaze#0640 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:32:20!
- 19:53 Seria: GG
- 20:11 ThyDarkHorse#6439 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:51:01!
- 20:11 Seria: GG!
- 20:42 Rahylia: i feel so dumb.
- 20:43 Drooness: same
- 20:43 Rahylia: im not even go mode xD
- 20:44 Drooness: same LMAO
- 20:44 Rahylia: dude what a loser race lmao
- 20:45 Drooness: im pretty convinced I missed something
- 20:46 Drooness: im ready to quit I was just waiting for you to finish lmao
- 20:46 Drooness: but I definitely did something wrong...
- 20:47 Rahylia: yeah i don't know...we two are pretty bad in routing lately
- 20:48 Drooness: :(
- 21:12 drooness#1676 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:51:31!
- 21:13 Rahylia: gg
- 21:13 Drooness: gg
- 21:26 Rahylia#4212 has finished in 5th place with a time of 4:05:23!
- 21:26 Race finished in 4:05:23.7
- 21:30 Drooness: GG
- 21:42 Seria: GG
- 09:53 Race result recorded by Dyn