Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Randomizer
Beat the game
set seed="0044u4749yanI4q4rk}x4^4kD4Ik44{g444dskk444k}{4vIH4II444kI4I48444I44k444k4k444oB4f4kh4et44444kz#kk4C4p445e6f" set "starting_items=custom 0000000010010000000000100100000000000010000" set "starting_location=custom c133f919c108bdf9 d8cf355d3e9e3741"
- 1st Masier #1791 he / him more horrible phaaze skip. everything else pretty good. 36% 01:18 IGT Finished 65
- 2nd Naii the Baf #9546 more 34% 01:33 IGT Finished 40
- 3rd SchwartzGandhi #4858 more 1:44 IGT 40% Finished 28
3 entrants
(0 inactive)