Ocarina of Time Randomizer
Standard Ruleset
Qual warm up (not a qual) : start at XX:45
HashHoverBoots HashMirrorShield HashFairyOcarina HashStoneOfAgony HashBow | Password: NoteCright NoteCdown NoteA NoteCup NoteCdown NoteCup
- 1st Susato #2100 more really closed to get punished by lights hint Finished 22
- 2nd KLO1313 #4308 he / him more clutch path hints Finished 28
- 3rd Garon #5217 Finished 69
- 4th Jarek #8410 he / him Finished 8
- 5th LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him Finished 22
- — Alpha #9053 DNF DNF 17
- — Menou #8446 more Missing a important hint; Also, no dungeon barren => Menou Seed DNF DNF 39
- — tanjo3 he / him more vc crash DNF DNF 28
8 entrants
(3 inactive)