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- 19:07 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a release seed with !seed <preset> or a latest dev seed with !seeddev <preset>
- 19:07 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !race to generate a release seed with a spoiler log.
- 19:07 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets for release and !presetsdev for dev
- 19:07 Gogeta: Morceaulion fait pas son taf là LUL
- 19:07 Kydams: j'ai vu que personne avait ouvert et vu qu'on start dans 20 min x)
- 19:08 Cubsrule21: !fpa on
- 19:08 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 19:08 Cubsrule21: !lock
- 19:08 RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors.
- 19:08 Cubsrule21: sorry for late - I'll be race monitoring today
- 19:08 Gogeta: hey cubs
- 19:08 Kydams: Yo Cubs
- 19:08 Kydams: Np
- 19:08 Cubsrule21: what platforms are you two on?
- 19:08 Kydams: VC
- 19:08 Icola: Yo GL les potes
- 19:08 Cubsrule21#2508 invites Cyberion#5453 to join the race.
- 19:08 Cyberion: and I'll be restreamer for ZSR on ZSR2
- 19:08 Cubsrule21#2508 promoted Cyberion#5453 to race monitor.
- 19:08 Cubsrule21#2508 removes Cyberion#5453 from the race.
- 19:09 Gogeta: alright, should be live in 20 mns
- 19:09 Kydams: Yo Ico
- 19:09 Cubsrule21#2508 invites Icola#8220 to join the race.
- 19:09 Cubsrule21#2508 promoted Icola#8220 to race monitor.
- 19:09 Cubsrule21#2508 removes Icola#8220 from the race.
- 19:09 Icola: HashFrog
- 19:09 Cubsrule21: gogeta you on VC as well?
- 19:09 Icola: have fun trokals
- 19:09 Gogeta: Yep VC
- 19:09 Cubsrule21: woo my job is eary
- 19:09 Cubsrule21: will roll seed in 5 minutes
- 19:10 Gogeta: o/ ico
- 19:10 Cubsrule21: hop in VCs race2-1 and race2-2 when you get a chance :)
- 19:10 Kydams: Yep^!
- 19:13 Cyberion: just to be sure, you both have clean audio?
- 19:14 Kydams: Clean audio and custom music :)
- 19:14 Gogeta: Yup
- 19:15 Cubsrule21: !seed s6
- 19:15 RandoBot: Cubsrule21, here is your seed:
- 19:15 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 19:15 Cubsrule21: i apologize in advance for nothing (:
- 19:15 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 19:18 Gogeta: I'll take my chances with yours instead of Icola's garbage seeds Kappa
- 19:30 Cyberion: gl hf
- 19:30 Gogeta: gl hf
- 19:30 Kydams: glhf Gogeta
- 19:30 Gogeta#1793 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:30 Kydams#2321 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:30 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:30 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:30 Gogeta#1793 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:59:44!
- 22:30 Kydams: gg !
- 22:30 Gogeta: jpp
- 22:30 Gogeta: ggs
- 22:30 Kydams: pareil
- 22:30 Cubsrule21: GG!
- 22:30 Gogeta: gj Cubs
- 22:31 Cyberion: gg, want to join for interview when restream caught up?
- 22:31 Gogeta: you did meets my worst expectations lmao
- 22:31 Gogeta: yeah sure
- 22:31 Cubsrule21: i am to please (:
- 22:31 Gogeta: t'en es où Kydams ?
- 22:31 Kydams: je monte la tour
- 22:32 Gogeta: Ok
- 22:32 Gogeta: Il me restait que 50 skulls et cmg perso
- 22:32 Kydams: pareil x)
- 22:33 Kydams: last loc water
- 22:34 Kydams: t'avais farore en allant à gtg ?
- 22:34 Gogeta: Grosse seed lmao. Jetais bien pendant 1h30 et j'ai eu le rang tard
- 22:34 Gogeta: Ouais j'ai fait IC tôt pour avoir l'info. Donc après j'ai fait deku into puit
- 22:35 Kydams: Ouais tout pareil
- 22:35 Kydams: j'ai eu les iron Hf sud
- 22:35 Kydams: du coup je suis parti faire water et gtg avant puit et kak
- 22:35 Kydams: double drip gtg par le désert :/
- 22:35 Gogeta: J'ai eu les IB après GTG perso
- 22:35 Gogeta: Mais FW m'a aidé LUL
- 22:36 Kydams#2321 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:06:05!
- 22:36 Race finished in 3:06:05.8
- 22:36 Kydams: Je dois perdre un peu de temps là dessus
- 22:37 Kydams: j'suis allé au fire avant le water aussi :/
- 22:37 Cyberion: gg, are you also going to join interview?
- 22:37 Kydams: I'll skip the English one sorry :/
- 22:37 Cyberion: that's ok
- 22:38 Kydams: my English is not good enough for an interview after a seed like that x)
- 22:38 Cyberion: fair
- 22:39 Kydams: Thanks for the restream and Cubs for this great seed :D
- 22:40 Gogeta: ouais Fire avant Water c'était logique
- 22:40 Gogeta: je me suis fait avoir aussi
- 22:42 Kydams: 3 check a water normal en même temps ^^
- 22:43 Gogeta: ouais, j'étais content en faisant Dark Link, surtout que je me rappellais même plus si c'était une clé ou pas KEKW
- 22:45 Kydams: Je transpirais xD
- 22:45 Kydams: Si c'était pas là me restais que CMG
- 22:50 Cyberion: hop into waiting room
- 06:19 Race result recorded by Jimbo