Metroid Prime 1&2 Crossgame Randomizer
Beat the game (2v2 multiworld)
De2JHsaRno5_xhdRsRUQZ1tgHWhXSrdeibZV7HXyX5XCCFFeD7KC9vEHWwlR0yuzlx1IyHaWfnIEA7lLSsu3I2IPbxyJ9h8Q-uf3Y7VLB_Si8GwemVA8XOCj2KG9AMdy || Seed hash: Gravity Dynamo Boost (REPMNEM6)
- 1st TheGingerChris #7450 he / him Finished 49
- Sunset Orange
- 2nd Cestrion #4612 he / him Finished 11
- Sunset Orange
- 3rd JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him Finished 85
- The Trusty Team
- — JayBee #3099 he / him DNF DNF 13
- The Trusty Team
4 entrants
(1 inactive)