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- 18:53 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): er
- 18:53 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): Dolphin keeps crashing
- 18:53 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): brb
- 18:54 Interslice: I think we'll go with myself and Gunert for restream, as roboscout's been restreamed the most recently
- 18:54 Interslice: TheGingerChris, are you in the sg server?
- 18:55 CaptainMD13: Yeah, we're both here.
- 18:55 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): I might have to drop out
- 18:55 Interslice: Is there an SG volunteer there to set stuff up?
- 18:55 Gunert: sounds good interslice
- 18:55 CaptainMD13: No, I'll summon one immediately
- 18:55 Interslice: thanks
- 18:56 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): my PC is being bizarre - the majority of my apps seem to boot up for 3 seconds, then proceeds to crash. Both Dolphin and MP Rando is exhibiting the same issue.
- 18:56 Interslice: dang
- 18:56 CaptainMD13: :Notlikethis:
- 18:57 Gunert#1626 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:57 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris)#0774 quits the race.
- 18:57 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): Yep, still having issues
- 18:57 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): Can't even generate the seed :(
- 18:57 Interslice: reboot?
- 18:57 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): tried that
- 18:58 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): and now it works??
- 18:58 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris)#0774 joins the race.
- 18:58 TheGingerChris: lol
- 18:58 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): computer plz
- 18:58 roboscout: computers work in mysterious ways
- 18:59 TheGingerChris: So who we wanting for restream? Interslice and Gunert?
- 18:59 Interslice: yeah
- 18:59 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): me too
- 18:59 awp82#3624 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:59 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): (sorry for waiting on, not restream)
- 19:01 CaptainMD13: Gunert, quick question, what are your preferred pronouns?
- 19:01 Gunert: he/him I guess
- 19:01 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris)#0774 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:01 CaptainMD13: Ok
- 19:02 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): finally ready on my end
- 19:02 awp82: glhf
- 19:02 Interslice: I'll be gatekeeping for now
- 19:02 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): thumbs up emoji
- 19:03 awp82#3624 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 19:03 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): I'll nip off to the loo - feel free to start tho
- 19:03 awp82: radion plasma bendezium crystallite, right?
- 19:03 Interslice: yes
- 19:03 roboscout: yup
- 19:03 awp82: ok
- 19:03 awp82#3624 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:03 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): yep
- 19:04 Kirito: gl guys
- 19:04 Interslice: Kirito, would you like to gatekeep?
- 19:04 Interslice: or either of the commentators
- 19:05 Kirito#7015 joins the race.
- 19:05 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): I can also gatekeep if needed
- 19:05 Interslice#7247 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:05 Kirito#7015 quits the race.
- 19:05 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:05 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): glhf
- 19:05 roboscout: glhf
- 19:05 Interslice: glhf
- 19:05 Gunert: gl
- 19:05 awp82: glhf
- 19:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:10 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris)#0774 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:10 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): Technical difficulties on this end. Can't keep a consistent 60fps. No idea what's going on with the PC the past few weeks.
- 19:13 Interslice: :(
- 20:26 Interslice#7247 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:21:08!
- 20:26 awp82: gg
- 20:27 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): gg
- 20:28 Interslice: gg everyone
- 20:31 roboscout: gg
- 20:31 Gunert: gg
- 20:39 roboscout#6594 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:33:54!
- 20:39 Interslice: gg
- 20:39 roboscout: gg
- 20:40 awp82: gg
- 20:40 roboscout#6594 added a comment.
- 20:41 Gunert#1626 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:35:52!
- 20:41 awp82: gg
- 20:42 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): gg
- 20:42 Gunert: gg
- 20:42 roboscout: gg
- 20:42 Interslice: gg
- 20:42 Gunert: are we doing an interview?
- 20:42 Interslice: yes
- 20:42 Interslice: if you want
- 20:42 Gunert: I'm down
- 20:42 Gunert#1626 added a comment.
- 20:43 Gunert: haven't seen the bot yet though
- 20:43 CaptainMD13: Should be sending any second
- 20:47 awp82#3624 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:42:02!
- 20:47 Race finished in 1:42:03.1
- 20:47 Interslice: gg
- 20:48 awp82: gg's everyone
- 20:48 Gunert: ggs
- 20:49 PyroPaperPlanes (Chris): gg awp
- 18:35 Race result recorded by MightyCaesar37#1205