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- 19:00 Ralen Tankir#4377 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 19:00 Storm#9125 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 19:00 Storm#9125 is not ready. (6 remaining)
- 19:00 BajaBlood: Holy cow huge weekly
- 19:00 FrigidHyperion: Holy cow it's baja!
- 19:00 BajaBlood: GL HF folks!
- 19:00 Amojini: just a sec monitor doing oled things
- 19:01 Junglebos: glhf
- 19:01 FrigidHyperion: GL HF everyone!
- 19:02 Storm: was it standard or hard as a base?
- 19:02 FrigidHyperion: Standard
- 19:02 Storm#9125 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 19:02 Junglebos: and door rando for free pain
- 19:02 Junglebos#6865 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 19:02 FrigidHyperion: Let me know if there's anything I need to change on my OBS
- 19:02 Amojini#6340 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 19:02 Amojini: door type or full rando
- 19:03 FrigidHyperion: Full rando
- 19:03 Amojini: oh boy
- 19:03 catHuman: this is my first door rando for prime i think
- 19:03 Samuel6710: ooo boy
- 19:03 Samuel6710: should be fun
- 19:03 Junglebos: i've done like 2 iirc
- 19:03 Samuel6710: reminds me my first weekly was a door rando
- 19:04 Daceon#3426 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:04 catHuman: also my first weekly for prime
- 19:04 Junglebos: sam u play or just gatekeep ?
- 19:04 Samuel6710: gatekeeping
- 19:05 User0013#6599 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:05 Vanillable (User0013): glhf all
- 19:05 Junglebos: glhf
- 19:05 Daceon: remember to pick up carge combos lmao
- 19:05 Junglebos: oh right
- 19:05 Samuel6710: Gonna be a little bit til we get restream up but if technical issues persist I'll let you all go
- 19:05 Amojini: wait just door rando, no elevator rando right
- 19:05 Junglebos: so don't forget wavebuster
- 19:05 catHuman: always do :)
- 19:05 Samuel6710: ye
- 19:05 FrigidHyperion: Don't forget to pick up your ETM so your seed is validated!
- 19:05 Daceon: echoes player spotted
- 19:06 Storm: flamethrower is most important for validation
- 19:06 Amojini: flamethrower op
- 19:06 Samuel6710: I'll let you all start at 2:10 PM EST if we still have issues, we'll fix them on the way
- 19:06 fishing__boo: gl hf yall :-)
- 19:06 Samuel6710: but yes all beam combo doors are shuffled
- 19:07 Junglebos: it's very important for essence
- 19:07 Junglebos: sam can i have ulti's tracker on my game ?
- 19:07 Junglebos: it's an overlay on the game and i don't have to look at an other window
- 19:08 Samuel6710: I guess? We haven't had people use it before
- 19:08 Samuel6710: I don't see a problem with it
- 19:08 Junglebos: ok
- 19:10 Storm: we going then?
- 19:11 FrigidHyperion: Ready!
- 19:11 Junglebos: glhf everyone
- 19:11 Samuel6710: Alright gl hf all!
- 19:11 Samuel6710#5361 quits the race.
- 19:11 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:11 Storm: glhf
- 19:11 catHuman: glhf
- 19:11 Ralen Tankir: gl hf
- 19:11 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:17 hgrend: gl guys
- 19:46 Samuel6710: FYI 9 Artifacts got shuffled into the pool instead of 6...somehow
- 19:47 Junglebos: lmao
- 19:47 Storm: noticed that
- 19:50 Vanillable (User0013): yeah was gonna say lol
- 19:53 Vanillable (User0013): also I just noticed that my livesplit started counting down shortly after 12:05 so I started the race about 5-6 min before everyone, not sure why my livesplit did that but it did rip
- 19:59 Junglebos: who genned this ?
- 20:42 Daceon#3426 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:30:29!
- 20:44 Junglebos: gg
- 20:49 Amojini#6340 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:37:31!
- 20:50 Amojini#6340 added a comment.
- 20:50 Storm: pretty sure i hot dogged
- 20:59 Storm: yup, massive hotdog, gg me
- 21:00 Junglebos: is it a variable one ?
- 21:08 catHuman#8060 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:56:44!
- 21:08 FrigidHyperion#5792 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:57:01!
- 21:08 FrigidHyperion#5792 added a comment.
- 21:09 catHuman#8060 added a comment.
- 21:14 Vanillable (User0013): Since my livesplit started early, I'm waiting for racetime timer to catchup. I finished with a time of 2:04:40 or so. If it's close at all to anyone else I can check my vod
- 21:16 User0013#6599 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:04:40!
- 21:16 User0013#6599 scored a new personal best time for "Community Weekly"!
- 21:16 Vanillable (User0013): ggs
- 21:18 Junglebos#6865 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:06:37!
- 21:18 Junglebos: hotdog
- 21:22 Storm#9125 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:11:26!
- 21:23 Storm: should have finished 30-40 mins ago
- 21:23 Storm: I'm a genius
- 21:23 hgrend: ggs
- 21:23 Storm#9125 added a comment.
- 21:23 Ralen Tankir#4377 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:11:59!
- 21:23 Race finished in 2:11:59.5
- 21:24 Storm: i hotdogged ice beam during my cleaning of phen, don't ask me how
- 21:25 Race result recorded by BajaBlood#7152