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- 18:28 Samuel6710#5361 joins the race.
- 18:37 FrigidHyperion#5792 joins the race.
- 18:37 FrigidHyperion: Ah man. Here we go again...
- 18:41 ReedWhaley: For the sake of setup, are you both good with being restreamed?
- 18:42 Samuel6710: Well I'm gonna be playing on console and I have not gotten the autotracker to work on Nintendont yet :/
- 18:43 Samuel6710: unless you're fine with me not having a tracker
- 18:43 FrigidHyperion: Yeah, I don't mind. I'll get my stream running shortly
- 18:44 ReedWhaley: Ugh... Sam...
- 18:44 Samuel6710: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- 18:44 ReedWhaley: Yeah, that's fair. Lol
- 18:45 Samuel6710: unless we get someone else for restream
- 18:45 FrigidHyperion: Oh hang on. My RDV didn't tell me there was a new version...
- 18:45 User0013#6599 joins the race.
- 18:46 Samuel6710: You interested in restream, User?
- 18:46 ReedWhaley: I don't even know if we'll have a crew for comms for the weekly with 3 tourney races going.
- 18:46 Vanillable (User0013): Yeah, I'm always down. Dang, quite a few things going on rn
- 18:46 Samuel6710: busy day today yeah
- 18:47 FrigidHyperion: Explains why the lobby is empty lol
- 18:47 ReedWhaley: I pinged, we'll see if we get a nibble.
- 18:48 FrigidHyperion: Stream is up now
- 18:51 ReedWhaley: Gotcha, need your tracker please. Stream friendly mode.
- 18:53 FrigidHyperion: Right, forgot to open that after the new version lol
- 18:55 Samuel6710: User getting the other restream slot yeah?
- 18:56 ReedWhaley: Yep, Hyperion, you're good.
- 18:56 ReedWhaley: User, please go live so I can crop before I start to mentor. Lol
- 18:57 Vanillable (User0013): Just went live, sorry about that
- 18:57 Samuel6710: Not sure how it'll work but worn_traveler signed up to track
- 18:57 ReedWhaley: All good, no tracking today.
- 18:58 ReedWhaley: Timer and stream friendly tracker please.
- 18:59 Vanillable (User0013): timer is up, and I'm using randovania's tracker. Do I need to crop it differently so it appears better?
- 18:59 ReedWhaley: There's a mode for stream friendly tracker.
- 19:00 Vanillable (User0013): Gotcha, didn't realize that
- 19:00 FrigidHyperion#5792 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:00 Vanillable (User0013): It's a setting in randovania?
- 19:00 Samuel6710: Just gatekeeping, ready to go when you are
- 19:01 ReedWhaley: Yep, it should be in the autotracker settings.
- 19:01 FrigidHyperion: On the Auto Tracker window, click Options > Theme > Metroid Prime > Pixel Art (Stream Friendly)
- 19:01 ReedWhaley: Thanks Hyper
- 19:01 Vanillable (User0013): Gotcha, tyty
- 19:02 FrigidHyperion: No problem!
- 19:02 Samuel6710: Thank you for the help Reed!
- 19:03 User0013#6599 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:03 ReedWhaley: Alright, stream is live.
- 19:03 FrigidHyperion: Good luck have fun!
- 19:03 Samuel6710: We good to go then?
- 19:03 ReedWhaley: Sorry for the delay.
- 19:04 Vanillable (User0013): nw also mb, thank you reed!
- 19:04 Samuel6710: Gonna take that as a yes, so gl hf!
- 19:04 ReedWhaley: Rock and roll!
- 19:04 Samuel6710: hell yeah
- 19:04 Samuel6710#5361 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:07 Samuel6710#5361 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:02:31!
- 20:07 Samuel6710#5361 added a comment.
- 20:40 FrigidHyperion#5792 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:35:29!
- 20:40 FrigidHyperion#5792 scored a new personal best time for "Community Weekly"!
- 20:41 FrigidHyperion#5792 added a comment.
- 20:49 Vanillable (User0013): omg my ridley was trash
- 20:49 FrigidHyperion: Oh no!!! :(
- 21:06 User0013#6599 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:01:40!
- 21:06 Race finished in 2:01:41.6
- 21:06 Vanillable (User0013): ggs
- 21:06 Vanillable (User0013): my exo 4th trolled, and I got a pool skip too :( not my day
- 21:07 User0013#6599 added a comment.
- 21:10 User0013#6599 changed their comment.
- 22:43 Race result recorded by BajaBlood#7152