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- 14:46 Mido: Welcome to the OoTR Random Settings League! Learn more at
- 14:48 sanzeau: j'suis en no mic
- 14:48 sanzeau: donc vous poiuvez prendre mon son
- 14:48 Garon: Parfait !
- 14:48 Blueguy: je serais en no mic aussi, si jamais je suis devant à ganon prendre mon son Kappa
- 14:48 WindAtomic#3032 accepts an invitation to join.
- 14:48 GreenPepperCH: Yo tlm
- 14:48 GreenPepperCH: GL HF
- 14:49 WindAtomic: Yo !
- 14:49 Kratyos: Hello les frenns ! GL à vous
- 14:49 sanzeau: ah non pas green
- 14:49 GreenPepperCH: frenn
- 14:49 sanzeau: le poahvre vert
- 14:49 Garon#5217 invites Kratyos#7542 to join the race.
- 14:50 Kratyos#7542 accepts an invitation to join.
- 14:50 Garon#5217 promoted WindAtomic#3032 to race monitor.
- 14:50 Garon#5217 removes WindAtomic#3032 from the race.
- 14:50 Garon#5217 invites WindAtomic#3032 to join the race.
- 14:50 Garon#5217 promoted Kratyos#7542 to race monitor.
- 14:50 Garon#5217 demoted WindAtomic#3032 from race monitor.
- 14:50 Garon#5217 removes Kratyos#7542 from the race.
- 14:50 Kratyos: non non je joue pas moi
- 14:50 Garon: oups
- 14:50 sanzeau: sisi viens
- 14:50 sanzeau: on s'amuse
- 14:50 Garon: Reviens wind !
- 14:50 sanzeau: ca va encore être une standart
- 14:50 WindAtomic#3032 accepts an invitation to join.
- 14:50 WindAtomic: xD
- 14:50 Blueguy: tensai ne commente pas, ça sera une baby seed :)
- 14:50 GreenPepperCH: !fpa on
- 14:50 Mido: Sorry GreenPepperCH, only race monitors can do that.
- 14:51 Garon: !fpa on
- 14:51 Mido: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 14:51 Garon: !breaks 5 every 2
- 14:51 Mido: Breaks set to 5 minutes every 2 hours.
- 14:56 sanzeau#6048 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 14:56 sanzeau: gl hf !
- 14:58 WindAtomic#3032 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 14:58 WindAtomic: GLHF ! :)
- 14:58 Blueguy: gl hf !
- 14:58 Blueguy#5937 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:00 Kratyos: glhf c parti
- 15:00 sanzeau: glhf !
- 15:00 Blueguy: gll
- 15:01 sanzeau: blue interdit de dire que tu vas perdre pendant les 5 premieres minutes SMOrc
- 15:01 WindAtomic: glhf !
- 15:01 sanzeau: t'es grand
- 15:01 Blueguy: KEKW t'inquiete,
- 15:01 sanzeau: blame la manette is ok
- 15:01 Kratyos: !ready
- 15:01 Mido: Sorry Kratyos, this command is only available for official races.
- 15:01 Blueguy: j'ai no mic donc on enendra rien :D
- 15:01 sanzeau: LUL
- 15:01 Blueguy: mdrrr
- 15:01 sanzeau: 15
- 15:01 sanzeau: 14
- 15:01 sanzeau: 13
- 15:01 Kratyos: oupsi
- 15:01 Garon: !ready
- 15:01 Mido: Sorry Garon, this command is only available for official races.
- 15:01 sanzeau: jpp
- 15:02 Kratyos#7542 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:02 sanzeau: ^pg
- 15:02 sanzeau: pog
- 15:02 Kratyos: aller hop
- 15:02 Garon: GLHF
- 15:02 Kratyos: gl à tous
- 15:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:57 Mido: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 17:02 Mido: @entrants Break time! Please pause for 5 minutes.
- 17:02 GreenPepperCH: Pause
- 17:07 Mido: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 18:57 Mido: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 19:02 Mido: @entrants Break time! Please pause for 5 minutes.
- 19:02 GreenPepperCH: pause
- 19:07 Mido: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 19:10 sanzeau: pire pause ... lul
- 19:10 sanzeau#6048 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:07:47!
- 19:10 sanzeau: gg
- 19:10 WindAtomic: gg
- 19:10 Kratyos: gg
- 19:10 Garon: GG
- 19:11 Blueguy: gg
- 19:11 Blueguy#5937 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:11 WindAtomic#3032 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:11 Race finished in 4:09:26.4
- 19:12 Garon: GG
- 19:12 Garon: Vous voulez passer pour l'itw ?
- 19:12 sanzeau: vasy *
- 19:12 sanzeau: j'fais ca vite
- 19:12 sanzeau: y a du monde chez moi
- 19:13 WindAtomic: J'ai trop faim et on m'a appeler il y a 1h déjà, déso
- 19:14 GreenPepperCH: gg à tous les trois
- 04:32 Race result recorded by Oakishi#1215