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Race results

  1. elegant-echo-0520 MP2R MP2R 2025 Mentor Tournament Finished awaiting record 2 entrants
    1. 1st Storm #9125 he / him Finished 2,059
    2. JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him DNF 1,903
  2. lucky-wastes-9625 MP2R MP2R 2025 Mentor Tournament Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him Finished 398
    2. Words #4134 he / him DNF 119
  3. casual-elevator-8015 MP2R MP2R 2025 Mentor Tournament Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him Finished 672
    2. 2nd M4RKERSM4SK #8013 Finished 207
  4. prudent-gravity-6184 MPR General Races Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Bruh inc. #9109 he / him more skipped varia, was not a good play Finished 29
    2. 2nd M4RKERSM4SK #8013 more Early game killed me so hard with the back and forth, so slow, did zoid twice Finished 775
    3. 3rd snappizan #7297 Finished 466
    4. 4th JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him more found thermal in LG before Varia, figured grav was early and do frigate into mines... ofcourse it was on burn dome Finished 41
  5. adequate-tentacle-3325 MP2R Beat the game Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him more bombs on GFMC ship, with supers in feeding pit Finished 321
    2. 2nd Cestrion #4612 he / him more For context: This was a co-op run LMAO Finished 10
    3. 3rd catHuman #8060 Finished 16
    4. 4th Naii the Baf #9546 Finished 4
    5. 5th Bruh inc. #9109 he / him Finished 11
    6. 6th JayBee #3099 he / him Finished 35
  6. tactical-nightbarb-2940 MP2R Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Bruh inc. #9109 he / him more seed is way faster if you just commit to skipping light suit early Finished 8
    2. 2nd M4RKERSM4SK #8013 more Imagein having all majors but light suit and seekers, then needing both for STKs in the most obscure checks in diff regions Finished 181
    3. Naii the Baf #9546 DNF 22
    4. JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him more fell off ATS beside the E-tank, spawned next to pirate and died DNF 488
  7. mega-thardus-7328 MPCGR Beat the game (2v2 multiworld) Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st TheGingerChris #7450 he / him Finished 49
    2. 2nd Cestrion #4612 he / him Finished 11
    3. 3rd JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him Finished 85
    4. JayBee #3099 he / him DNF 13
  8. sublime-access-6998 MPR Community Weekly Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Storm #9125 he / him more oof that start Finished 154
    2. 2nd Bruh inc. #9109 he / him Finished 8
    3. 3rd JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him Finished 43
  9. chaotic-trooper-2976 MPR Community Weekly Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Samuel6710 #5361 he / him more tfw you choke thardus skip and get rewarded for it Finished 16
    2. 2nd Bruh inc. #9109 he / him Finished 18
    3. 3rd EmeraldPie #7140 they / them more 40 minutes on fcsnsj lol Finished 74
    4. JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him DNF 81
    5. Avvina #0211 more left trigger repair service (also... nsjfcs lol) DNF 50
    6. SoaringWyvern #1470 DNF 431
  10. curious-crystallite-2345 MPR Community Weekly Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Samuel6710 #5361 he / him Finished 21
    2. 2nd Bruh inc. #9109 he / him more skipped boost cause I'm dumb and forgot to check vault Finished 38
    3. 3rd JeffGainsNGames #9875 he / him more if I just went lower mines I wouldn't have needed to double dip frigate. plus that damn jelzap.. Finished 67
    4. 4th Amojini #6340 Finished 55
    5. Cestrion #4612 he / him DNF 354
    6. FrigidHyperion #5792 he / him DNF 62