
Ocarina of Time Randomizer OoTR Standard Ruleset S8 practice - start at xx:45 HashSkullToken HashLensOfTruth HashDekuNut HashBombchu HashCompass | Password: NoteA NoteCup NoteCleft NoteCdown NoteCright NoteCup https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1804290
Opened by
papy_grant #8513
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
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  1. 1st Charlesjarls #0800 Finished 28
  2. 2nd Susato #2100 more too many mistakes Finished 21
  3. 3rd ClasseDeManu #7521 Finished 93
  4. 4th Menou #8446 more rush 1st HS 40 and after c'est l'autoroute des vacances Finished 82
  5. 5th Incacola #4621 he / him more LESSON LEARNED: DONT METAGAME AND GO FIRE+ICE BEFORE GTG AND LOSE 18 MINUTES Finished 6
  6. 6th ggreencola #3293 he / him Finished 15
  7. 7th interloper #0934 he / him more moé Finished 722
  8. 8th TurtleBeard #5335 she / her Finished 378
  9. Machie #1863 he / him more je voulais un seed detente , pas cet immondice DNF DNF 46
  10. papy_grant #8513 he / him DNF DNF 26
  11. Tetsoya #1009 he / him DNF DNF 40
  12. Blueguy #5937 he / him DNF DNF 10
12 entrants (4 inactive)