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- 19:00 Drooness: thanks for all the help
- 19:00 wyrm: ty
- 19:00 Icola: gl for metagame Sariasobject
- 19:00 Elagatua#6912 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 19:00 Kirito: np
- 19:00 Icola#8220 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 19:01 ksinjah#5722 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 19:01 KayzoBro: GL HF Everyone ! :)
- 19:01 huffpuff1337: gfhl :grimmbow:
- 19:01 RyuuKane: GLHF
- 19:01 Hellknight86#4990 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 19:01 LeviBelvedere: glhf
- 19:01 AlexanderHD: glhf
- 19:01 Rafa: GL HFFFFFUN
- 19:01 ScorpiosFinalGambit: GLHF YALL! :D
- 19:01 Cybrou: gl hf !
- 19:01 Cola: glhf all :)
- 19:01 alfalfa: gl hf!
- 19:01 ksinjah: glhf <3
- 19:01 MasterAleks: glhf
- 19:01 tanjo3: glhf
- 19:01 Narcottic: glhf
- 19:01 Koari: glhf
- 19:01 z3ph1r: glhf :)
- 19:01 Chuckles501: GLHF
- 19:01 Drooness: Reminder of force start at 3:05. If you're not ready you will be removed from the race.
- 19:01 Drooness: glhf
- 19:01 Gogeta: gl hf
- 19:01 Gogeta#1793 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:01 Tjongejonge_: GL HF
- 19:01 MisterKarp: glhf
- 19:01 Tjongejonge_: gl and no fun allowed
- 19:01 Alexis: GLHF
- 19:01 Alexis#1759 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:01 z3ph1r: thats my secret TJ
- 19:01 z3ph1r: i never have fun
- 19:02 WoodenBarrel#8485 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:05 Alexis#1759 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:02:43!
- 21:07 Sponge#9355 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:10 Elagatua#6912 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:07:41!
- 21:15 Cola#5395 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:12:59!
- 21:18 Exodus#5327 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:15:48!
- 21:22 Ryuja#6053 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:20:02!
- 21:23 Ryuja#6053 added a comment.
- 21:25 wyrm#5317 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:22:44!
- 21:27 docheaps#0190 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:24:56!
- 21:27 docheaps#0190 added a comment.
- 21:29 KayzoBro#2388 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:26:53!
- 21:31 WoodenBarrel#8485 has finished in 9th place with a time of 2:28:58!
- 21:31 Icola#8220 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:29:18!
- 21:31 RyuuKane#3246 has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:29:24!
- 21:31 Icola#8220 added a comment.
- 21:31 Engel#2700 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:29:36!
- 21:32 MisterKarp#9404 has finished in 13th place with a time of 2:29:54!
- 21:32 RyuuKane#3246 added a comment.
- 21:32 KayzoBro#2388 added a comment.
- 21:32 MisterKarp#9404 added a comment.
- 21:33 Alexis#1759 added a comment.
- 21:34 SariasObject#3370 has finished in 14th place with a time of 2:32:17!
- 21:35 HasCoffee#9717 has finished in 15th place with a time of 2:33:34!
- 21:38 Koari#3085 has finished in 16th place with a time of 2:36:27!
- 21:39 Gogeta#1793 has finished in 17th place with a time of 2:36:43!
- 21:39 Koari#3085 added a comment.
- 21:39 tanjo3 has finished in 18th place with a time of 2:36:50!
- 21:39 Gogeta#1793 added a comment.
- 21:39 Rafa#9983 has finished in 19th place with a time of 2:37:05!
- 21:41 MasterAleks#1550 has finished in 20th place with a time of 2:39:30!
- 21:42 Chuckles501#5294 has finished in 21st place with a time of 2:40:36!
- 21:42 alfalfa#3653 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 2:40:36!
- 21:47 Arn0#3646 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 2:45:14!
- 21:48 ksinjah#5722 has finished in 24th place with a time of 2:45:56!
- 21:48 Tjongejonge_#3520 has finished in 25th place with a time of 2:46:35!
- 21:50 drooness has finished in 26th place with a time of 2:48:17!
- 21:52 AlexanderHD#8749 has finished in 27th place with a time of 2:50:02!
- 21:52 Narcottic#4889 has finished in 28th place with a time of 2:50:33!
- 21:53 z3ph1r#5399 has finished in 29th place with a time of 2:50:48!
- 21:55 Braaks#4674 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:57 Cybrou#8097 has finished in 30th place with a time of 2:55:24!
- 21:59 LeviBelvedere#9247 has finished in 31st place with a time of 2:56:50!
- 22:09 Synii#6419 has finished in 32nd place with a time of 3:07:11!
- 22:10 Hellknight86#4990 has finished in 33rd place with a time of 3:08:04!
- 22:12 Kaede Rukawa#4676 has finished in 34th place with a time of 3:10:07!
- 22:14 ALPHAMARIOX#7392 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:19 nozzly#5366 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:21 huffpuff1337#4259 has finished in 35th place with a time of 3:18:53!
- 22:48 ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997 has finished in 36th place with a time of 3:45:41!
- 22:54 azder#4580 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:54 Race finished in 3:52:35.1
- 23:00 alfalfa: !log
- 23:00 alfalfa: !chat
- 23:00 alfalfa: !chatlog
- 16:25 Race result recorded by Goomba#5087