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- 22:43 hi hello: hi
- 22:43 joj: gl everyone
- 22:43 Whiggy69: gl gl gl
- 22:43 PGrudev2003: sup
- 22:44 shadowcage72#1290 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:44 OzvenomDnD#9840 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 20 seconds!
- 22:44 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:45 ozmoth: good luck let's goo
- 22:45 PGrudev2003: who do you think will end first?
- 22:49 whamer100: i think the person who gets first will end first
- 22:49 Bird_Eagle: doubt it
- 22:50 ozmoth: that's a bold statement
- 22:50 PGrudev2003: i think the person who ends last will be first ngl
- 23:09 smart_n_silent#3431 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:24:44!
- 23:10 pnaha#6224 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:25:58!
- 23:13 brassbeat#9724 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:29:01!
- 23:14 WhaleEleven#9877 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:29:31!
- 23:15 PoetryStud#2699 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:30:45!
- 23:15 Evalor#7896 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:30:46!
- 23:16 dowolf#0427 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:31:53!
- 23:17 dowolf#0427 is no longer done.
- 23:17 dowolf#0427 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:32:09!
- 23:17 HeliosWx#6998 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:32:26!
- 23:17 Bird_Eagle: clenching for the dougster
- 23:17 pegglequeen#6398 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:32:38!
- 23:17 PGrudev2003: oh no
- 23:17 HeliosWx: My heart
- 23:17 PGrudev2003: doug needs to clutch now
- 23:18 PGrudev2003: i have a bad feeling...
- 23:18 pegglequeen#6398 is no longer done.
- 23:19 DougDoug#8104 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:34:04!
- 23:19 PGrudev2003: nvm
- 23:19 Evalor: o7
- 23:19 shadowcage72#1290 has finished in 10th place with a time of 0:34:17!
- 23:19 Bird_Eagle: Dang son
- 23:19 ace: doug pog
- 23:19 whamer100: that was absolutely intense for top 10
- 23:19 shadowcage72: Wait 10?
- 23:19 PGrudev2003: how did pegglequeen was no longer done?
- 23:20 SatanHerself#2823 has finished in 11th place with a time of 0:35:13!
- 23:20 Tato#6005 has finished in 12th place with a time of 0:35:19!
- 23:20 ace: doug pog
- 23:20 BuffChxDip#6443 has finished in 13th place with a time of 0:35:37!
- 23:20 PGrudev2003: pegglequeen like continued the run soo thats how you got 10th shadowcage72
- 23:20 chinopinowarrior#3651 has finished in 14th place with a time of 0:35:55!
- 23:21 PGrudev2003: sup twitch chat
- 23:21 ace: yo
- 23:21 Bird_Eagle: It was the oil
- 23:21 agdaleks#5827 has finished in 15th place with a time of 0:36:37!
- 23:21 ozmoth: doug Magic hat granted you top 10
- 23:21 ace: doug had too much oil, thats why he almost lost
- 23:21 HeliosWx: I reset once in magic hat while wearing one so
- 23:21 PoetryStud: holy shit I thought I was fucked
- 23:22 Bird_Eagle: The oil only kicks in after 30 minutes
- 23:22 ace: true true
- 23:22 whamer100: this race is making me really want to practice for the next one, this looks so fun
- 23:22 HeliosWx: Do it!! This is the most fun and stressed I've been lmao
- 23:22 OzvenomDnD#9840 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:22 ace: oop a forfeit
- 23:22 whamer100: oop
- 23:22 joj#3142 has finished in 16th place with a time of 0:37:50!
- 23:23 PGrudev2003: wait is there even a point in continuing after top 10?
- 23:23 shadowcage72: Incredible, heart is pumping so hard
- 23:23 whamer100: as a joke ive been doing magic hat 100%, and its been taking me over a month lmao
- 23:23 HeliosWx: whamer you madman
- 23:23 whamer100: some of these levels are absolutely bonkers to ace and 100% using only magic hat
- 23:23 ace: Shadow came so close to beating doug
- 23:23 ozmoth: Britsha has like 4 hats on what a legend
- 23:23 whamer100: im half way through right now
- 23:23 pegglequeen#6398 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:23 Crackle#9786 has finished in 17th place with a time of 0:38:46!
- 23:23 ace: queen forfeited? oof
- 23:24 Crackle: ggs
- 23:24 ace: fun to watch
- 23:24 Whiggy69#3712 has finished in 18th place with a time of 0:39:12!
- 23:24 HeliosWx: I gotta up my hat game wtf
- 23:24 Izzi456#9122 has finished in 19th place with a time of 0:39:16!
- 23:24 PGrudev2003: did someone watch queen or smt?
- 23:24 HeliosWx: 4 hats is a feat
- 23:24 whamer100: hat is unironically my best master
- 23:24 shadowcage72: Oh pegglequeen accidentally split twice
- 23:24 PGrudev2003: wait no twitch chat :P
- 23:25 ace: oof shadow
- 23:25 shadowcage72: I saw her message on dougs stream
- 23:25 ace: ^
- 23:25 Sysoft: wow
- 23:26 Tinyspring#7712 has been disqualified from the race by OzvenomDnD#9840.
- 23:26 creepplosion#3974 has been disqualified from the race by OzvenomDnD#9840.
- 23:26 britsha#6066 has been disqualified from the race by OzvenomDnD#9840.
- 23:26 DaveusV#6720 has been disqualified from the race by OzvenomDnD#9840.
- 23:26 Race finished in 0:41:14.8
- 23:26 whamer100: o7
- 23:26 Race result recorded by OzvenomDnD#9840
- 23:26 HeliosWx: o7