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Race results

  1. agreeable-saria-0577 OoTR 12 MQ Tournament Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Flouche #5543 he / him Finished
    2. KLO1313 #4308 he / him DNF
  2. dazzling-morpha-5149 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Cola #5395 he / him Finished 3,337
    2. 2nd UofCWildcat #3071 he / him Finished 106
    3. Cloudike #9155 he / him DNF 215
    4. KLO1313 #4308 he / him more I hit go mode, that's a moral victory DNF 8
  3. smart-zelda-1408 OoTR 12 MQ Tournament Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st ALPHAMARIOX #7392 he / him more Choked my Shadow key routing so hard. Finished
    2. KLO1313 #4308 he / him DNF
  4. gentle-barinade-2602 OoTR 12 MQ Tournament Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st KLO1313 #4308 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd tenacious_toad #5453 he / him Finished
  5. jolly-jabu-1512 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Cola #5395 he / him Finished 7
    2. 2nd favio94 #9972 he / him Finished 18
    3. 3rd kr3z #4245 he / him more Bottle go mode is a new one Finished 26
    4. 4th Mihalo #1129 he / him Finished 92
    5. 5th EarlWeird #4345 he / him Finished 186
    6. 6th KLO1313 #4308 he / him more didn't know lens was free until I finished trials lol. not that going spirit earlier would have helped me with the loach to LL instead... Finished 10
    7. 7th UofCWildcat #3071 he / him Finished 63
    8. 8th RoskaTyrant #7869 he / him Finished 40
    9. 9th Zemoo #4988 Finished 1
    10. Satchellfise #1896 he / him more computer can't handle oot apparently DNF 57
  6. overpowered-dekutree-0987 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st Alexis #1759 he / him Finished 19
    2. 2nd Cola #5395 he / him Finished 2
    3. 3rd GreenRiver #4571 more died to ganon castle knuckles :((((( Finished 48
    4. 4th BrotinderDose he / him Finished 5
    5. 5th KLO1313 #4308 he / him more routed ice as my final skulls. got so excited by seeing str3 and FW that I forgot to check the compass chest lmao Finished 9
    6. 6th Muftaay #5896 he / him Finished 115
    7. 7th Incacola #4621 he / him more skipped fountain, woulda been in go sub-1:30, instead ended up not turning in 20 until 2:00, BIG RIP Finished 13
    8. Hyper #8571 he / him DNF 36
    9. Machie #1863 he / him more never found ice path... DNF 23
    10. Mihalo #1129 he / him more pc bluescreened DNF 27
    11. rblopes #1420 he / him more waste of my time DNF 47
  7. tasty-sheik-4518 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st Rafa #9983 he / him Finished 436
    2. Flouche #5543 he / him more Pas de chatte jamais de chatte, malédiction aujourd'hui DNF 26
    3. RyuuKane #3246 he / him more Forgot a non MQ check hihihihihi jamais de chatte, malédiction toute ma vie DNF 6
    4. Kirox #6033 he / him more classic MQ seed DNF 6
    5. KLO1313 #4308 he / him more go moded through deku, forgot spirit trial needed FAs DNF 23
  8. invincible-navi-2680 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Flouche #5543 he / him Finished 12
    2. 2nd tanjo3 he / him Finished 5
    3. KLO1313 #4308 he / him DNF 3
  9. hyper-jiro-7254 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 15 entrants
    1. 1st DubuDeccer #0242 he / him Finished 62
    2. 2nd Xavi #6749 he / him Finished 11
    3. 3rd Fer #0856 he / him Finished 8
    4. 4th MasterAleks #1550 he / him more Two crashes in first 10 min lol - great start Finished 12
    5. 5th KLO1313 #4308 he / him more my fault guys, I decided my first seed back in a month should be a weekly, this one's on me Finished 12
    6. 6th NarvilBase #4895 he / him Finished 7
    7. 7th GDICommander #7540 he / him more Forgot to check Talon and was stuck with Str 1 for a long time. Finished 244
    8. Cola #5395 he / him DNF 58
    9. favio94 #9972 he / him more ran out of time, missing longshot DNF 69
    10. BrotinderDose he / him DNF 41
    11. Tetsoya #1009 he / him more have to go... DNF 14
    12. ksinjah #5722 she / her DNF 6
    13. komatsu #6098 DNF 12
    14. Moches #7159 DNF 84
    15. Mihalo #1129 he / him DNF 439
  10. overpowered-biggoron-2075 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 13 entrants
    1. 1st KLO1313 #4308 he / him more where was this seed during the quals Finished 60
    2. 2nd Machie #1863 he / him more lost 1min+ just because i can't skip the waterfall with hover properly Finished 17
    3. 3rd Tetsoya #1009 he / him more VC craaaaaash Finished 169
    4. 4th juwk #1061 more dont think i couldve routed this worse, 3 trip botw, 2 trip jabu spirit forest fire, child barren lake for fun, last loc water bk on pillar ICANT Finished 10
    5. 5th Alpha #0589 Finished 7
    6. 6th Synii #6419 more wtf wre the hints this seed. all of them were garbage. found the fire magic hint after I beat volv. Full cleared looking for lights Finished 10
    7. 7th papy_grant #8513 he / him Finished 21
    8. 8th tenacious_toad #5453 he / him more Just 100% the seed 4head Finished 40
    9. 9th Duraax01 #6353 he / him Finished 408
    10. 10th LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him more 3 checks left Finished 27
    11. Aosuna #6959 he / him more J'etais bien, full prog, 0 trucs en trop ... et la Wii a dit non. Je sais pas ce qu'il se passe en ce moment, mais j'ai jamais vu ca ! DNF 265
    12. Sponge #2155 DNF 95
    13. Hellknight86 #4990 he / him DNF 57